Logotipo NIPE

SummerSchool2024 KNOW MORE KNOW MORE Fernando Alexandre, the new Minister of Education, Science and Innovation EEG/NIPE SEE MORE Fernando Manuel
Almeida Alexandre
Editor of Journal of Health Economics FULL PROFESSOR
SEE MORE Odd Rune Straume
Preliminary Report on the Evaluation of Strategic Options for Increasing Airport Capacity in the Lisbon Region: Study Coordinated by Fernando Alexandre ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR WITH HABILITATION OF ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OF EEG SEE MORE Fernando Manuel
Almeida Alexandre
Pedro Pita Barros Award 2022 Luís Sá NIPE´S RESEARCHER EEG Research Award 2023

Ongoing Projects

It’s All About Productivity: contributions to the understanding of the sluggish performance of the Portuguese economy

Advances in Nonlinear Time Series Econometric Modelling and Applications

Information asymmetry, conflicts of interest, and securities regulation