Logotipo NIPE



Daiane GotardoJefferson StadutoRosangela Maria PontiliPaulo Mourão

Industrial dynamics in Brazilian mesoregions: The relevance of technological intensity

Review of Regional Research
Viktor ForsströmKarl LindRicardo SousaGazi Salah UddinRanadeva Jayasekera

Making sense of uncertainty: An application to the Scandinavian banking sector

International Journal of Finance and Economics
Maria Teresa HeathSamanthika GallageAndreas ChatzidakisMartina Hutton

Dilemmas of Care (Re) Allocation: Care and Consumption in Pandemic Times

Journal of Business Ethics
Paulo RitaWajdy OmranRicardo F. RamosTânia Costa

Exploring the Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing: A Topic Modelling Analysis

Tourism & Management Studies, 21(1), 39-55

Drivers’ moves in Formula One Economics: A network analysis since 2000

Sport TK: Revista Euroamericana de Ciencias del Deporte, 13
Rabin K. JanaIndranil Ghosh Fredj JawadiGazi Salah UddinRicardo Sousa

COVID-19 news and the US equity market interactions: An inspection through econometric and machine learning lens

Annals of Operations Research

Trade Credit and Corporate Profitability: Evidence from EU-based SMEs

Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 36(1), 81-92
Kurt R. BrekkeDag Morten DalenOdd Rune Straume

Competing with precision: incentives for developing predictive biomarker tests

(2024) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 126(1), 60–97
Kurt R. BrekkeLuigi Siciliani Odd Rune Straume

Competition, quality and integrated health care

(2024) Journal of Health Economics, 95(102880),
Eslam ThabetNazaré RegoArnt Buvik

Antecedents of hidden action problems in the Egyptian automobile insurance market: buyer-supplier relationship perspective

(2024) International Journal of Procurement Management, 20(3), 302-330

Building meanings through annual reports

(2024) Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion, 37(1), 147-169
Selma Kadić-MaglajlićCristiana LagesMohamed Sobhy Temerak

Dual perspective on the role of xenophobia in service sabotage

(2024) Tourism Management, 101
Tanveer HussainLawrence KryzanowskiGilberto LoureiroMuhammad Sufyan

Enhancing corporate governance quality through mergers and acquisitions

(2024) Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 35(2), 465-500
Maria SarmentoCláudia SimõesLuís Filipe Lages

From organizational ambidexterity to organizational performance: The mediating role of value co-creation

(2024) Industrial Marketing Management, 118 175-188
Marcelo SantosMarta SimõesSílvia Sousa

Health human capital formation in the OECD: Exploring the role of welfare state composition

(2024) Economics and Politics, 36(1), 580-610
Luiz César Fernandes da SilvaPaulo Mourão

Integrating Latin America into the Global Economy: Strategies for Regional Economic Development

(2024) IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 15(1), 126-133
Filipe SardoZélia SerrasqueiroManuel Rocha Armada

Is the zero-leverage policy a persistent phenomenon? Evidence from Portuguese SMEs

(2024) Research in International Business and Finance, 69
Ahmed H. ElsayedKazi SohagRicardo Sousa

Oil shocks and financial stability in MENA countries

(2024) Resources Policy, 89
Matheus G. TardinMarcelo G. PerinCláudia SimõesLuiza D. Braga

Organizational Sustainability Orientation: A Review

(2024) Organization and Environment, 37(2), 298-324
Marco Antonio Catussi PaschoalottoJoana CimaEduardo CostaSara Valente de AlmeidaJoana Gomes da CostaJoão Vasco SantosClaudia Souza PassadorJoão Luiz PassadorPedro Pita Barros

Politics and confidence toward the COVID-19 vaccination: A Brazilian cross-sectional study

(2024) Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 20(1),
Gina Gaio SantosJosé Carlos PinhoAna Paula FerreiraMárcia Vieira

Psychological contract breach and organizational citizenship behaviours: the moderating role of contract type

(2024) Management Research Review, 47(1), 18-44
Senay SadicEmre DemirJosé António Crispim

Towards a connected world: Collaborative networks as a tool to accomplish the SDGs

(2024) Journal of Cleaner Production, 462(142726),
Shawkat HammoudehDuc Khuong NguyenRicardo Sousa

China’s monetary policy framework and global commodity prices

(2024) Energy Economics, 138 107767
Wesley Mendes-Da-SilvaIsrael FelipeCristiana Cerqueira LealMarcelo Otone Aguiard

How the tone of mass media news affects pledge amounts in reward crowdfunding campaigns

(2024) Journal of Small Business Management , 62(1), 254–282
Sara Machado Ana MouraFrancisca Vargas LopesDiogo MarquesLuís Sá

A health system assessment approach to analysis of political parties’ health proposals, Portugal

(2024) Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 102(11), 820-827
Rania B. MostafaCristiana Lages Ahmed Shaalan

The dark side of virtual agents: Ohhh no!

(2024) International Journal of Information Management, 75 102721
Pedro RodriguesWadjy Omran

From Virtual to Real – Analysis of the Mercado dos Lavradores (Farmer’s Market)

European Review of Business Economics, IV(1), 1-27
Wajdy OmranRicardo F. RamosBeatriz Casais

Virtual reality and augmented reality applications and their effect on tourist engagement: a hybrid review

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 15(4), 497-518

Partisan politics in Portugal

CESifo Economic Studies, 70(2), 193-215
Ahmed H. ElsayedRicardo Sousa

International monetary policy and cryptocurrency markets: dynamic and spillover effects

(2024) The European Journal of Finance, 30(16), 1855–1875
Hugo Campos-RomeroPaulo MourãoÓscar Rodil-Marzábal

Is there a pollution haven in European Union global value chain participation?

(2024) Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26(9), 22499–22523
Jesús F. LampónHugo Pérez-MoureFrancisco Carballo CruzM. Elena Velando-Rodríguez

New mobility technologies and regional status in the automotive industry value chain: The case of Spain and Portugal

(2024) Technology in Society, 78(102624),

Exploring determinants of international transfers of women soccer players in Portuguese football

(2024) International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 19(1), 152 - 161
Maria Teresa HeathCaroline Tynan

“We want your soul”: re-imagining marketing education through the arts

(2023) European Journal of Marketing, 57(10), 2808-2837
Mauro CostantiniAhmad MaaitahTapas MishraRicardo Sousa

Bitcoin market networks and cyberattacks

(2023) Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 630
Rodrigo Abbade da SilvaJunior Newton da CostaPedro PiccoliManuel Rocha Armada

Capital gains overhang and irrelevant value characteristics of Brazilian companies

(2023) Contaduria y Administracion, 68(4), 287-316
Maria Teresa HeathMona MoufahimLisa O’Malley

Critical and creative marketing pedagogies: confronting rhetoric, addressing inequality, inspiring change

(2023) Journal of Marketing Management, 39(1-2), 1-7
Sara AlvesJoão Cavaleiro RufoJosé António Crispim

Economic evaluation of biological treatments in patients with severe asthma: a systematic review

(2023) Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 23(7), 733-747
Elisangela AraujoEliane de AraújoMateus Ribeiro R. da FonsecaPaulo Mourão

External shocks and monetary policy under the inflation targeting regime (ITR): an analysis of the determinants of inflation for the period 2000-2021

(2023) PSL Quarterly Review, 76(306), 293-311
João Vasco SantosJoana Gomes da CostaEduardo CostaSara AlmeidaJoana CimaPedro Pita-Barros

Factors associated with non-pharmaceutical interventions compliance during COVID-19 pandemic: a Portuguese cross-sectional survey

(2023) Journal of Public Health (United Kingdom), 45(1), 47-56
Ines Branco-IllodoMaria Teresa HeathCaroline Tynan

Gifts to whom? Towards a network view of gift receivers

(2023) European Journal of Marketing, 57(10), 2860-2892
Paulo MourãoIrina Alina Popescu

Investment, growth and competitiveness: The multiplier-accelerator in the 21st century

(2023) Journal of Competitiveness, 15(3), 60-78
António F. TavaresPedro J. CamõesJoão Martins

Joining the open government partnership initiative: An empirical analysis of diffusion effects

(2023) Government Information Quarterly, 40(2),
Marina FlorêncioLídia OliveiraHelena Costa Oliveira

Management Control Systems and the Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals into Business Models

(2023) Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(3),
Lídia OliveiraAna CariaHelena Costa OliveiraJanaína Almeida

Managing Brazil’s participation in the 1970 football World Cup: meaning in the service of power

(2023) Management and Organizational History, 18(3-4), 244-273
Elmar LukasPaulo J. PereiraArtur Rodrigues

On the determinants of the dynamic choice between mergers and tender offers

(2023) Journal of Corporate Finance, 83
Marco Antonio Catussi PaschoalottoEduardo Polena Pacheco Araújo CostaSara Valente de AlmeidaJoana CimaJoana Gomes da CostaJoão Vasco SantosClaudia Souza PassadorJoão Luiz PassadorPedro Pita Barros

Perceptions of institutional performance and compliance to non-pharmaceutical interventions: How performance perceptions and policy compliance affect public health in a decentralized health system

(2023) PLoS ONE, 18(5 May),

Risk Management in the Clinical Pathology Laboratory: A Bayesian Network Approach

(2023) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 717 LNNS 214-223
Mona MoufahimMaria Teresa HeathLisa O’MalleyKatherine CaseyJanice Denegri-KnottAlev KuruogluIsmini PavlopoulouAnuja Pradhan

Teaching note–Critical pedagogies: practical examples from the marketing classroom

(2023) Journal of Marketing Management, 39(1-2), 149-165
Lídia OliveiraJanaína AlmeidaAna Caria

The environment in petrobrás magazine (1961-1979): Meaning mobilized by corporate discourse

(2023) Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios, 25(1), 52-71
Paulo MourãoMihaela BronićBranko Stanić

The Impact of Local Governments’ Budget Transparency on Debt in Croatia

(2023) South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 18(2), 21-33
Dirk EngelmannJeff FrankAlexander K. KochMarieta Valente

Second-chance offers and buyer reputation systems: theory and evidence on auctions with default

(2023) RAND Journal of Economics, 54(3), 484-511
Tânia Menezes Montenegro Pedro Meira Sónia Silva

The investors’ prospects on mandatory auditor rotation: evidence from Euronext Lisbon

Quantitative Finance and Economics, 7(3), 440-462
Alexandra FigueiraTeresa RuãoPaulo Mourão


(2023) Cooperativismo e Economia Social, 2023(44), 155-176

The Phillips curve at 65: Time for time and frequency

(2023) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 151 104620
Alexandra FigueiraTeresa RuãoPaulo Mourão

Criar pontes entre o solidário e o mercantil: Riscos e benefícios de um trabalho colaborativo.

(2023) Cooperativismo e Economia Social, 44 155-176
Anthony MacedoMarta Ferreira DiasPaulo Mourão

European Men’s Club Football in the Eyes of Consumers: The Determinants of Television Broadcast Demand

(2023) Journal of Sports Economics, 24(5), 579–623
Cristiana LagesRodrigo Perez-VegaSelma Kadić-MaglajlićNiloofar Borghei Razavi

A systematic review and bibliometric analysis of the dark side of customer behavior: An integrative customer incivility framework

(2023) Journal of Business Research, 161(113779),
Darren KelseyNatalia YannopoulouAndrea WhittleMaria Teresa HeathArtyom GolossenkoAna Maria Soares

The (army) hero with a thousand faces: A discourse-mythological approach to theorising archetypal blending in contemporary advertising

(2023) Marketing Theory, 23(1), 141–162
Izabel FaustinoKaty MaiaMagno Rogério GomesPaulo MourãoElisangela Araújo

Decomposing wage differences in Brazilian regions: a revised insight about traditional discrimination

(2023) International Journal of Social Economics, 50(1), 1-19
Joanna Maria StawskaPaulo Mourão

Fiscal and monetary interactions in the European countries: panel data analysis

(2023) Applied Economics , 55(5), 562-576
João JerónimoJosé AssisPedro NevesMaria João Thompson

Interactions between Financial Constraints and Economic Growth

(2023) North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 67
Kurt R. BrekkeDag Morten DalenOdd Rune Straume

The price of cost-effectiveness thresholds under therapeutic competition in pharmaceutical markets

(2023) Journal of Health Economics, 90(102778),

A quest between fiscal and market discipline

(2023) Economic Modelling, 119 106119

Economic forecasts and executive approval

(2023) Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 34(4), 643–655
Luís André RochaNazaré Rego

Reorganisation of the internal storage and distribution logistics in a hospital

(2023) Procedia Computer Science, 219 1357-1364
Magno Rogerio GomesMarina Silva da CunhaSolange Cassia Inforzato de SouzaPaulo Mourão

Reproduction of Parental Occupations, Income and Poverty in Brazil

(2023) Social Indicators Research, 167 339–362
Márcio Ribeiro MartinsPaulo MourãoRui Augusto da Costa

Backpackers’ Order and Visit Length in an Urban World Heritage Destination: an Analysis Using Ordered Logit and Linear Models

(2023) Tourism Review International, 27(1), 69-86
Maria Irene FalcãoFernando MirandaRicardo SeverinoMaria Joana Soares

Dynamics of the coquaternionic maps x2 + bx

(2023) Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2, 72(2), 959-975
Mohamed Sobhy TemerakRuby Wenjiao ZhangCristiana Lages

Observing customer stress and engagement: An intercultural perspective

(2023) Psychology & Marketing , 40(5), 910-925
Paulo MourãoMihaela BronicBranko Stanic

Budget transparency, revenues and debts among local governments in Croatia

(2023) South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 18(2), 21–33
Paulo RitaVasco EirizBeatriz Conde

The role of information for the customer journey in mobile food ordering apps

(2023) Journal of Services Marketing
Robert F. EngleSusana Campos-Martins

What are the events that shake our world? Measuring and hedging global COVOL

(2023) Journal of Financial Economics, 147(1), 221–242
Rui Silva‪Margarida RodriguesMário FrancoCidália OliveiraNuno Sousa

How do social responsibility and social entrepreneurship generate value creation in pandemics?

(2023) Journal of Enterprising Communities, 17(2), 305–333
Tarek FatouhNazaré Rego

Shipbuilding Engineer-To-Order Supply Chain: a Systematic Literature Review

(2023) Procedia Computer Science, 219 1868-1876
Tatiane PelegriniCarla SáMarco Tulio Aniceto Franca

Factors associated with the mobility of college students in Brazil: an analysis using a gravity model

(2023) Higher Education, 85(1), 203-223
Thaer AlhalabiVitor CastroJustine Wood

The Relationship between Excessive Lending, Risk Premium and Risk-Taking: Evidence from European Banks

(2023) International Journal of Finance and Economics, 28(1), 448-471
Odd Rune StraumeBjørn Olav JohansenTommy Staahl Gabrielsen

National pricing with local quality competition

(2023) Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 32 48-74
Xue WangFrank BohnFrancisco Veiga

When do more selfish politicians manipulate less, not more?

(2023) European Journal of Political Economy, 75 102320
Manuel CunhaDelfina GomesAna CariaCarlos MenezesJoão Leite Ribeiro

Accounting in the context of war: The Portuguese case of the ‘Guerra do Ultramar’ (1961–1974)

(2022) Accounting History, 27(1), 41-74
Oscarina ConceiçaoAna Paula FariaC. Sofia Machado

Duration models: Determinants of research-based spin-offs survival

(2022) Procedia Computer Science, 204 922-929
Filipe SardoZélia SerrasqueiroElisabete VieiraManuel Rocha Armada

Is financial distress risk important for manufacturing SMEs to rebalance the short-term debt ratio?

(2022) Journal of Risk Finance, 23(5), 516-534
Cristiana Cerqueira LealInes Branco-IllodoBenilde M.Do Nascimento OliveiraLuisa Esteban-Salvador

Nudging and Choice Architecture: Perspectives and Challenges

(2022) Revista de Administracao Contemporanea, 26(5), e220098
Luís F. CostaDaniel DiasSteffen HoernigMiguel PortelaPaulo Rodrigues

Special issue: 20th anniversary of the Portuguese Economic Journal. Editors’ introduction

(2022) Portuguese Economic Journal, 21(3), 267-269
Elisabete SáAna CarvalhoJoaquim SilvaArash Rezazadeh

A Delphi study of business models for cycling urban mobility platforms

(2022) Research in Transportation Business and Management, 45(100907),
Sónia SilvaArmando SilvaRicardo Bahia Machado

Does board-level employee representation impact firms’ value? Evidence from the European countries

Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 30(4), 465-488
Alexandros Fakos Plutarchos Sakellaris Tiago Tavares

Investment slumps during financial crises: The real effects of credit supply

Journal of Financial Economics, 145(1), 29-44
Rosa Branca Esteves Qihong Liu Jie Shuai

Behavior-based price discrimination with nonuniform distribution of consumer preferences

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 31(2), 324-355
Nadia Benbouzid Abhishek Kumar Sushanta K. MallickRicardo SousaAleksandar Stojanovic

Bank credit risk and macro-prudential policies: Role of counter-cyclical capital buffer

Journal of Financial Stability, 63 101084
Anabela BotelhoGlenn HarrisonLígia PintoDon RossElisabet Rütstrom

Endogenous choice of institutional punishment mechanisms to promote social cooperation

(2022) Public Choice, 191(3-4), 309-335
Angélica VasconcelosAlan SangsterLúcia Lima Rodrigues

Avoiding Whig interpretations in historical research: an illustrative case study

(2022) Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 35(6), 1402 - 1430
Anthony MacedoMarta Ferreira DiasPaulo Mourão

A literature review on the European Super League of football–tracing the discussion of a utopia?

(2022) International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics , 14(3), 563-579
Anthony MacedoMarta Ferreira DiasPaulo Mourão

A bibliometric study of the European Super League of football–A new plan or an old threat?

(2022) Soccer & Society, 23(8), 1097-1117
Bruno Blanco-VarelaMaría Quintas-PérezMaría Carmen Sánchez-CarreiraPaulo Mourão

Covid and Public Funds: More Opportunities for a Misuse? The Case of the Intermediate Governments of Galicia

(2022) Public Organization Review, 22 505-526
Carlos PimentaPaula RemoaldoJosé Cadima RibeiroSamanta Borges Pereira

DESENVOLVIMENTO, ECONOMIA E TURISMO: Diálogos entre o Sul de Minas Gerais (Brasil) e o Minho (Portugal)

(2022) Gestão & Regionalidade, 38(115),
Rui SilvaCidália OliveiraCarmem Leal


(2022) Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 28(1), 1-19
Dean PaxsonPaulo J.PereiraArtur Rodrigues

Investment timing, capacity choice and optimal floors and ceilings

(2022) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 139 104430
Débora Regina Schneider LocatelliPaulo Mourão

Why Are They Here? The Intentions of Brazilian Exhibitor at Business Fairs

(2022) Revista Administração Em Diálogo - RAD, 24(1), 76–95
Carla SáDiogo Lourenço

Estimating the effect of distance on the migration of higher education candidates

(2022) The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 22(4), 739-761
Elisabete SáMinoo FarhangmehrJosé Carlos Pinho

Marketing decisions and implementation process for entrepreneurial and managerial practices: a critical incident technique approach

(2022) Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 24(2), 221 - 241

The political economy of productivity growth

(2022) European Journal of Political Economy
Fernando Henrique TaquesNelson ArealLeonardo Fernando Cruz Basso

Benefits on Sales Generated by Innovation

(2022) International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 19(1),
Manuel Rocha ArmadaZelia SerrasqueiroFilipe Sardo

The importance of owner loans for rebalancing the capital structure of small knowledge-intensive service firms

(2022) Research in International Business and Finance, 61 101657
Francesco PirasAfef ZanzanaLígia PintoBeatrice FioreMartina Venturi

The role of the jessour system for agrobiodiversity preservation in Southern Tunisia

(2022) Biodiversity and Conservation , 31 2479–2494
George SaridakisPriscila FerreiraAnne-Marie MohammedSusan Marlow

The relationship between gender and promotion over the business cycle: Does firm size matter?

(2022) British Journal of Management 806-827
Hesham FouadNazaré Rego

Centrality Measures in Supply Chain Management Research

(2022) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(10), 2085-2090
Hussein Magdy ElhusseinyJosé António Crispim

SMEs, Barriers and Opportunities on adopting Industry 4.0: A Review

(2022) Procedia Computer Science, 196 864-871
Israel Santos FelipeWesley Mendes-Da-SilvaDanilo Brown dos SantosCristiana Cerqueira Leal

Reward crowdfunding campaigns: Time-to-success analysis

(2022) Journal of Business Research, 138 214-228
Joana CimaAna Catarina PimentaMiguel PortelaMarta Silva

Workforce skills and firm productivity

(2022) Banco de Portugal Economic Studies, 8(8), 77-99
Miguel AraújoJoão A. SantosJoana R. VicenteEva PintoHélder José Chaves FragaAngela LombaJoão F. GonçalvesAndré FonsecaCláudia Carvalho-SantosManuela AlvesAna Sofia VazJoão CerejeiraRita Sousa

On the development of a regional climate change adaptation plan: Integrating model-assisted projections and stakeholders’ perceptions

(2022) Science of the Total Environment, 805 1-14

Digital government as a business facilitator

(2022) Information Economics and Policy, 60(100990),
João S. OliveiraKemefasu IfieMartin SykoraEleni TsougkouVitor CastroSuzanne Elayan

The effect of emotional positivity of brand-generated social media messages on consumer attention and information sharing

(2022) Journal of Business Research, 140 49–61
Odd Rune StraumeDag Morten DalenKurt Brekke

Paying for pharmaceuticals: uniform pricing versus two-part tariffs

(2022) Journal of Health Economics, 83(May 2022), Article 102613
Laura Cordero PáezJosé Carlos PinhoChristiane Prange

Dynamic capabilities configurations: the firm lifecycle and the interplay of DC dimensions

(2022) International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research

On the international co-movement of natural interest rates

(2022) Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 80 101610
Lúcia Lima RodriguesRussell Craig

Using historical institutional analysis of corporatism to understand the professionalization of accounting in Latin America

(2022) Accounting, Organizations and Society, 97 101330
Alberto SardinhaArtur RodriguesLuciana Barbosa

Optimal price subsidies under uncertainty

(2022) European Journal of Operational Research, 303(1), 471-479
Magno Rogério GomesMarina Silva da CunhaSolange SouzaPaulo Mourão

About sad legacies: a study of the intergenerational occupational legacy in Brazil

(2022) International Journal of Manpower, 42(4), 702-731
Thomas RenaultMatthieu PicaultJulien Pinter

Media sentiment on monetary policy: Determinants and relevance for inflation expectations

(2022) Journal of International Money and Finance, 124 102626
Ricardo SousaMauro Costantini

What uncertainty does to euro area sovereign bond markets: Flight to safety and flight to quality

(2022) Journal of International Money and Finance, 122 102574
Miguel A. FonsecaRicardo GonçalvesJoana PinhoGiovanni A.Tabacco

How do antitrust regimes impact on cartel formation and managers’ labor market? An experiment

(2022) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 204 643-662
Cristiana LagesNicholas AshillNeeru MalhotraAmir Homayounfard

Understanding the role of frontline employee felt obligation in services

(2022) The Service Industries Journal, 42(11-12), 843-871
Helena AlvesNuno Tiago Cláudio Leitão BaptistaJosé Carlos Pinho

Uncovering the Use of the Social Support Concept in Social Marketing Interventions for Health

(2022) Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 34(1), 1-35
Helena AlvesJosé Carlos PinhoNuno Tiago Cláudio Leitão Baptista

Social Marketing and Online Social Support Structure in Contexts of Treatment Uncertainty

(2022) Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 34(3), 311-350
Orlanda TavaresCristina SinCarla SáSylwia BuglaAlberto Amaral

Inbreeding and research collaborations in Portuguese higher education

(2022) Higher Education Quarterly, 76(1), 102-115
Óscar Rodil-MarzábalMaría del Carmen Sánchez-CarreiraPaulo MourãoMarta Gancarczyk

Euroregions in Perspective: Old Issues and New Challenges for Cooperation

(2022) Revista Galega de Economía, 31(2), 1-6
Paulo MourãoJoão Pedro Baptista

Presidents’ discourses: Lags, leads or mere words?

(2022) Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 80 313-346
Paulo PeixotoVítor João Pereira Domingues MartinhoPaulo Mourão

Corruption and Inflation in Agricultural Production: The Problem of the Chicken and the Egg

(2022) Journal of Economic Structures, 11(9), 9
Paulo Soares EstevesMiguel PortelaAntónio Rua

Does domestic demand matter for firms’ exports?

(2022) Open Economies Review, 33 311–332
Pedro N. TeixeiraPedro Luís SilvaRicardo BiscaiaCarla Sá

Competition and diversification in higher education: Analysing impacts on access and equity in the case of Portugal

(2022) European Journal of Education, 57 235-254
Refk SelmiShawkat HammoudehKamal KasmaouiRicardo SousaYoussef Errami

The dual shocks of the COVID-19 and the oil price collapse: A spark or a setback for the circular economy?

(2022) Energy Economics, 109 105913

Personalized pricing with a price sensitive demand

(2022) Economics Letters, 213 110396
Rosa Branca EstevesQihong LiuJie Shuai

Behavior‐based price discrimination with nonuniform distribution of consumer preferences

(2022) Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 31(2), 324 - 355
Rose C. LiaoGilberto LoureiroAlvaro G. Taboada

Gender Quotas and Bank Risk

(2022) Journal of Financial Intermediation(9), 100998
Shawkat HammoudehGazi SalahRicardo SousaChristoffer WadströmRubaiya Sharmi

Do pandemic, trade policy and world uncertainties affect oil price returns?

(2022) Resources Policy, 77 102705

Financial market linkages and the sovereign debt crisis

(2022) Journal of International Money and Finance, 123 102596
Gilberto LoureiroTanveer Hussain

Portability of firm corporate governance in mergers and acquisitions

(2022) Research in International Business and Finance, 63 101777
Thanh Cong NguyenVitor CastroJustine Wood

Political economy of financial crisis duration

(2022) Public Choice, 192(3-4), 309–330
Thanh Cong NguyenVitor CastroJustine Wood

A new comprehensive database of financial crises: Identification, frequency, and duration

(2022) Economic Modelling(108), 105770
Vítor MartinhoPaulo MourãoNikolaos Georgantzis

Efficiency of the European Union farm types: Scenarios with and without the 2013 CAP measures

(2022) Open Agriculture, 7(1), 93-111

Investment and quality competition in health care markets

(2022) Journal of Health Economics, 82 102588
Marco Antonio Catussi PaschoalottoEduardo Polena Pacheco Araújo CostaSara Valente De AlmeidaJoana CimaJoana Gomes da CostaJoão Vasco SantosPedro Pita BarrosClaudia Souza PassadorJoão Luiz Passador

Running away from the jab: factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Brazil

(2021) Revista de Saude Publica, 55

Tourism pulling factors in northern Portugal: An exploratory approach

(2021) Journal of Tourism and Development, 2021(35), 53-75
Ad de JongJeroen J.L. SchepersCristiana LagesSelma Kadić-Maglajlić

The role of the service manager’s perceived career success in frontline employees’ learning processes and service improvement

(2021) Journal of Business Research, 134 601-617
Ricardo SousaShawkat HammoudehAhmed H. Elsayed

Inflation synchronization among the G7and China: The important role of oil inflation

(2021) Energy Economics, 100 105332
Lúcia Lima RodriguesAldina Santos

Banks and Climate-Related Information: The Case of Portugal

(2021) Sustainability, 13(21), 12215
Priscila FerreiraAna Fernandes

Executives’ gender pay gap and financing constraints

(2021) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 192 381-404
Ana Cristina SilvaElisabete SáJoaquim SilvaJosé Carlos Pinho

Dance is for all: A social marketing intervention with children and adolescents to reduce prejudice towards boys who dance

(2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 6861
Adriana SilvaLúcia Lima RodriguesSusana Jorge

Enforcement and accounting quality in the context of IFRS: is there a gap in the literature?

(2021) International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 29(3), 345-367
Antonio SanvicenteEduardo Kazuo KayoManuel Rocha ArmadaWilson Nakamura

New studies and research results on governance and finance in the Brazilian and Latin America contexts

(2021) Revista de Administracao Mackenzie, 21(6), ERAMD200301

Fatores de atração do turismo no Norte de Portugal: uma abordagem exploratória

(2021) Revista de Turismo e Desenvolvimento(35), 53-75
Lina Lourenço-GomesLígia PintoCarla Ferreira

Effect of region of origin on willingness to pay for wine: an experimental auction

(2021) Applied Economics, 53(32), 3715-3729
Carla FerreiraLina Lourenço-GomesLígia Pinto

Region of origin and consumers’ quality perception of wine: an assimilation-contrast approach

(2021) Wine Economics and Policy(1), 57-71
Paula RemoaldoJosé Cadima RibeiroCarlos Pimenta

Creative Tourism and Regional Development: a bibliometric survey of the literature available in two scientific literature databases

(2021) Revista Brasileira de Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional, 17(2), 290-301
Cidália OliveiraAmaia OliveiraFijałkowskaRui Silva

Implementation of Balanced Scorecard: Case study of a Portuguese higher education institution

(2021) Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 26(1), 169-188
António PinhoCarmen Teresa Pereira LealCidália Oliveira

Existing Differences Between SMEs That Apply BSC and Those That Do Not

(2021) Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, 45(2), 375-397
Cidália OliveiraGonçalo Vieira CastroCarmem LealRui Silva

The Implementation of an Online Ticket Platform as a Cultural Management Strategy

(2021) Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 58 17-28
Cristiane CantonMateus MüllerTarcísio Pedro da SilvaManuel Rocha Armada

Dificultad financiera y rendimiento de mercado de organizaciones latinoamericanas

(2021) Revista Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 29(1), 11–26
David Roberto Patiño-DomínguezNadja OliveiraPaulo Mourão

Cointegrated land use and CO2 emissions-the silent Columbian cattle revolution

(2021) Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(9), 11030-11039
Priscila FerreiraDudley CookeAna Fernandes

Entry deregulation, firm organization, and wage inequality

(2021) International Journal of Industrial Organization, 77 102763
Élia MarquesMaria Cristina ChavesLígia Pinto

Biophysical and monetary quantification of ecosystem services in a mountain region: the case of avoided soil erosion

(2021) Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23 11382–11405
Fernando Henrique TaquesManuel LópezNelson ArealLeandro Cruz Basso

Indicators used to measure service innovation and manufacturing innovation

(2021) Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 6(1), 11-26

Political forecast cycles

(2021) European Journal of Political Economy, 66 101934
Guillermo BadíaLuis FerruzMaria Céu Cortez

The performance of social responsible investing from retail investors’ perspective: international evidence

(2021) International Journal of Finance and Economics, 26(4), 6074-6088

Ageing (un)equally and (un)healthily: On the health status of Portuguese people aged 50+

(2021) Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 20(1-2), 45 - 64
Jing JinRose LiaoGilberto Loureiro

The diverse effects of currency crises on multinational and local firms: The use of foreign currency debt

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Miguel A. FonsecaJingnan (Cecilia)ChenShaun B. Grimshaw

When a nudge is (not) enough: Experiments on social information and incentives

(2021) European Economic Review, 134 1-17
João MartinsHamed Al-Shekaili

Internet and Online Governmental Services Use Divide: Evidence From Oman

(2021) Social Science Computer Review, 39(3), 469 - 480
José Carlos AlexandreLuís Aguiar-Conraria

Opinion expression on hazing: has the Spiral of Silence reached the Portuguese higher education?

(2021) Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45(10), 1325-1341
Mónica LuízioJoão LopesLuís FarinhaSónia SilvaJosé Oliveira

Orchestrating entrepreneurial ecosystems in circular economy: the new paradigm of sustainable competitiveness

(2021) Management of Environmental Quality(1), 103-123
José FigueiredoVasco Eiriz

Fragrances’ luxury brand extension: consumer behaviour and influences

(2021) EuroMed Journal of Business, 16(2), 241-258
Artur RodriguesPaulo Jorge PereiraJosé Lacerda

Toehold acquisitions as option games

(2021) Economics Letters, 209 110093
Rui SilvaMaria do Céu Alves‪Margarida RodriguesVera ValeCidália OliveiraJosé Vale

Control in Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationships: a Case Study Focused on Expatriate and Managers Perspectives

(2021) Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 20(6), 1-16
Kjell LommerudFrode MelandOdd Rune Straume

International outsourcing and trade union (de-)centralisation

(2021) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 187 76-91
Kurt BrekkeChiara CantaLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Hospital competition in a national health service: Evidence from a patient choice reform

(2021) Journal of Health Economics, 79 102509

Explaining the social acceptance of renewables through location-related factors: An application to the portuguese case

(2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 1-13

On the duration of sovereign ratings cycle phases

(2021) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 182 512-526
Josir Simeone GomesLúcia Lima RodriguesLuciano Sá

Comportamento estratégico e gerenciamento de resultados: evidências da Europa

(2021) Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 23(4), 714-727
Francisco VeigaMamadou Boukari

Fiscal forecast manipulations and electoral results: evidence from Portuguese municipalities

(2021) Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, 36(2), 115-138
‪Margarida RodriguesCidália OliveiraRui Silva

The Flexibility of Temporary Employment in Europe

(2021) Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, 45(1), 309-327
‪Margarida RodriguesCidália OliveiraVera ValeJosé ValeMaria do Céu AlvesRui Silva

Dissemination of Social Accounting Information: A Bibliometric Review

(2021) Economies (MDPI), 9(1), 41
‪Margarida RodriguesCidália OliveiraJosé ValeMaria do Céu AlvesRui Silva

The impact of strategy, environment, and the management system on the foreign subsidiary: The implication for open innovation

(2021) Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(1), 1-23
Rui SilvaCidália OliveiraMário Franco‪Margarida Rodrigues

Success Factors of SMEs: Empirical Study Guided by Dynamic Capabilities and Resources-Based View

(2021) Sustainability, 13(12301), 1-17
Rui Silva‪Margarida RodriguesCidália OliveiraMárcio OliveiraCarlos Machado-SantosRui Bertuzi

Management control procedures in multinationals versus subsidiaries

(2021) Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 25(3), 1-15
Marta GuerreiroLúcia Lima RodriguesRussell Craig

Institutional theory and IFRS: an agenda for future research

(2021) Revista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad/Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, 50(1), 65-88
Matilde CardosoPedro NevesÓscar AfonsoElena Sochirca

The effects of offshoring on wages: a meta-analysis

(2021) Review of World Economics, 157(1), 149-179
Mehmet BalcilarRangan GuptaRicardo SousaMark E. Wohar

Linking U.S. State-level housing market returns, and the consumption-(dis)aggregate wealth ratio

(2021) International Review of Economics and Finance, 71 779-810
Mehmet BalcilarRangan GuptaRicardo SousaMark E. Wohar

What Can Fifty-Two Collateralizable Wealth Measures Tell Us About Future Housing Market Returns? Evidence from U.S. State-Level Data

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Miguel A. FonsecaFrancesco GiovannoniMiltiadis Makris

Auctions with external incentives: experimental evidence

(2020) International Journal of Game Theory, 49(4), 1003–1043

Is it costly to deceive? People are adept at detecting gossipers’ lies but may not reward honesty

(2021) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376(1838), 20200304
Helena AlvesJosé Carlos PinhoNuno Tiago Cláudio Leitão Baptista

Examining social capital and online social support links: a study in online health communities facing treatment uncertainty

(2021) International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 18(1), 57-94
José Carlos PinhoPaulo DuarteNayra Leandro Miguel Martins

An analysis of determinants of the adoption of mobile health (MHealth)

(2021) RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, 61(4), 1-17
Helena AlvesJosé Carlos PinhoNuno Tiago Baptista

The case for social support in social marketing

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Health by Words—A Content Analysis of Political Manifestos in the Portuguese Elections of 1975

(2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 7119
Paulo RamísioDiogo ArezesLígia Pinto

A co-financing model for the mitigation of highway runoff pollution

(2021) Journal of Environmental Management, 289 112432
Paulo MourãoAlina Irina Popescu

Discussing the political survival of Romanian ministers since 1989—Do economic conditions matter?

(2021) Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 29 63–93
Vítor Domingues MartinhoPaulo Mourão

Discussing a challenging document focused on land use: The first bibliometric analysis of Laudato Si′

(2021) Land Degradation and Development, 32(16), 4680-4692
Paulo MourãoWiliam Retamiro

Community development banks (CDB): a bibliometric analysis of the first 2 decades of scientific production

(2021) Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23(1), 477-493
Pedro TeixeiraCarla SáJoão CerejeiraHugo FigueiredoMiguel Portela

Mass Higher Education and its Civic Impacts in Portugal and Spain

(2021) Journal of Education Finance, 46(4), 496-518
Pedro TeixeiraCarla SáRicardo Biscaia

The (In)effectiveness of regulatory policies in higher education—The case of access policy in Portugal

(2021) Economic Analysis and Policy, 72 176-185
Rodrigo Perez-VegaValtteri KaartemoCristiana LagesNiloofar Borghei RazaviJaakko Männistö

Reshaping the contexts of online customer engagement behavior via artificial intelligence: A conceptual framework

(2022) Journal of Business Research, 129 902 - 910
Rui SilvaCidália Oliveira‪Margarida Rodrigues

The alignment of ethical marketing and innovational organization growth

(2021) RTIC - Revista de Tecnologias, Informação e Comunicação, 2(1), 18-32
‪Margarida RodriguesVera ValeCidália OliveiraRui Silva

Entrepreneurial Intention in First-Year Higher Education Students

(2021) Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 27(5), 1-20
Rui Silva‪Margarida RodriguesCidália OliveiraMárcio OliveiraCarlos Machado-Santos

An Overview of Management Control Theory

(2021) Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 20(2), 1-13
Salvatore CapassoLorenzo CicatielloElina De SimoneGiuseppe Lucio GaetaPaulo Mourão

Fiscal transparency and tax ethics: does better information lead to greater compliance?

(2021) Journal of Policy Modeling, 43(5), 1031 - 1050
Stefan AvdjievStephan BinderRicardo Sousa

External debt composition and domestic credit cycles

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Surajeet ChakravartyLawrence ChooMiguel A. FonsecaTodd R. Kaplan

Should regulators always be transparent? a bank run experiment

(2021) European Economic Review, 139
Surajeet ChakravartyMiguel A. Fonseca

Discrimination via Exclusion: An Experiment on Group Identity and Club Goods

(2021) Journal of Public Economic Theory, 19(1), 244–263
Susana OliveiraLígia Pinto

Choice experiments to elicit the users’ preferences for coastal erosion management: the case of Praia da Amorosa

(2021) Environment, Development and Sustainability, 27(7), 9749 - 9765
Vitor CastroRodrigo Caldeira Almeida Martins

Why are credit booms sometimes sweet and sometimes sour?

(2021) International Journal of Finance and Economics, 26(2), 3054-3074
Vitor CastroRodrigo Caldeira Almeida Martins

Government ideology and economic freedom

(2021) Journal of Comparative Economics, 49(1), 73-91
Vitor CastroRodrigo Caldeira Almeida Martins

What drives the duration of credit booms?

(2021) International Journal of Finance and Economics, 26(1), 1531-1549
Vitor CastroRodrigo Martins

Economic liberalization, political regimes and ideology

(2021) Kyklos, 74(4), 463–487
Vítor Domingues MartinhoMaria Del Carmen Sánchez-CarreiraPaulo Mourão

Transnational economic clusters: The case of the Iberian Peninsula

(2021) Regional Science Policy & Practice, 13(5), 1442-1459

Public–private competition in regulated markets

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Stefan SilvaJosé Crispim

An Application of Machine Learning to Study Utilities Expenses in the Brazilian Navy

(2020) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12565 LNCS 60-71
Oscarina ConceiçãoAna Paula FariaC. Sofia MacHado

Duration models: The effect of firm and location characteristics on RBSO firms’ survival

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Jorge BaptistaBruno TravassosBruno GonçalvesPaulo MourãoJoão L. VianaJaime Sampaio

Exploring the effects of playing formations on tactical behavior and external workload during football small-sided games

(2020) Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34(7), 2024-2030
Senay SadicJorge Pinho de SousaJosé Crispim

ICT platform design for SME collaboration

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Carla FreireClaudia Bettencourt

Impact of ethical leadership on job satisfaction: the mediating effect of work–family conflict

(2020) Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 41(2), 319-330
Kurt R. BrekkeLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Quality and Price Competition in Spatial Markets

(2020) Spatial Economics Volume I: Theory, 1 295-332
Adelaide MartinsDelfina GomesLídia OliveiraAna CariaLee Parker

Resistance strategies through the CEO communications in the media

(2020) Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 71
Alexandra CoutoNatália Barbosa

Barriers to entry: An empirical assessment of Portuguese firms’ perceptions

(2020) European Research on Management and Business Economics, 26(2), 55-62
Ana AraújoPaulo MourãoPedro Daraujo

The quiet portuguese: Are portuguese taxpayers victims of fiscal illusion?

(2020) Revista Galega de Economia, 29(1), 1-20
Anton SiebertAhir GopaldasAndrew LindridgeCláudia Simões

Customer Experience Journeys: Loyalty Loops Versus Involvement Spirals

(2020) Journal of Marketing, 84(4), 45-66
Ricardo RodriguesAna Maria SoaresBassem Kheireddine

Understanding (in)tolerance between hosts and refugees in Lebanon

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Erratum: A Prediction Rule to Stratify Mortality Risk of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis

(2020) PLoS ONE, 15(11),
Beatriz CancelaAntónioMaria Elisabete NevesLúcia Lima Rodrigues

The influence of Corporate Governance on Corporate Sustainability: new evidence using panel data in the Iberian macroeconomic environment, International

(2020) Journal of accounting and information management, 28(4), 785-806
Bruno Blanco-VarelaMaría Sánchez-CarreiraPaulo Mourão

Las aspiraciones educativas en Galicia bajo la influencia del territorio, el rendimiento y el perfil socioeconómico

(2020) Journal of Regional Research Investigaciones Regionales, 47 135-159
Cristiana LagesNigel F. PiercyNeeru MalhotraCláudia Simões

Understanding the mechanisms of the relationship between shared values and service delivery performance of frontline employees

(2020) The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(21), 2737-2760
Diogo LourençoOrlanda TavaresSónia CardosoCarla Sá

Enrolling in Higher Education: the impact of regional mobility and public-private substitution effects

(2020) Journal of Economic Issues, 54(1), 183-197
Domenico LisiLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Hospital competition under pay-for-performance: Quality, mortality, and readmissions

(2020) Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 29(2), 289-314
Duc Khuong NguyenAhmet SensoyRicardo SousaGazi Uddin

U.S. equity and commodity futures markets: Hedging or financialization?

(2020) Energy Economics, 86 104660
Eurídice AndradeLúcia Lima RodriguesJosé Paulo Cosenza

Corporate Behavior: An Exploratory Study of the Brazilian Tax Management from a Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective

(2020) Sustainability, 12(11), 4404
Gilberto LoureiroAnil MakhijaDan Zhang

One dollar CEOs

(2020) Journal of Business Research, 109 425-439
Gina Gaio SantosAna Paula FerreiraJosé Carlos Pinho

Researchers from Portugal have shown how different career strategies influence career development for university graduates

(2020) Human Resource Management International Diges, 28(6), 41-43
Graca Miranda SilvaFilipe CoelhoCristiana LagesMarta Reis

Employee adaptive and proactive service recovery: a configurational perspective

(2020) European Journal of Marketing, 54(7), 1581 - 1607
Guillermo BadíaLuis FerruzMaria Céu Cortez

Socially responsible investing worldwide: Do markets value corporate social responsibility?

(2020) Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(6), 2751-2764
H.P. Samanthika GallageMaria Teresa HeathCaroline Tynan

Adopting and sustaining responsible drinking: reconciling selves amidst conflicting messages

(2020) Journal of Marketing Management, 36(17-18), 1635-1657
Helena OliveiraLúcia Lima RodriguesRussell Craig

Bureaucracy and the balanced scorecard in health care settings

(2020) International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 33(3), 247-259
Iain DaviesCaroline OatesCaroline TynanMarylyn CarriganKatherine CaseyMaria Teresa HeathClaudia HenningerMaria LichrouPierre McDonaghMichael McdonaldSally McKechnieFraser McLearyLisa O’MalleyVictoria Wells

Seeking Sustainable Futures in Marketing and Consumer Research

(2020) European Journal of Marketing, 54(11), 2911-2939
Ines Branco-IllodoMaria Teresa HeathCaroline Tynan

“You really shouldn’t have!” Coping with failed gift experiences

(2020) European Journal of Marketing, 54(4), 857-883
Miguel A. FonsecaJan U. Auerbach

Preordered service in contract enforcement

(2020) Games and Economic Behavior, 122 130-149
EEG Research Prize

A memory-based iterated local search algorithm for the multi-depot open vehicle routing problem

(2020) European Journal of Operational Research, 284(2), 559-571

Customized risk assessment in military shipbuilding

(2020) Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 197(106809),

Truth, Lies, and Gossip

(2020) Psychological Science, 31(6), 702-714
Kurt BrekkeTor HolmasKarin MonstadOdd Rune Straume

How Does The Type of Remuneration Affect Physician Behavior? Fixed Salary versus Fee-for-Service

(2020) American Journal of Health Economics, 6(1), 104-138
Lina Lourenço-GomesLígia PintoJoão Fernandes RebeloTânia Gonçalves

Temporal stability of discrete choice values for preserving a cultural landscape: The Alto Douro Wine Region

(2020) Journal of Cultural Heritage, 45 327-333
Luca AgnelloVitor CastroFredj JawadiRicardo Sousa

How does monetary policy respond to the dynamics of the shadow banking sector?

(2020) International Journal of Finance and Economics, 25(2), 228-247
Luca AgnelloVitor CastroGilles DufrénotFredj JawadiRicardo Sousa

Unconventional monetary policy reaction functions: Evidence from the US

(2020) Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 24(4), 20180088

The Housing Cycle: What Role for Mortgage Market Development and Housing Finance?

(2020) Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 61(4), 607-670
Luciana BarbosaCláudia NunesArtur RodriguesAlberto Sardinha

Feed-in tariff contract schemes and regulatory uncertainty

(2020) European Journal of Operational Research, 287(1), 331-347
Luís Aguiar-ConrariaMaria Joana SoaresManuel Mota Freitas Martins

Okun’s Law across time and frequencies

(2020) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 116(103897),
Luís Aguiar-ConrariaPedro MagalhãesChristoph Vanberg

What are the best quorum rules? A laboratory investigation

(2020) Public Choice, 185(1-2), 215-231
Ana Maria SoaresMaher Elmashhara

The influence of atmospherics general interior variables on shoppers’ emotions and behavior

(2020) International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 30(4), 437-459
Maria Pucheta-MartínezInmaculadaLúcia Lima Rodrigues

Does stakeholder engagement encourage environmental reporting? The mediating role of firm performance

(2020) Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(8), 3025-3037
Maria Cristina MoreiraAna IsabelPaulo Mourão

The Importance of Social Canteens in the Portuguese Emergency Food Program: A Case Study of the Holy Houses of Mercy

(2020) Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 55 129-141
Marilene FeitosaLúcia Lima RodriguesMário Marques

Eficiência tributária dos países-membros da OCDE e Brasil para a geração de educação

(2020) Revista Evidenciação Contábil & Finanças, 8(1), 110-129
Martina HuttonMaria Teresa Heath

Researching on the edge: emancipatory praxis for social justice

(2020) European Journal of Marketing, 54(11), 2697-2721
Mauro CostantiniRicardo Sousa

Consumption, asset wealth, equity premium, term spread, and flight to quality

(2020) European Financial Management, 26(3), 778-807
Michele BiscegliaRoberto CelliniLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Optimal dynamic volume-based price regulation

(2020) International Journal of Industrial Organization, 73 Article 102675
Moira K.ClarkCristiana LagesLinda D. Hollebeek

Friend or foe? Customer engagement’s value-based effects on fellow customers and the firm

(2020) Journal of Business Research, 121 549-556
Núbio Gomes FilhoNazaré RegoJoão Claro

Supply chain flows and stocks as entry points for cyber-risks

(2020) Procedia Computer Science, 181 261-268
Paula RemoaldoLaurentina VareiroJosé Cadima RibeiroJéssica AbreuAna MS Bettencourt

Satisfaction with Braga (Portugal) and recommendation: A comparison between information coming from relatives/friends and from other sources

(2020) Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20(3), 345-357
Paulo MourãoDébora Regina Schneider Locatelli

Testing mcclelland at the academy: An analysis of entrepreneurial behavioral characteristics

(2020) Sustainability, 12(5), 1-16

Discussing the intriguing relation between unemployment and giving practices

(2020) International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 25(1),
Paulo MourãoCilina Vilela

‘No country for old men’? the multiplier effects of pensions in Portuguese municipalities

(2020) Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 19(2), 247-261
Paulo MourãoPedro Miranda

Christianity, democracy, and Maritain: a reading of a path of meetings and retreats

(2020) International Review of Economics, 67(2), 231-249
Paulo MourãoJoanna Maria Stawska

Governments as bankers – how European bonds have substituted bank deposits

(2020) Applied Economics, 52(42), 4605 - 4620
Rita SousaCamilo Álvarez-EspinosaNicolás Rojas PardoSioux LeonGermán Romero OtaloraCatarina VazãoPedro Martins BarataLeidy Riveros SalcedoSílvia Calderon Diaz

Emissions trading in the development model of Colombia

(2020) Climate Policy, 20(9), 1161-1174
Rodrigo FerreiraJosir Simeone GomesAna Carvalho

Absorptive capacity in analytics implementations: A research model

(2020) Revista de Administracao Mackenzie, 21(2),
Sílvia SalustianoNatália BarbosaTito Moreira

Do subsidies drive technical efficiency? The case of portuguese firms in the agribusiness sector

(2020) Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 58(3),
José Cadima RibeiroJose Freitas SantosSusana Bernardino

O lado humano das cidades inteligentes e o contributo do empreendedorismo social

(2020) Desenvolvimento Regional em Debate, 10 195-222
Tânia GonçalvesLígia PintoLina Lourenço-Gomes

Attribute non-attendance in wine choice: Contrasts between stated and inferred approaches

(2020) Economic Analysis and Policy, 66 262-275
Tânia GonçalvesLina Lourenço-GomesLígia Pinto

Dealing with ignored attributes through an inferred approach in wine choice experiments

(2020) Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 87
Tânia GonçalvesLina Lourenço-GomesLígia Pinto

Modelling consumer preferences heterogeneity in emerging wine markets: a latent class analysis

(2020) Applied Economics, 52(56), 6136-6144

Spatial proximity and SME strategy in local networks

(2020) Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35(2), 338–348
Vitor CastroRodrigo Caldeira Almeida Martins

The collapse of credit booms: a competing risks analysis

(2020) Journal of Economic Studies, 47(6), 1437-1465
Vitor CastroRodrigo Caldeira Almeida Martins

Riding the Wave of Credit: Are Longer Expansions Really a Bad Omen?

(2020) Open Economies Review, 31(4), 729-751
Maria Manuela AzevedoJosé António CrispimJorge Pinho de Sousa

A dynamic multiobjective model for designing machine layouts

(2019) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(13), 1896-1901
Paulo Jorge Reis MourãoMarco Antonio Pinheiro da SilveiraRodrigo Santos de Melo

Determinants of the well-succeeded crowdfunding projects in Brazil: A study of the platform kickante

(2019) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 505 856-862
Débora Regina Schneider LocatelliMarco Antonio Pinheiro da SilveiraPaulo Jorge Reis Mourão

From handshakes to hugs: How Brazilian business fairs enhance relationships between exhibitors

(2019) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 505 877-883
Iris BarbosaCarla Freire

Portuguese employers’ perceptions on management undergraduates’ transferable competencies

(2019) Journal of Management Development, 38(2), 141-156
Luiz César Fernandes da SilvaPaulo Reis Mourão

Technology transfer by transnational corporations: A discussion of the importance of cooperative arrangements in foreign direct investment

(2019) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 505 933-938
Adelaide MartinsDelfina GomesLídia OliveiraJoão Leite Ribeiro

Telling a success story through the president’s letter

(2019) Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, 16(3), 403-433
Tiago Tavares

Labor market distortions under sovereign debt default crises

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 108 103749
Adriana SilvaLúcia Lima RodriguesAlan Sangster

Accounting as a tool of state ideology to control captive workers from a House of Correction

(2019) Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 33(2), 285-308
Lúcia Lima RodriguesAlan SangsterAdriana Silva

Accounting as a tool of State governance: The tutelage system of ‘Free Africans’ in Brazil between 1818 and 1864

(2019) Accounting History, 24(3), 383-401
Alcino AzevedoPaulo Jorge PereiraArtur Rodrigues

Foreign direct investment with tax holidays and policy uncertainty

(2019) International Journal of Finance and Economics, 24(2), 727-739
Ana RepKatarina ŽagerCidália Oliveira

The role of firm characteristics in voluntary disclosure of IC information and its importance for high-tech companies

(2019) Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, 43(2), 185-209
Anabela BotelhoIsabel M. CorreiaTânia FernandesLígia PintoJorge TeixeiraMarieta ValentePaula Veiga Benesch

Overestimation of health urgency as a cause for emergency services inappropriate use: Insights from an exploratory economics experiment in Portugal

(2019) Health and Social Care in the Community, 27(4), 1031–1041
António DiasLúcia Lima RodriguesRussell CraigMaria Elisabete Neves

Corporate social responsibility disclosure in small and medium-sized entities and large companies

(2019) Social Responsibility Journal, 15(2), 137-154
Carla Cristina FerreiraLígia PintoLina Lourenço-Gomes

Effect of region of origin on willingness to pay for wine: an experimental auction

(2019) Applied Economics, 53(32), 3715 - 3729
Ana Patrícia SilvaCarla Cristina FerreiraLina Lourenço-GomesLígia Pinto

Is there a gender effect on wine choice in Portugal? – A qualitative approach

(2019) International Journal of Wine Business Research, 31(4), 618-639
Débora Regina Schneider LocatelliMarco Antonio Pinheiro da SilveiraPaulo Mourão

Speed dating or marriage? Brazilian business fairs according to a sample of metal/mechanic companies

(2019) Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 34(1), 80-94
Diogo LourençoCarla Sá

Spatial competition for students: what does (not) matter?

(2019) Annals of Regional Science, 63(1), 147-162
Diogo TeixeiraJosé Cadima Ribeiro

Residents’ Perceptions of the Tourism Impacts on a Mature Destination: The Case of Madeira Island

(2019) Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 7(4), 149-167
Dudley CookeAna FernandesPriscila Ferreira

Product market competition and gender discrimination

(2019) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 157 496-522
Elmar LukasPaulo Jorge PereiraArtur Rodrigues

Designing optimal M&A strategies under uncertainty

(2019) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 104 1-20
Flávio Kauê Fiuza-MouraMaia KatySolange SouzaMagno Rogério GomesPaulo Mourão

The luck of being of the right gender and color: a detailed discussion about the wage gaps in the Brazilian manufacturing industry

(2019) Quality and Quantity, 53(3), 1275-1300
José Carlos PinhoAna Paula FerreiraGina Gaio Santos

Career attitudes and employability: analysis of mediation via career strategies

(2019) Employee Relations, 42(2), 417-436
Guglielmo CaporaleRicardo SousaMark E. Wohar

Can the Consumption–Wealth Ratio Predict Housing Returns? Evidence from OECD Countries

(2019) Real Estate Economics, 47(4), 935-976
Helena OliveiraLúcia Lima RodriguesRussell Craig

The Presence of Bureaucracy in the Balanced Scorecard

(2019) Revista de Contabilidad - Spanish Accounting Review, 22(2), 218-224
Joanna Maria StawskaIreneusz JazwinskiRamona Rupeika-ApogaPaulo Mourão

Expenditure on Public Services in the Countries of the European Union. Determinants of Fiscal Policy and Public Governance

(2019) European Journal of Service Management, 28(2), 429-437
João Miguel SousaRicardo Sousa

Asset Returns Under Model Uncertainty: Evidence from the Euro Area, the US and the UK

(2019) Computational Economics, 54(1), 139–176
José Carlos PinhoAna Maria SoaresElisabete SáJoaquim Silva

Antecedents of online purchase intention and behaviour: Uncovering unobserved heterogeneity

(2019) Journal of Business Economics and Management, 20(1), 131-148
José António CrispimLuiz Henrique SilvaNazaré Rego

Project risk management practices: the organizational maturity influence

(2019) International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 12(1), 187-210
Julia MarbachCristiana LagesDaniel NunanYuksel Ekinci

Consumer engagement in online brand communities: the moderating role of personal values

(2019) European Journal of Marketing, 53(9), 1671-1700
Justyna DobroszekLena GrzesiakPaulo Mourão

Identification of the similarities and differences of logistics controller, manager and specialist: A study based on a content analysis

(2019) International Journal of Logistics Management, 30(1), 261-283
Kézia de Lucas BondezanFrancisco VeigaJoilson Dias

Institutions, government stability and human capital accumulation

(2019) Revista de Economia e Agronegócio, 17(2), 255-271
Laurentina VareiroPaula RemoaldoJosé Cadima Ribeiro

What influences a tourist to return to a cultural destination?

(2019) International Journal of Tourism Research, 21(2), 280-290

A competing risks tale on successful and unsuccessful fiscal consolidations

(2019) Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 63(101148),
Luigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Competition and equity in health care markets

(2019) Journal of Health Economics, 64 1-14

Dynamic hospital competition under rationing by waiting times

(2019) Journal of Health Economics, 66 260-282
M. Irene FalcãoFernando MirandaRicardo SeverinoMaria Joana Soares

The number of zeros of unilateral polynomials over coquaternions revisited

(2019) Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 67(6), 1231-1249
Maksymilian KwiekHélia MarreirosMichael Vlassopoulos

Voting as a War of Attrition

(2019) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 167 104-121
Inmaculada Bel-OmsLúcia Lima RodriguesMaria Pucheta-Martínez

The engagement of auditors in the reporting of corporate social responsibility information

(2019) Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(1), 46-56
Marta JácomeNazaré RegoPaula Veiga

Potential of a nurse telephone triage line to direct elderly to appropriate health care settings

(2019) Journal of Nursing Management, 27(6), 1275–1284
Natalia YannopoulouMartin J. LiuXuemei BianMaria Teresa Heath

Exploring social change through social media: The case of the Facebook group Indignant Citizens

(2019) International Journal of Consumer Studies, 43(4), 348-357
Nuno AzevedoVitor Oliveira

Structural systemic risk: Evolution and main drivers

(2019) Journal of Network Theory in Finance, 5(4), 1-28

Socially responsible investing and the performance of Eurozone corporate bond portfolios

(2019) Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26 1407–1422
Paulo DuarteJosé Carlos Pinho

A mixed methods UTAUT2-based approach to assess mobile health adoption

(2019) Journal of Business Research, 102 140-150
Paulo Jorge PereiraArtur Rodrigues

Investing in a random start American option under competition

(2019) Finance Research Letters, 28 388-397
Paulo Jorge PereiraArtur Rodrigues

Bargaining merger terms and the effect on the announcement returns

(2019) International Review of Economics and Finance, 59 510-521
Paulo RamísioLígia PintoNuno GouveiaHélder CostaDiogo Arezes

Sustainability Strategy in Higher Education Institutions: Lessons learned from a nine-year case study

(2019) Journal of Cleaner Production, 222 300-309
Paulo MourãoVítor Domingues Martinho

Forest fire legislation: Reactive or proactive?

(2019) Ecological Indicators, 104 137-144

Market Competition and Executive Pay

(2019) IZA World of Labor, 115(v2),

Do Fundamental Portfolios Outperform in the MENA Equity Markets?

(2019) International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 12(2), 265-281

Common risk factors in stock returns in the mena region

(2019) Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 12(2), 29-60
Ricardo CabralRicardo Sousa

Os 20 anos do euro: O problema das lentes a “preto e zero”

(2019) Crítica Económica e Social, Nov-Dez(20), 19-24
Roger AdkinsDean PaxsonPaulo Jorge PereiraArtur Rodrigues

Investment decisions with finite-lived collars

(2019) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 103 185-204
Rosa Branca EstevesJoana Rita Resende

Personalized pricing and advertising: Who are the winners?

(2019) International Journal of Industrial Organization, 63 239-282
Sílvia SalustianoNatália Barbosa

Efficiency and subsidies: mapping and multidisciplinary analysis

(2019) International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management, 1(3), 225-250
Miguel A. FonsecaSurajeet ChakravartySudeep GhoshPradeep KumarSugata Marjit

Religious fragmentation, social identity and other-regarding preferences: Evidence from an artefactual field experiment in India

(2019) Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 82 101451

Social Entrepreneur`s Networks and Institutional Environments: Ties That Bind?

(2019) International Journal of Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsability, 4(2), 1-22
Maria Teresa HeathLisa O’MalleyCaroline Tynan

Imagining a different voice: A critical and caring approach to management education

(2019) Management Learning, 50(4), 427-448

Impacts of Technology Adoption by Small Independent Food Retailers

(2019) Journal of Small Business Management, 57(4), 1485-1505
Vitor CastroRodrigo Caldeira Almeida Martins

Budgets, expenditure composition and political manipulation

(2019) International Review of Applied Economics, 33(2), 172-187
Vitor CastroRodrigo Caldeira Almeida Martins

Political and Institutional Determinants of Credit Booms

(2019) Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 81(5), 1144-1178
Wlademir PratesNewton JúniorManuel Rocha ArmadaSérgio da Silva

Propensity to sell stocks in an artificial stock market

(2019) PLoS One, 14(4), e0215685
Tânia Menezes Montenegro Lídia OliveiraMarcello De Souza Lopes

Internal control adequacy in Comaer: An endogenous perception

(2018) Innovar, 28(68), 51-66
Alcino AzevedoPaulo Jorge PereiraArtur Rodrigues

Non-compete covenants, litigation and garden leaves

(2018) Journal of Business Research, 88 197-211
Aleksander BerentsenSamuel HuberAlessandro Marchesiani

Limited Commitment and the Demand for Money

(2018) Economic Journal, 128(610), 1128-1156
Anabela BotelhoIsabel DinisLina Lourenço GomesLígia PintoOrlando SimõesJorge Moreira

The role of consumers in agrobiodiversity conservation: the case of traditional varieties of apples in Portugal

(2018) Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 42(7), 796-811
Anabela BotelhoLina Lourenço GomesLígia PintoSara SousaMarieta Valente

Discrete-choice experiments valuing local environmental impacts of renewables: two approaches to a case study in Portugal

(2018) Environment, Development and Sustainability, 20 145-162
Filipe J. CoelhoCristiana LagesCarlos M. P. Sousa

Personality and the creativity of frontline service employees: linear and curvilinear effects

(2018) The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(17), 2580-2607
H.P. Samanthika GallageCaroline TynanMaria Teresa Heath

Out-group peer involvement in youth alcohol consumption

(2018) Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 17(1), e42–e51
José Carlos Brandão

Iterated local search algorithm with ejection chains for the open vehicle routing problem with time windows

(2018) Computers & Industrial Engineering, 120 146-159
José Carlos PinhoLurdes MartinsAna Maria Soares

Small businesses’ internationalization: International readiness in the context of Asian countries

(2018) Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 10(1), 50-63
FijałkowskaCidália Oliveira

Balanced Scorecard in Universities

(2018) Journal of Intercultural Management, 10(4), 57-83
Kjell LommerudOdd Rune StraumeSteinar Vagstad

Employment Protection and Unemployment Benefits: On Technology Adoption and Job Creation in a Matching Model

(2018) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 120(3), 763-793
Kurt BrekkeLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Can competition reduce quality?

(2018) Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 174(3), 421-447
Kurt BrekkeTor HolmasKarin MonstadOdd Rune Straume

Socio-economic status and physicians’ treatment decisions

(2018) Health Economics, 27(3), e77-e89
Laurentina VareiroPaula RemoaldoJosé Cadima Ribeiro

Cultural destination´s attributes and tourist´ satisfaction: differences between first time and repeated visits

(2018) Revista Brasileira de Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional, 14(3), 48-75
Luca AgnelloVitor CastroJoão Tovar JallesRicardo Sousa

The Impact of Fiscal Consolidation on Human Development

(2018) Journal of International Development, 30(3), 399-429

Systemic financial crises and the housing market cycle

(2018) Applied Economics Letters, 25(10), 724-729

Financial Markets” Shutdown and Reaccess

(2018) Economic Inquiry, 56(1), 562-571
EEG Research Prize

The Legacy and the Tyranny of Time: Exit and Re-Entry of Sovereigns to International Capital Markets

(2018) Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 50(8), 1969-1994
Lúcia Lima RodriguesRussell CraigJoaquim Carlos PinhoMaria Clara BugarimDiego Queiroz

Factors affecting success in the professional entry exam for accountants in Brazil

(2018) Accounting Education: An International Journal, 27(1), 48-71
Lúcia Lima RodriguesRussell Craig

The role of government accounting and taxation in the institutionalization of slavery in Brazil

(2018) Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 57 21-38
Luciana BarbosaPaulo FerrãoAlberto SardinhaArtur Rodrigues

Feed-in tariffs with minimum price guarantees and regulatory uncertainty

(2018) Energy Economics, 72 517-541
Luís Aguiar-ConrariaManuel Mota Freitas MartinsMaria Joana Soares

Estimating the Taylor rule in the time-frequency domain

(2018) Journal of Macroeconomics, 57 122-137

California’s carbon market and energy prices: A wavelet analysis

(2018) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2126),
M. Irene FalcãoFernando MirandaRicardo SeverinoMaria Joana Soares

Weierstrass method for quaternionic polynomial root-finding

(2018) Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41(1), 423-437
M. Irene FalcãoFernando MirandaRicardo SeverinoMaria Joana Soares

Evaluation schemes in the ring of quaternionic polynomials

(2018) BIT Numerical Mathematics, 58(1), 51-72
M. Irene FalcãoFernando MirandaRicardo SeverinoMaria Joana Soares

On the Roots of Coquaternions

(2018) Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 28(5),

Social capital, innovation and economic growth

(2018) Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 73 46-52
Mehmet BalcilarRangan GuptaMark E. WoharRicardo Sousa

Wealth-to-income ratio and stock market movements: Evidence from a nonparametric causality test

(2018) International Review of Finance, 18(3), 495-506
Miguel A. FonsecaYan LiHans‐Theo Normann

Why factors facilitating collusion may not predict cartel occurrence — experimental evidence

(2018) Southern Economic Journal, 85(1), 255-275
Niklas K. SteffensMiguel A. FonsecaMichelle K. RyanFloor A. RinkJanka I. StokerAnne Nederveen Pieterse

How feedback about leadership potential impacts ambition, organizational commitment, and performance

(2018) Leadership Quarterly, 29(6), 637-647
Patricia QuesadoBeatriz AibarLúcia Lima Rodrigues

Advantages and contributions in the balanced scorecard implementation

(2018) Intangible Capital, 14(1), 186-201

Foreign acquisition and internal organization

(2018) Journal of International Economics, 114 143-163
Paulo MourãoMarco António Pinheiro SilveiraRodrigo Santos De Melo

Many Are Never Too Many: An Analysis of Crowdfunding Projects in Brazil

(2018) International Journal of Financial Studies, 6(4), 95
Paulo MourãoSalvatore ErcolanoGiuseppe Lucio Gaeta

Are there electoral cycles of emigration? An empirical investigation based on European data

(2018) International Migration, 56(3), 5-27
Pedro GoulartFrancisco VeigaCatarina Grilo

Public numbers on monetary valuation of fish landings

(2018) Data in Brief, 17 184-188
Roberto CelliniLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

A dynamic model of quality competition with endogenous prices

(2018) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 94 190-206
Russell CraigSusan WildeRawiri TaonuiLúcia Lima Rodrigues

Accountability reporting objectives of Māori organizations

(2018) Pacific Accounting Review, 30(4), 433-443

Social entrepreneur and gender: what`s personality got to do with it?

(2018) International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 10(1), 61-82
Susana BernardinoJ. Freitas SantosJosé Cadima Ribeiro

The legacy of European Capitals of Culture to the “smartness” of cities: The case of Guimarães 2012

(2018) Journal of Convention and Event Tourism, 19(2), 138–166
Susana BernardinoJosé Freitas SantosJosé Cadima Ribeiro

Social entrepreneur and gender: what’s personality got to do with it?

(2018) International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 10(1), 61-82
Toke AidtVitor CastroRodrigo Caldeira Almeida Martins

Shades of red and blue: government ideology and sustainable development

(2018) Public Choice, 175(3-4), 303-323
José CarreirasVasco Eiriz

Change in supply networks: a case study in the automotive components industry

(2018) Management Decision, 56(4), 922-936
Vera CunhaLúcia Lima Rodrigues

Determinantes da divulgação de informação sobre a estrutura de governança das empresas Portuguesas

(2018) Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 20(3), 338-360
Vitor CastroRodrigo Caldeira Almeida Martins

Politically driven cycles in fiscal policy: In depth analysis of the functional components of government expenditures

(2018) European Journal of Political Economy, 55 44-64
Vitor CastroRodrigo Caldeira Almeida Martins

The Electoral Dynamics of Human Development

(2018) Journal of Development Studies, 54(1), 191-211
Zidong AnJoão Tovar JallesPrakash LounganiRicardo Sousa

Do IMF fiscal forecasts add value?

(2018) Journal of Forecasting, 37(6), 650-665
Ibrahim Kholilul RohmanLinda Veiga

Against the shadow: The role of e-Government

(2017) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Part F128275 319-328
Kurt R. BrekkeRoberto CelliniLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Differential games in health-care markets: Models of quality competition with fixed prices

(2017) Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games, 15 145-167
Linda VeigaIbrahim Kholilul Rohman

e-government and the shadow economy: Evidence from across the globe

(2017) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10428 LNCS 105-116
Fredj JawadiRicardo SousaRaffaella Traverso

On the macroeconomic and wealth effects of unconventional monetary policy

(2017) Macroeconomic Dynamics, 21(5), 1189-1204
Elina De SimoneGiuseppe Lucio GaetaPaulo Reis Mourão

The Impact of Fiscal Transparency on Corruption: An Empirical Analysis Based on Longitudinal Data

(2017) B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 17(4),
Antonio Filipe MacedoPedro Lima RamosLaura Hernandez-MorenoJoana CimaAntónio M.G. BaptistaAna Patricia MarquesRobert MassofRui Santana

Visual and health outcomes, measured with the activity inventory and the EQ-5D, in visual impairment

(2017) Acta Ophthalmologica, 95(8), e783-e791
Anabela BotelhoIsabel DinisLina Lourenço GomesLígia PintoOrlando SimõesJorge Moreira

The effect of sequential information on consumers’ willingness to pay for credence food attributes

(2017) Appetite, 118 17-25

Private takings

(2017) Journal of Public Economic Theory, 19(3), 639-657
Alexandra FontesLúcia Lima RodriguesRussell Craig

A response to commentaries on a theoretical model of stakeholder perceptions of a new financial reporting system

(2017) Accounting Forum, 41(2), 132-137
Amélia CarvalhoLúcia Lima RodriguesManuel Castelo Branco

Factors Influencing Voluntary Disclosure in the Annual Reports of Portuguese Foundations

(2017) Voluntas, 28(5), 2278-2311
Anabela BotelhoPedro ArezesCarlos BernardoLígia PintoHernâni Dias

Effect of wind farm noise on local residents’ decision to adopt mitigation measures

(2017) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7),
Anabela BotelhoPaula FerreiraFátima LimaLígia PintoSara Sousa

Assessment of the environmental impacts associated with hydropower

(2017) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 70 896-904
AntónioLúcia Lima RodriguesRussell Craig

Corporate governance effects on social responsibility disclosures

(2017) Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 11(2), 3-22
Bruno SousaBeatriz CasaisAlexandra Malheiro Cláudia Simões

A experiência e o marketing turístico em contextos religiosos e de peregrinação: o caso ilustrativo dos Caminhos de Santiago

(2017) Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 1(27/28), 789-800
Cristina AmadoAnnastiina SilvennoinenTimo Teräsvirta

Modelling and Forecasting WIG20 Daily Returns

(2017) Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics, 9 173-200
Dirk EngelmannAlistair MunroMarieta Valente

On the behavioural relevance of optional and mandatory impure public goods

(2017) Journal of Economic Psychology, 61 134-144
Francisca Tejedo RomeroLúcia Lima RodriguesRussell Craig

Women directors and disclosure of intellectual capital information

(2017) European Research on Management and Business Economics, 23(3), 123-131

Political budget cycles and media freedom

(2017) Electoral Studies, 45 88-99
Fredj JawadiRichard SoparnotRicardo Sousa

Assessing financial and housing wealth effects through the lens of a nonlinear framework

(2017) Research in International Business and Finance, 39 840-850
Helia MarreirosMirco ToninMichael VlassopoulosM.C. Schraefel

“Now that you mention it”: A survey experiment on information, inattention and online privacy

(2017) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 140 1-17
Sebastian BuhaiElena CottiniNiels Westergaard-Nielsen

How Productive Is Workplace Health and Safety?

(2017) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 119(4), 1086–1104
João Miguel SousaRicardo Sousa

Predicting risk premium under changes in the conditional distribution of stock returns

(2017) Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 50 204-218
Jose Freitas SantosLaurentina VareiroPaula RemoaldoJosé Cadima Ribeiro

Cultural mega-events and the enhancement of a city’s image: differences between engaged participants and attendees

(2017) Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 9(2), 129-151
Juarez CarneiroLúcia Lima RodriguesRussell Craig

Assessing international accounting harmonization in Latin America

(2017) Accounting Forum, 41(3), 172-184
Kurt BrekkeLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Hospital Mergers with Regulated Prices

(2017) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 119(3), 597-627
Kurt BrekkeLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Horizontal mergers and product quality

(2017) Canadian Journal of Economics, 50(4), 1063-1103
Kurt BrekkeOdd Rune Straume

Competition policy for health care provision in Norway

(2017) Health Policy, 121(2), 134–140
Kurt BrekkeTor HolmasKarin MonstadOdd Rune Straume

Do treatment decisions depend on physicians’ financial incentives?

(2017) Journal of Public Economics, 155 74-92
Luís Aguiar-ConrariaPedro BrincaHaukur Viar GujónssonMaria Joana Soares

Business cycle synchronization across U.S. states

(2017) B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 17(1),
Luca AgnelloGuglielmo CaporaleRicardo Sousa

How do Fiscal Consolidation and Fiscal Stimuli Impact on the Synchronization of Business Cycles?

(2017) Bulletin of Economic Research, 69(4), 309-329
Luca AgnelloVitor CastroJoão Tovar JallesRicardo Sousa

Income inequality, fiscal stimuli and political (in)stability

(2017) International Tax and Public Finance, 24(3), 484-511
Luca AgnelloVitor CastroShawkat HammoudehRicardo Sousa

Spillovers from the oil sector to the housing market cycle

(2017) Energy Economics, 61 209-220
Lúcia Lima RodriguesFrancisca Tejedo RomeroRussell Craig

Corporate governance and intellectual capital reporting in a period of financial crisis: Evidence from Portugal oa

(2017) International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, 14(1), 1-29
M. Irene FalcãoFernando MirandaRicardo SeverinoMaria Joana Soares

Basins of attraction for a quadratic coquaternionic map

(2017) Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 104 716-724
M. Irene FalcãoFernando MirandaRicardo SeverinoMaria Joana Soares

Iteration of Quadratic Maps on Coquaternions

(2017) International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 27(12),
Maria Manuela AzevedoJosé António CrispimJorge Pinho de Sousa

A dynamic multi-objective approach for the reconfigurable multi-facility layout problem

(2017) Journal of Manufacturing Systems , 42 140–152
Maria Teresa HeathRobert CluleyLisa O’Malley

Beating, ditching and hiding: consumers’ everyday resistance to marketing

(2017) Journal of Marketing Management, 33(15-16), 1281–1303
Mehmet BalcilarRangan GuptaRicardo SousaMark E. Wohar

Do cay and cayMS predict stock and housing returns? Evidence from a nonparametric causality test

(2017) International Review of Economics and Finance, 48 269-279
Nadia BenbouzidSushanta MallickRicardo Sousa

Do country-level financial structures explain bank-level CDS spreads?

(2017) Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 48 135-145
Nadia BenbouzidSushanta MallickRicardo Sousa

An international forensic perspective of the determinants of bank CDS spreads1

(2017) Journal of Financial Stability, 33 60-70
Natália BarbosaAna Paula FariaMaria Helena Guimarães

Single Market Non-Compliance: How relevant is the institutional setting?

(2017) Singapore Economic Review, 62(5), 1115-1135
Oscarina ConceiçãoAna Paula FariaMargarida Fontes

Regional variation of academic spinoffs formation

(2017) Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(3), 654-675
Patricia QuesadoBeatriz AibarLúcia Lima Rodrigues

Las relaciones de causa y efecto y el diseño de mapas estratégicos: un estudio empírico en organizaciones públicas y privadas portuguesa

(2017) Revista Contabilidade e Controladoria, 3(5), 91-115
Márcio GóisJosé Cadima RibeiroPaula Remoaldo

Evaluating the on-going and ex-post impacts on Braga (Portugal) from hosting the 2012’s European Youth Capital

(2017) PASOS - Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 15(4), 769-784
Paula RemoaldoIsabel FreitasOlga MatosHélder Lopes Sara SilvaMaria Dolores FernándezJosé Cadima Ribeiro Vítor Ribeiro

The Planning of Tourism on Rural Areas: The Stakeholders’ Perceptions of the Boticas Municipality (Northeastern Portugal)

(2017) European Countryside

The conditional performance of Euro bond funds: evidence from Portugal during the debt crisis

(2017) Revista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad/Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, 46(2), 212-226
Paulo MourãoMaria Cristina MoreiraTeresa Pereira

The importance of new forms of capital in nonprofit organizations A case study of the Fafe delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross

(2017) International Journal of Social Economics, 44(7), 846-868

Port Wine, Brazil and the World Economy: a time series analysis from 1756 to Brazilian independence*

(2017) Revista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, 3(2), 275-300
Paulo MourãoVítor Domingues Martinho

Portuguese agriculture and the evolution of greenhouse gas emissions—can vegetables control livestock emissions?

(2017) Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(19), 16107-16119
George SaridakisPriscila Ferreira

Firm Shutdown During the Financial and the Sovereign Debt Crises: Empirical Evidence from Portugal

(2017) International Journal of the Economics of Business, 24(2), 153-179
Rosa Branca EstevesSofia Cerqueira

Behavior-based pricing under imperfectly informed consumers

(2017) Information Economics and Policy, 40 60-70
Vasco EirizFilipe Pinto Leite

The digital distribution of music and its impact on the business models of independent musicians

(2017) Service Industries Journal, 37(13-14), 875-895
Miguel GonçalvesVasco EirizJoão Areias

Inter-organizational learning within an institutional knowledge network: A case study in the textile and clothing industry

(2017) European Journal of Innovation Management, 20(2), 230-249

Evaluating the Productive Efficiency of Jordanian Public Hospitals

(2017) International Journal of Business and Management, 12(1), 68–83
Wilde Gomes AraújoLúcia Lima RodriguesRussell Craig

‘Empire as an imagination of the centre’: The Rio de Janeiro School of Commerce and the development of accounting education in Brazil

(2017) Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 46 38-53
Armando Lopes Dias-Da-FéDelfina GomesLídia Oliveira

An analysis of the relationship between e-government, accounting and technological innovations: After the implementation of the e-Government program in Brazil

(2016) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 01-03-March-2016 408-411
C. A. BernardoCarla L. SimõesLígia M.Costa Pinto

Environmental and economic life cycle analysis of plastic waste management options. A review

(2016) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1779
Anabela BotelhoEduarda FernandesLigia M. Costa Pinto

EU ETS allocation rules: An experimental examination of the ausubel auction

(2016) World Scientific Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change, 4 179-204
Rita SousaAntonio G. Gómez-Plana

International trade in renewable energy with cooperation mechanisms: A CGE analysis

(2016) International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM, 2016-July
Tim BaarslagHelia MarreirosAlper T. AlanEnrico H. GerdingRichard C. GomerM. C. SchraefelIlaria Liccardi

Negotiation as an interaction mechanism for deciding app permissions

(2016) Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 07-12-May-2016 2012-2019
Carla FreireAntónio Fernandes

Search for Trustful Leadership in Secondary Schools: Is Empowerment the Solution?

(2016) Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 44(6), 892-916
Alina Irina PopescuPaulo Mourão

Does regional openness stimulate vocational training in Romania?

(2016) Transformations in Business and Economics, 15(3), 220-238
Alcino AzevedoPaulo Jorge PereiraArtur Rodrigues

Non-competition covenants in acquisition deals

(2016) Economics Letters, 143 61-65
Aleksander BerentsenSamuel HuberAlessandro Marchesiani

The societal benefit of a financial transaction tax

(2016) European Economic Review, 89 303-323

The impact of PBL on transferable skills development in management education

(2016) Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 53(1), 35-47
Ana CarvalhoSolange MeloAna Paula Ferreira

Training in Portuguese non-profit organizations: The quest towards professionalization

(2016) International Journal of Training and Development, 20(1), 78-91
Anabela BotelhoLina Lourenço-GomesLígia PintoSara SousaMarieta Valente

Using stated preference methods to assess environmental impacts of forest biomass power plants in Portugal

(2016) Environment, Development and Sustainability, 18 1323–1337
Anabela BotelhoLina Lourenço-GomesLígia PintoSara SousaMarieta Valente

Public perceptions of environmental friendliness of renewable energy power plants

(2016) Energy Procedia, 106 73-86
Anabela BotelhoMarta Ferreira DiasCarla FerreiraLígia Pinto

The market of electrical and electronic equipment waste in Portugal: Analysis of take-back consumers’ decisions

(2016) Waste Management and Research, 34(10), 1074–1080
Atsuyoshi MorozumiFrancisco Veiga

Public spending and growth: The role of government accountability

(2016) European Economic Review, 89 148-171
Helder BastosNuno S. OsórioAntónio Gil CastroAngélica RamosTeresa CarvalhoLeonor MeiraDavid AraújoLeonor AlmeidaRita BoaventuraPatrícia FragataCatarina ChavesMiguel PortelaIvo FerreiraSara Pinto MagalhãesFernando RodrigesRui Sarmento-CastroRaquel DuarteJoão Tiago GuimarãesMargarida SaraivaPatrício Costa

A Prediction Rule to Stratify Mortality Risk of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis

(2016) PLoS One, 11(9), 1-14
C.Y. Lawrence ChooMiguel A. FonsecaGareth D. Myles

Do students behave like real taxpayers in the lab? Evidence from a real effort tax compliance experiment

(2016) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 124 102-114
Carlos BernardoCarla SimõesLígia Pinto

Environmental and economic life cycle assessment of polymers and polymer matrix composites: a review

(2016) Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais, 28(1), 55-59
Carlos Cabral CardosoMaria Céu CortezMaria Luísa Lopes

Venture capital and the financial crisis in Portugal: the VC managers’ viewpoint

(2016) Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 23(4), 1032 - 1056
Elena SochircaÓscar AfonsoSandra T. SilvaPedro Neves

Effects of political rivalry on public investments in education and income inequality

(2016) Journal of Policy Modeling, 38(2), 372-396
Fredj JawadiSushanta MallickRicardo Sousa

Fiscal and monetary policies in the BRICS: A panel VAR approach

(2016) Economic Modelling, 58 535-542
Guglielmo CaporaleRicardo Sousa

Consumption, wealth, stock and housing returns: Evidence from emerging markets

(2016) Research in International Business and Finance, 36 562–578
Paula RemoaldoVitor RibeiroSara SilvaJosé Cadima RibeiroHélder Lopes

The creation of a new tourist destination in low density areas: the Boticas case

(2016) Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 4(2), 118-131
Isabel Maria Machado OliveiraFlorinda SilvaFrancisco Vitorino da Silva Martins

The (un)conditional relation risk factors market, size and value: evidence from five European countries

(2016) Revista De Gestao, Financas E Contabilidade, 6(3), 177-196
Isabel OliveiraFlorinda SilvaFrancisco Martins

A relação (não) condicional dos fatores de risco mercado, dimensão e valor: evidência em cinco países da Europa

(2016) Revista de Gestão, Finanças e Contabilidade, 6(3), 177-195
Douglas ThompsonJosé Carlos Pinho

Corporate structural conditions for the creation of new businesses: Specialists’ view

(2016) RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, 56(2), 166-181
Kurt BrekkeChiara CantaOdd Rune Straume

Reference pricing with endogenous generic entry

(2016) Journal of Health Economics, 50 312-329
Kurt BrekkeRosella LevaggiLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Patient mobility and health care quality when regions and patients differ in income

(2016) Journal of Health Economics, 50 372-387
Luca AgnelloRicardo SousaGiorgio Fazio

National fiscal consolidations and regional inequality in Europe

(2016) Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 9(1), 59-80
Luca AgnelloVitor CastroJoão Tovar JallesRicardo Sousa

Financial stress and sovereign debt composition

(2016) Applied Economics Letters, 23(9), 678–683
Pedro MagalhãesChristoph VanbergLuís Aguiar-Conraria

Experimental evidence that quorum rules discourage turnout and promote election boycotts

(2016) Experimental Economics, 19(4), 886-909
Maksymilian KwiekHelia MarreirosMichael Vlassopoulos

An experimental study of voting with costly delay

(2016) Economics Letters, 140 23-26
Maria João GuedesVítor da Conceição GonçalvesNuno SoaresMarieta Valente

UK evidence for the determinants of R&D intensity from a panel fsQCA

(2016) Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5431-5436
Maria Teresa HeathMatthew Heath

Once upon a time there was a consumer…: stories of magic and the magic of stories

(2016) Journal of Marketing Management, 32(9-10), 811–826
Maria Teresa HeathLisa O’MalleyMatthew HeathVicky Story

Caring and Conflicted: Mothers’ Ethical Judgments about Consumption

(2016) Journal of Business Ethics, 136(2), 237–250
Miguel PinheiroPaulo SerôdioJosé Carlos PinhoCândida Manuel Lucas

The role of social capital towards resource sharing in collaborative R&D projects: Evidences from the 7th Framework Programme

(2016) International Journal of Project Management, 34(8), 1519-1536
Paula RemoaldoEduardo DuqueJosé Cadima Ribeiro

Perceived Impacts of the European Youth Capital 2012

(2016) Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais(43), 21-34

Falando sobre economia a partir de “As Vinhas da Ira”

(2016) Economia E Sociedade, 14(2), 375–383
Ricardo GonçalvesMiguel A. Fonseca

Learning through Simultaneous Play: Evidence from Penny Auctions

(2016) Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 25(4), 1040–1059
Ricardo SousaAndrew VivianMark E. Wohar

Predicting asset returns in the BRICS: The role of macroeconomic and fundamental predictors

(2016) International Review of Economics and Finance, 41 122-143
Ricardo SeverinoMaria Joana SoaresMaria Emilia Athayde

Coexistence of dynamics for two-dimensional cellular automata

(2016) Complex Systems, 25(1), 1-21
EEG Research Prize
Joana Rita ResendeRosa Branca Esteves

Competitive targeted advertising with price discrimination

(2016) Marketing Science, 35(4), 576-587
Surajeet ChakravartyMiguel A. FonsecaSudeep GhoshSugata Marjit

Religious fragmentation, social identity and cooperation: Evidence from an artefactual field experiment in India

(2016) European Economic Review, 90 265-279
Susana BernardinoJosé Freitas SantosJosé Cadima Ribeiro

Social Crowdfunding: a New Model for Financing Regional Development?

(2016) Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis, 2(8), 97-115
Vasco EirizDiana Carvalho

Efeitos da entrada da IKEA num cluster de produção de móveis

(2016) Revista Produção e Desenvolvimento, 2(1), 90-102

Motivos da adoção de tecnologias pelas micro e pequenas empresas distribuidoras de produtos alimentares

(2016) Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação (Brazilian Journal of Management & Innovation), 4(1), 52-65
Vitor CastroRodrigo Caldeira Almeida Martins

Are there political cycles hidden inside government expenditures?

(2016) Applied Economics Letters, 23(1), 34-37
Rania B. MostafaCristiana LagesHaseeb A. ShabbirDes Thwaites

Corporate Image: A Service Recovery Perspective

(2015) Journal of Service Research, 18(4), 468-483
Alvaro Santos AlmeidaJoana Cima

Demand uncertainty and hospital costs: an application to Portuguese public hospitals

(2015) European Journal of Health Economics, 16(1), 35-45
Carla FreireRicardo Manuel Machado Azevedo

Empowering and trustful leadership: Impact on nurses’ commitment

(2015) Personnel Review, 44(5), 702-719
Senay SadicJorge Pinho De SousaJosé António Crispim

Flexibility in the formation and operational planning of dynamic manufacturing networks

(2015) IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 463 604-611
Paulo MouraoCatarina Costa

Investors or givers ? The case of a portuguese crowdfunding site

(2015) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 373 113-120
Aleksander BerentsenSamuel HuberAlessandro Marchesiani

Financial Innovations, Money Demand, and the Welfare Cost of Inflation

(2015) Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 47(S2), 223-261
Anabela BotelhoAriel DinarLígia PintoAmnon Rapoport

Promoting cooperation in resource dilemmas: Theoretical predictions and experimental evidence

(2015) Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 54 40–49
Anabela BotelhoLina Lourenço-GomesLígia PintoPatrícia SousaSara SousaMarieta Valente

Using Choice Experiments to Assess Environmental Impacts of Dams in Portugal

(2015) AIMS Energy, 3(3), 316–325
Cristiana LagesGregor PfajfarAviv Shoham

Challenges in conducting and publishing research on the middle east and Africa in leading journals

(2015) International Marketing Review, 32(1), 52-77
Duc Khuong NguyenRicardo SousaGazi Uddin

Testing for asymmetric causality between U.S. equity returns and commodity futures returns

(2015) Finance Research Letters, 12 38-47

Cohesion Policy in the European Union: A brief critical review

(2015) Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional, 11(4), 101-121
EEG Research Prize
Gilberto LoureiroAlvaro Taboada

Do Improvements in the Information Environment Enhance Insiders’ Ability to Learn from Outsiders?

(2015) Journal of Accounting Research, 53(4), 863-905
Paula RemoaldoJosé Cadima Ribeiro

Portuguese Publication in the Aim of Regional Science: a Study of the Articles Published in RPER from 2003 to 2015

(2015) Revista Brasileira de Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional, 11(4), 3-26
Joaquim TeixeiraNuno SantosPaulo Mourão

Changing the hidden rules – An Excel Template for discussing soccer’s competitive balance

(2015) International Journal of Imaging and Robotics, 15(4), 179-184

Stochastic partner selection for virtual enterprises: a chance-constrained approach

(2015) International Journal of Production Research, 53(12), 3661–3677
José Cadima RibeiroPaula Remoaldo

Portuguese publication in the aim of regional science: A study of articles published in RPER from 2003 to 2015

(2015) Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional, 11(4),
José Carlos PinhoAna Maria Soares

Response to advertising on online social networks: The role of social capital

(2015) International Journal of Consumer Studies, 39(3), 239–248
Kjell LommerudOdd Rune StraumeSteinar Vagstad

Mommy tracks and public policy: On self-fulfilling prophecies and gender gaps in hiring and promotion

(2015) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 116 540-554
Kurt BrekkeLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Hospital Competition with Soft Budgets

(2015) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 117(3), 1019-1048
EEG Research Prize
Kurt BrekkeTor HolmasOdd Rune Straume

Price regulation and parallel imports of pharmaceuticals

(2015) Journal of Public Economics, 129 92-105
Lina Lourenço-GomesLígia PintoJoão Rebelo

Wine and cultural heritage. The experience of the Alto Douro Wine Region

(2015) Wine Economics and Policy, 4(2), 78-87
Luca AgnelloVitor CastroRicardo SousaJoão Tovar Jalles

Do debt crises boost financial reforms?

(2015) Applied Economics Letters, 22(5), 356-360
Luca AgnelloVitor CastroJoão Tovar JallesRicardo Sousa

What determines the likelihood of structural reforms?

(2015) European Journal of Political Economy, 37 129-145
Luca AgnelloVitor CastroJoão Tovar JallesRicardo Sousa

Fiscal consolidation and financial reforms

(2015) Applied Economics, 47(34-35), 3740-3755

Is fiscal fatigue a threat to consolidation programmes?

(2015) Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33(4), 765-779

Booms, Busts, and Normal Times in the Housing Market

(2015) Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 33(1), 25-45

A relationship marketing perspective to trade fairs: Insights from participants

(2015) Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 30(5), 584-593

Participating in Business-to-Business Trade Fairs: Does the Buying Function Matter?

(2015) Journal of Convention and Event Tourism, 16(4), 273–297
Maria Teresa HeathCaroline TynanChristine Ennew

Accounts of self-gift giving: nature, context and emotions

(2015) European Journal of Marketing, 49(7/8), 1067–1086
Miguel Linhares PinheiroJosé Carlos PinhoCândida Lucas

The outset of U-I R&D relationships: the specific case of biological sciences

(2015) European Journal of Innovation Management, 18(3), 282–306
Miguel Nuno Linhares PinheiroCândida LucasJosé Carlos Pinho

Social network analysis as a new methodological tool to understand university–industry cooperation

(2015) International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(1), 1550013
Nelson ArealBenilde OliveiraRaquel Sampaio

When times get tough, gold is golden

(2015) The European Journal of Finance, 21(6), 507-526

Performance of European socially responsible funds during market crises: Evidence from France

(2015) International Review of Financial Analysis, 40 132–141
Paulo MourãoJoaquim Teixeira

Gini playing soccer

(2015) Applied Economics, 47(49), 5229-5246
Helder VasconcelosRosa Branca Esteves

Price Discrimination under Customer Recognition and Mergers

(2015) Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 24(3), 523-549
Shawkat HammoudehAmine LahianiDuc Khuong NguyenRicardo Sousa

An empirical analysis of energy cost pass-through to CO2 emission prices

(2015) Energy Economics, 49 149-156
Shawkat HammoudehDuc Khuong NguyenRicardo Sousa

US monetary policy and sectoral commodity prices

(2015) Journal of International Money and Finance, 57 61-85
José Cadima RibeiroVitor RibeiroJavier GutiérrezPaula Remoaldo

Acessibilidade e SIG no Planeamento em Saúde: uma Abordagem Baseada em Modelos de Alocação-Localização

(2015) Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais(38), 3-18
Wesley Mendes-Da-SilvaNewton JúniorLucas BarrosManuel Rocha ArmadaJill M. Norvilitis

Behavioral finance: Advances in the last decade

(2015) RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, 55(1), 10-13
Ana P. FernandesPriscila FerreiraL. Alan Winters

Firm entry deregulation, competition and returns to education and skill

(2014) European Economic Review, 70 210-230

Inflation rate dynamics convergence within the Euro

(2014) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8579 LNCS(PART 1), 132-145
Kurt R. BrekkeHugh GravelleLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Patient choice, mobility and competition among health care providers.

(2014) Developments in health economics and public policy, 12 1-26
Fredj JawadiRicardo Sousa

The relationship between consumption and wealth: A quantite regression approach

(2014) Revue d'Economie Politique, 124(4), 639-652
Aleksander BerentsenAlessandro MarchesianiChristopher J. Waller

Floor systems for implementing monetary policy: Some unpleasant fiscal arithmetic

(2014) Review of Economic Dynamics, 17(3), 523-542
Aleksander BerentsenSamuel HuberAlessandro Marchesiani

Degreasing the wheels of finance

(2014) International Economic Review, 55(3), 735-763
Ana Maria SoaresJosé Carlos Pinho

Advertising in Online Social Networks: the role of perceived enjoyment and social influence

(2014) Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 8(3), 245–263
Anabela BotelhoAriel DinarLígia PintoAmnon Rapoport

Time and uncertainty in resource dilemmas: equilibrium solutions and experimental results

(2014) Experimental Economics, 17 649-672

Hours of work and retirement behavior

(2014) IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 3(16), 1-22
Cristina AmadoTimo Teräsvirta

Modelling changes in the unconditional variance of long stock return series

(2014) Journal of Empirical Finance, 25 15-35

Financial globalization and economic growth

(2014) Macroeconomic Dynamics, 18(3), 526-547

Success factors of regional airports: The case of Oporto airport

(2014) Tourism and Management Studies, 10(1), 37-45
Fredj JawadiSushanta MallickRicardo Sousa

Fiscal policy in the BRICs

(2014) Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 18(2), 201-215
Sebastian BuhaiCoen TeulingsAico Van VuurenMiguel Portela

Returns to tenure or seniority?

(2014) Econometrica, 82(2), 705-730
Sebastian BuhaiCoen N. Teulings

Tenure Profiles and Efficient Separation in a Stochastic Productivity Model

(2014) Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 32(2), 245–258
José Carlos PinhoElisabete Sampaio de Sá

Personal characteristics, business relationships and entrepreneurial performance: Some empirical evidence

(2014) Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 21(2), 284–300
Kurt BrekkeRosella LevaggiLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Patient mobility, health care quality and welfare

(2014) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 105 140-157
Lina Lourenço-GomesLígia PintoJoão F. Rebelo

Visitors’ preferences for preserving the attributes of a world heritage site

(2014) Journal of Cultural Heritage, 15(1), 64–67
Luca AgnelloRicardo Sousa

How does fiscal consolidation impact on income inequality?

(2014) Review of Income and Wealth, 60(4), 702-726
Luca AgnelloRicardo Sousa

The determinants of the volatility of fiscal policy discretion

(2014) Fiscal Studies, 35(1), 91-115
Luca AgnelloVitor CastroRicardo SousaJoão Tovar Jalles

Fiscal adjustments, labour market flexibility and unemployment

(2014) Economics Letters, 124(2), 231-235
Luís F. MartinsVasco Gabriel

Linear instrumental variables model averaging estimation

(2014) Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 71 709-724
Luiz Henrique Rodrigues-da-SilvaJosé António Crispim

The project risk management process, a preliminary study

(2014) Procedia Technology, 16 943–949
Madalena FonsecaDiana DiasCarla SáAlberto Amaral

Waves of (dis)satisfaction: Effects of the numerus clausus system in Portugal

(2014) European Journal of Education, 49(1), 144-158
Miguel A.FonsecaHans-Theo Normann

Endogenous cartel formation: Experimental evidence

( 2014) Economics Letters, 125(2), 223-225
Nazaré RegoJoão ClaroJorge Pinho de Sousa

A hybrid approach for integrated healthcare cooperative purchasing and supply chain configuration

(2014) Health Care Management Science, 17(4), 303–320
Óscar AfonsoPedro NevesMaria João Thompson

The skill premium and economic growth with costly investment, complementarities and international technological-knowledge diffusion

(2014) Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 23(6), 878-905
Óscar AfonsoSara MonteiroMaria João Thompson

Innovation economy, productive public expenditure and economic growth

(2014) METROECONOMICA, 65(4), 671-689
Patrício CostaRaquel AlvesIsabel NetoPedro MarvãoManuel João CostaMiguel Portela

Associations between medical student empathy and personality: a multi-institutional study

(2014) PLoS One, 9(3), 1-7
Patrício CostaManuel João CostaIsabel NetoPedro MarvãoMiguel Portela

Do personality differences between students from different schools generalize across countries?

(2014) Medical Teacher, 36(10), 914-916
José Cadima RibeiroPaula RemoaldoLaurentina VareiroJose Freitas Santos

Tourists’ perceptions of world heritage destinations: The case of Guimarães (Portugal)

(2014) Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14(4), 206–218
Paula RemoaldoJose Freitas SantosLaurentina VareiroJosé Cadima Ribeiro

Does Gender Affect Visiting a World Heritage Site?

(2014) Visitor Studies, 17(1), 89-106
José Cadima RibeiroPaula RemoaldoMécia Mota

Perceptions of residents of hosting the “Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture”: An ex-ante approach

(2014) Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 2(2), 71-93
Paulo Jorge PereiraArtur Rodrigues

Investment decisions in finite-lived monopolies

(2014) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 46 219-236

When municipalities go shopping—Portuguese direct awards

(2014) Public Money and Management, 34(6), 433-440

Style and performance of international socially responsible funds in Europe

(2014) Research in International Business and Finance, 30(1), 248-267
Pedro MarvãoIsabel