
- Full member
Paulo Mourão
Ph.D in Economics University of MinhoCampus de Gualtar - Edificio 8 - 2.11
Areas of interest
Exploring soccer transfers in Spanish League–The hidden role of strategic differences among teams
Plos one, 19(4) DOIExploring determinants of international transfers of women soccer players in Portuguese football
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 17479541221142928 DOIIndustrial dynamics in Brazilian mesoregions: The relevance of technological intensity
Review of Regional Research DOI"It’s the average cost, mister!” – Explaining the recurrent dismissal of European soccer coaches
Applied Economics DOIInvestment, growth and competitiveness: The multiplier-accelerator in the 21st century
Journal of Competitiveness, 15(3), 60-78 DOITransaction costs and costs of activity independence in B2B buyer-supplier relationships: analysis of Central and Eastern European companies
Central European Management Journal, 31(1), 102-114 DOIEuropean Regional Policy and Development: Forgotten Regions and Spaces
London: Routledge DOIRegiões diferentes, efeitos fiscais diferentes: uma discussão em torno da importância dos desenhos da descentralização fiscal em Portugal
In J Cadima Ribeiro (Ed ) Regionalização e Descentralização em Portugal: Reforma do Estado, Aprofundamento da Democracia e Desenvolvimento (pp 181-208) Braga: UMinho Editora DOIThe theory behind the pretender state and its imperfect citizens: From fiscal illusion to the logic of collective action
In A Teixeira, A P Delgado, L Carvalho, M I Mota, M M Castro e Silva (Eds ) Estudos de Homenagem a José da Silva Costa U Porto Press DOIPolitical budget cycles at the municipal level in Slovakia: between structural dependence and electoral exhibitionism
Local Government Studies, 1-29 DOIRaízes históricas do castigo na análise económica: ensaio de uma prelecção com recurso a O Jogador de Dostoeivski
Revista Tributária e Das Finanças Públicas, 89, 323–334 DOIEuropean Men’s Club Football in the Eyes of Consumers: The Determinants of Television Broadcast Demand
Journal of Sports Economics, 24(5), 579–623 DOIDecomposing wage differences in Brazilian regions: a revised insight about traditional discrimination
International Journal of Social Economics, 50(1), 1-19 DOIThe Economics of Motorsports - The Case of Formula One
London: Palgrave MacMillan DOIScoring the efficiency of portuguese wine exports - an analysis recurring to stochastic frontier models
CIENC TEC VITIVINIC, 31(1), 1–13 DOIA Case of Dictator Games in Public Finances – Fiscal Illusion between Agents
In S Omatu, J F D P Santana, S Rodríguez, J M Molina, A M Bernardos, & J M C Rodríguez (Eds ), Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence - Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing (Vol 151, pp 249–254) Springer Berlin Heidelberg DOIBudget transparency, revenues and debts among local governments in Croatia
South East European Journal of Economics and Business DOIRegional Development and Forgotten Spaces: Global Policy Experiences and Implications
London: Routledge DOIThe Cycle of Medieval Cathedrals – Explaining the Construction of Iberian Cathedrals through Economic Development
European Review, 1-19 DOIThrough the Irregular Paths of Inequality: An Analysis of the Evolution of Socioeconomic Inequality in Brazilian States Since 1976 †
Sustainability, 1(4), 2356 DOIReproduction of Parental Occupations, Income and Poverty in Brazil
Social Indicators Research, 167, 339–362 DOIBackpackers' Order and Visit Length in an Urban World Heritage Destination: an Analysis Using Ordered Logit and Linear Models
Tourism Review International, 27(1), 69-86 DOIFiscal and monetary interactions in the European countries: panel data analysis
Applied Economics, 55(5), 562-576 DOICriar pontes entre o solidário e o mercantil: Riscos e benefícios de um trabalho colaborativo
Cooperativismo e Economia Social, 44, 155-176 DOICorruption and Inflation in Agricultural Production: The Problem of the Chicken and the Egg
Economies, 10(11), 268 DOICovid and Public Funds: More Opportunities for a Misuse? The Case of the Intermediate Governments of Galicia
Public Organization Review, 22, 505-526 DOIA bibliometric study of the European Super League of football–A new plan or an old threat?
Soccer & Society, 23(8), 1097-1117 DOIThe role of policies in transforming regional fiscal structures: an exploratory analysis of spatial data from a policy of fiscal decentralization in Latin America
Journal of Economic Structures, 11(9) DOIRevisiting a macroeconomic controversy: the case of the multiplier–accelerator effect
Economies, 10(10), 249 DOIA literature review on the European Super League of football–tracing the discussion of a utopia?
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 14(3), 563-579 DOIForest entrepreneurship: A bibliometric analysis and a discussion about the co-authorship networks of an emerging scientific field
Journal of Cleaner Production, 256 DOIPresidents' discourses: Lags, leads or mere words?
1 Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 313-345 DOIEfficiency of the European Union farm types: Scenarios with and without the 2013 CAP measures
Open Agriculture, 7(1), 93-111 DOIAbout sad legacies: a study of the intergenerational occupational legacy in Brazil
International Journal of Manpower, 42(4), 702–731 DOIWhy Are They Here? The Intentions of Brazilian Exhibitor at Business Fairs
Revista Administração Em Diálogo - RAD, 24(1), 76–95 DOIDepending on the web: discussing the technological support for parties' survival
Kybernetes, 51(13), 199-218 DOIEuroregions in Perspective: Old Issues and New Challenges for Cooperation
Revista Galega de Economía, 31(2), 1-6 DOIFiscal transparency and tax ethics: does better information lead to greater compliance?
Journal of Policy Modeling, 43(5), 1031–1050 DOIA Satisfação dos Utentes Face aos Serviços Descentralizados da Segurança Social: estudo de caso sobre a REDE LOCAL DE INTERVENÇÃO SOCIAL (RLIS)
Gestin, 22, 87–106 DOILusophone Entrepreneurship: Analysis of Entrepreneurial Behavioural Characteristics in Brazilian and Portuguese Universities
Sustainability, 13(8), 4568 DOIFootsteps in the sand: studying refugee paths since 2005 through a network analysis of 205 territories
Quality and Quantity, 55(2), 563–600 DOIChoosing the best socioeconomic nutrients for the best trees: a discussion about the distribution of Portuguese Trees of Public Interest
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23(4), 5985–6001 DOIDiscussing the political survival of Romanian ministers since 1989—Do economic conditions matter?
Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 29, 63–93 DOICommunity development banks (CDB): a bibliometric analysis of the first 2 decades of scientific production
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23(1), 477–493 DOIHealth by Words—A Content Analysis of Political Manifestos in the Portuguese Elections of 1975
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 7119 DOIDiscussing a challenging document focused on land use: The first bibliometric analysis of Laudato Si′
Land Degradation and Development, 32(16), 4680–4692 DOIWhat determines governments’ response time to COVID-19? A cross-country inquiry on the measure restricting internal movements
Open Economics Journal, 4(1), 106–117 DOIExpansionary or restrictive policies in the Eurozone? Dominating trends in the first two decades
Acta Oeconomica, 71, 405–430 DOITaylor’s rule, political cycle, and Latin America — An analysis of time series in search of responsibility for monetary stabilization
PLoS One, 16(12), e0259314 DOITransnational economic clusters: The case of the Iberian Peninsula
Regional Science Policy & Practice, 13(5), 1442-1459 DOIPortuguese Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs): between the fight against corruption and the search for a modern role
In A Zatti (Ed ) Accountability, anti-corruption, and transparency policies in Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs) – Part I (CIRIEC Studies Series; 2; pp 85-99) Liège: CIRIEC DOIEconomics and COVID-19: A bibliometric analysis of the first months of publications
In T Costa, I Lisboa, & N Teixeira (Eds ) Handbook of Research on Reinventing Economies and Organizations Following a Global Health Crisis (pp 409-427) IGI Global DOIThe quiet portuguese: Are portuguese taxpayers victims of fiscal illusion?
Revista Galega De Economia, 29(1), 1–20 DOILas aspiraciones educativas en Galicia bajo la influencia del territorio, el rendimiento y el perfil socioeconómico
Journal of Regional Research Investigaciones Regionales, 47, 135-159 DOIThe Importance of Social Canteens in the Portuguese Emergency Food Program: A Case Study of the Holy Houses of Mercy
Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, 55, 129–141 DOIExploring the Likelihood of a Country Being a Tax Haven Using MIMIC Models
Econometric Research in Finance, 5(1), 17–32 DOIDiscussing the intriguing relation between unemployment and giving practices
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 25(1) DOIChristianity, democracy, and Maritain: a reading of a path of meetings and retreats
International Review of Economics, 67(2), 231–249 DOI'No country for old men'? the multiplier effects of pensions in Portuguese municipalities
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 19(2), 247–261 DOIEconomia do Esquecimento: rasgando o Estreito de Magalhães
UMINHO Editora DOINavegação de cabotagem - um economista revê-se ao longo (do primeiro semestre) da pandemia
In M Martins & E Rodrigues (Eds ), A Universidade em tempos de Pandemia UMINHO Editora DOITesting mcclelland at the academy: An analysis of entrepreneurial behavioral characteristics
Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(5), 1–16 DOIPortuguese Ministers as Political Survivors: an empirical analysis of the first 20 Constitutional Governments Revista de Sociologia e Política
Revista De Sociologia e Politica, 28(73), e006 DOIEconomic Development and Changes in Human Resource Management in a Sustainable Agricultural Sector: Recent Evidence from Brazilian Sugar–Alcohol Companies
Sustainability, 12(18), 7559 DOIEficiência Financeira, Atores e Interações: Um Estudo do Fluxo de Jogadores entre Clubes e as Equipes Semifinalistas de São Paulo em 2017
Internext, 15(1), 88–103 DOIHow economic development influences entrepreneurial networks-dissecting reasons for the birth, development and death of local development’s agents
Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1–21 DOICircular economy and economic development in the European Union: A review and bibliometric analysis
Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(18), 7767 DOIIdentification of the similarities and differences of logistics controller, manager and specialist: A study based on a content analysis
International Journal of Logistics Management, 30(1), 261–283 DOIThe luck of being of the right gender and color: a detailed discussion about the wage gaps in the Brazilian manufacturing industry
Quality and Quantity, 53(3), 1275–1300 DOITeaching Teachers for Brazilian Universities: A Content Analysis of Scientific Publications Focused on the Sustainability of Stricto Sensu Programs
Higher Education Studies, 9(4), 167–180 DOISpeed dating or marriage? Brazilian business fairs according to a sample of metal/mechanic companies
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 34(1), 80–94 DOIThe effectiveness of Green voices in parliaments: Do Green Parties matter in the control of pollution?
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 21(2), 985–1011 DOI‘Keeping up with the (Portuguese) Joneses’—a study on the spatial dependence of municipal expenditure
Applied Economics, 51(34), 3689–3709 DOIForest fire legislation: Reactive or proactive?
Ecological Indicators, 104, 137–144 DOIThe financial sustainability of Portuguese Private Institutions of Social Solidarity: are the critical regions preserved from the fade?
Quality and Quantity, 53(2), 1075–1092 DOIExpenditure on Public Services in the Countries of the European Union Determinants of Fiscal Policy and Public Governance
European Journal of Service Management, 28(2), 429–437 DOIFrom Handshakes to Hugs: How Brazilian Business Fairs Enhance Relationships Between Exhibitors
In J Machado, F Soares, & G Veiga (Eds ) Innovation, Engineering and Entrepreneurship HELIX 2018 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (vol 505, pp 877-883) Springer, Cham DOISurviving in the shadows—An economic and empirical discussion about the survival of the non-winning F1 drivers
Economic Analysis and Policy, 59, 54–68 DOIWhat is China seeking from Africa? An analysis of the economic and political determinants of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment based on Stochastic Frontier Models
China Economic Review, 48, 258–268 DOIFixed points and European soccer leagues: discussing the trajectories of European soccer teams by the density of fixed points
SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 7(1), 27–40 DOISmoking gentlemen-How formula one has controlled CO2 emissions
Sustainability (Switzerland), 10(6), 1841 DOIAre there electoral cycles of emigration? An empirical investigation based on European data
International Migration, 56(3), 5–27 DOIThe Insertion of Latin America in the Global Context a Focused Approach to Regional Economic Development
European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 7(2), 28–32 DOIMany Are Never Too Many: An Analysis of Crowdfunding Projects in Brazil
International Journal of Financial Studies, 6(4), 95 DOIThe Irrelevance of Political Party Differences for Public Finances – Evidence from Public Deficit and Debt in Portugal (1974–2012)
European Review, 25(4), 1–28 DOIDiscussing the posthosting evaluation of a mega sporting event: The perception of Warsaw Residents toward UEFA EURO 2012
Tourism and Hospitality Research, 17(4), 392–410 DOIDiscussing the spatial dependence and the determinants of the municipal expenses of Portuguese forest sappers’ teams
Journal of Forest Economics, 27, 38–49 DOIDissecting the survivors – how the age of a club contributes to the ability of a team to maintain the top position in the European soccer leagues
Science and Sports, 32(4), e163–e171 DOIPortuguese agriculture and the evolution of greenhouse gas emissions—can vegetables control livestock emissions?
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(19), 16107–16119 DOIDescentralização e desigualdade na distribuição dos fundos constitucionais brasileiros Uma análise de cointegração de séries entre 1997 e 2011
Cuadernos De Economia, 36(71), 321–344 DOIPort Wine, Brazil and the World Economy: a time series analysis from 1756 to Brazilian independence*
Revista De Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, 3(2), 275–300 DOICosts and Economies of Scale at Not-for-Profit Organizations: The Case of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Barcelos Between 2002 and 2013
Social Indicators Research, 132(2), 821–840 DOIDesigning Inquiries into the Financial Sustainability of Local Associations – The Case of Portuguese Amateur Soccer Teams
In M P -O et al (Ed ), Sport Management as an Emerging Economy Activity (pp 139–153) Springer DOIThe importance of new forms of capital in nonprofit organizations A case study of the Fafe delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross
International Journal of Social Economics, 44(7), 846–868 DOIIncome Inequality in Host Countries and Remittances: A Discussion of the Determinants of Portuguese Emigrants' Remittances
International Migration, 54(5), 136–149 DOISoccer transfers, team efficiency and the sports cycle in the most valued European soccer leagues – have European soccer teams been efficient in trading players?
Applied Economics, 48(56), 5513-5524 DOISocio-economic Determinants for the Portuguese Immigration: An Empirical Discussion
Social Indicators Research, 125(3), 955–975 DOIDiscussing structural breaks in the Portuguese regulation on forest fires-An economic approach
Land Use Policy, 54, 460–478 DOIThe Effect of the Establishment of the Portuguese Republic on the Revenue of Secular Brotherhoods: the Case of “Bom Jesus de Braga”
E-Journal of Portuguese History, 14(1), 20–52 DOIDoes regional openness stimulate vocational training in Romania?
Transformations in Business and Economics, 15(3), 220–238 DOIRhetoric on the economy: have European parties changed their economic messages?
Applied Economics, 48(22), 2022–2036 DOIFalando sobre economia a partir de “As Vinhas da Ira”
Economia E Sociedade, 14(2), 375–383 DOIPeriodograms on fiscal illusion: discussing the cycle lengths of public finances in European countries
Applied Economics, 47(16), 1698–1709 DOIThe complex relation between Belarusian trade openness and the agricultural sector
Land Use Policy, 43, 74–81 DOIEconomia sem Gravata
Chiado Editores DOIGini playing soccer
Applied Economics, 47(49), 5229–5246 DOIStudying the Golden Generations' effects and the changes in the competitive balance of the Portuguese Soccer League
International Journal of Sport Finance, 10(1), 42–61 DOIChanging the hidden rules - An Excel Template for discussing soccer’s competitive balance
International Journal of Imaging and Robotics, 15(4), 179–184 DOIDiscussing Chevalier’s Data on the Efficiency of Tariffs for American and French Canals in the 1830s
SAGE Open, 5(2) DOIInvestors or Givers ? The Case of a Portuguese Crowdfunding Site
In S Omatu, Q M Malluhi, S R Gonzalez, G Bocewicz, E Bucciarelli, G Giulioni, & F Iqba (Eds ), Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 12th International Conference Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (vol 373, pp 113-120) Springer, Cham DOIWhen municipalities go shopping—Portuguese direct awards
Public Money and Management, 34(6), 433–440 DOIDoes European regional competitiveness influence sports? An analysis of three sports
Applied Economics, 46(13), 1476–1489 DOIWhen a rider falls - a discussion of the economic costs and determinants for a cyclist's withdrawal
International Journal of Sport Finance, 9(1), 53–72 DOIThe choices of the fire - Debating socioeconomic determinants of the fires observed at Portuguese municipalities
Forest Policy and Economics, 43, 29–40 DOIDo give looking at whom Study on the project "Every Man is my brother" [Dar olhando a quem - Estudo sobre o Projecto "Todo Homem é meu irmão"]
Innovar: Revista De Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales, 23(49), 131–139 DOIPork-barrel versus irrelevance effects in Portuguese public spending
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31(4), 649–666 DOIThe messenger of inflation - how media change political competition
Applied Economics Letters, 20(3), 267–271 DOIWomen out, children out: The effect of female labor on portuguese preschool enrollment rates
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 49(SUPPL 1), 49–62 DOIPara uma discussão das políticas educativas à luz de Rawls
Cuadernos De Economia, 32(60), 395–412 DOIO ajuste directo em Portugal – do enquadramento legislativo ao enquadramento económico
In E P Ferreira, H T Torres, & C C Palma (Eds ), Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Alberto Xavier (Vol 2, pp 609–628) Coimbra: Almedina DOITax havens or tax hells? A discussion of the historical roots and present consequences of tax havens
Financial Theory and Practice, 37(3), 311–330 DOIHow Political Illusions Harm National Stability: Fiscal Illusion as a Source of Taxation
In A Herrero, V Snasel, A Abraham, I Zelinka, B Baruque, H Quintian, J L Calvo, J Sedano, & E Corchado (Eds ), International Joint Conference CISIS’12-ICEUTE´12-SOCO´12 Special Sessions Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (vol 189, pp 109-115) Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg DOIFiscal illusion around the world: An analysis using the structural equation approach
Public Finance Review, 40(2), 270–299 DOIPara uma abordagem institucionalista do Voluntariado – o caso do Voluntário da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa
Innovar: Revista De Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales, 22(43), 45–54 DOIDoes the Economic Cycle Change Our Prayers? A Discussion Based on Catholic Bulletins
Kyklos, 65(4), 563–580 DOIThe Weber-Fechner Law and Public Expenditures Impact to the Win-Margins at Parliamentary Elections
Prague Economic Papers, (3), 291–308 DOIReview of "A Questão Financeira Resolvida'" by José Barbosa Leão
Journal of Economic Literature, 50(4), 1127–1130 DOIThe indebtedness of Portuguese soccer teams - looking for determinants
Journal of Sports Sciences, 30(10), 1025–1035 DOIHow the cake is distributed: The case of Portuguese decentralized grants
Environment and Planning A, 44(2), 477–490 DOIWhat makes non-profit soccer teams run? A panel data approach using a sample of Braga teams
Financial Theory and Practice, 36(2), 199–220 DOIWhy does the microcredit borrowing rate differ across countries? A cross-country study
International Journal of Social Economics, 39(8), 536–550 DOIThe African aid trap – are we helping the poorest or the richest?
Agrekon, 51(2), 93-106 DOIDeterminants of the number of Catholic priests to Catholics in Europe – an economic explanation
Review of Religious Research, 52(4), 427–438 DOIHas trade openness already voted? A panel data study
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 47(SUPPL 5), 53–71 DOIPolíticas Pork-Barrel: um estudo sobre o caso português do PIDDAC
Econômica, 13(1), 73–93 DOIDeterminantes regionais da sobrevivência e da mortalidade das empresas - o caso português
Revista Brasileira De Economia De Empresas, 10(2), 15–37 DOILocation Factors of the Active Religious Brotherhoods: a Research on the Atlantic and Pacific borders
Scripta Nova, 15(367), 1–30 DOIProjects
Does Transparency pay-off? The political and socio-economic impacts of local government budget transparency in Croatia (IMPACTBT)
Funding: Croatian Science Foundation
Duration: 2020-01-03 - 2024-01-02
Avaliador económico-financeiro interno do Projeto “Bom Jesus Requalificar II”
Funding: NORTE2020
Duration: 2015-03 - 2017-10
A Liberdade Religiosa como estímulo à migração
Funding: Observatório da Imigração/ACIDI/Ministério da Presidência
Duration: 2009-03 - 2012-05