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Priscila Ferreira

Ph.D in Economics University of Essex


Priscila Ferreira is Assistant Professor with Habilitation in Economics at the University of Minho, Portugal. She is a labour economist and her current research focusses on the effects of economic crises and of firm-entry deregulation on labour market outcomes.
She is member of the Working Group on Labour Market Statistics (Superior Council of Statistics), and research affiliate at Centre for Research in Economics and Management.
In 2023 she won, ex-aequo- the School of Economics and Management (UMinho) Research Prize in Economics; in 2019 she won the Prize for the best paper of the Department of Economics; and in 2018 won the Prize “Competition in Markets” awarded by the Portuguese Ministry of Economics and Associação Mutualista Montepio. She also received Honourable Mentions in the 2020 and 2019 António Dornelas Prizes awarded by the Portuguese Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security.
She has published in journals such as the Journal of Human Resources, European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, British Journal of Management, International Journal of Industrial Organization, amongst others.

Areas of interest

Labour economics
Applied microeconomics
Applied microeconometrics


Fernandes, A P , & Ferreira, P (2021)

Executives’ gender pay gap and financing constraints

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 192, 381–404 DOI
Ferreira, P (2020)

As time goes by: survival analysis as a method to study topics in entrepreneurship

In G Saridakis & M Cowling (Eds ), Handbook of Quantitative Research Methods in Entrepreneurship (1st ed , pp 48–61) Cheltenham, U K : Edward Elgar DOI
Saridakis, G , Ferreira, P , Mohammed, A M , & Marlow, S (2022)

The relationship between gender and promotion over the business cycle: Does firm size matter?

British Journal of Management, 33(2), 806-827 DOI
Correia, I M , Ferreira, P , Pinto, L M , Valente, M , & Veiga, P (2021)

Ageing (un)equally and (un)healthily: On the health status of Portuguese people aged 50+

 Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 20(1-2), 45-64 DOI
Cooke, D , Fernandes, A P , & Ferreira, P (2021)

Entry deregulation, firm organization, and wage inequality

International Journal of Industrial Organization, 77, 102763 DOI


Study about the average salary in Portugal

Funding: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Duration: 2020-02-24 - 2020-08-24

The crisis within: Labour market (dis)functions and outcomes

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Duration: 2014-04-01 - 2015-03-31

Education/training and the labor market: education returns

Funding: Programa Operacional de Apoio Técnico do Fundo Social Europeu

Duration: 2012-12-31 - 2014-07-31

Economics and Education in Portugal: why and for whom?

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Duration: 2012-02-01 - 2015-01-31