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  • Full member

Sónia Silva

Ph.D in Business Administration University of Minho


Ph.D. in Business Administration (specialization in Corporate Finance), University of Minho.
MSc in Finance, University of Minho.
Executive Master in Finance, Catholic Porto Business School.
BSc in Business Management, Institute of Business Administration of Porto.
Assistant Researcher at NIPE, University of Minho.



Areas of interest

Corporate Finance; Financial Markets; International Finance; Capital Structure; Corporate Governance


Pereira, L , Silva, A M J N , & Silva, S N (2018) Financial constraints and financial crises: the case of Portuguese listed companies 9(2), 64–75 DOI
Loureiro, G , & Silva, S (2020)

The impact of cross-delisting from the U S On firms’ financial constraints

Journal of Business Research, 108, 132–146 DOI
Silva, S (2024)

Corporate Failure Prediction Model for European SMEs

Global Business and Economics Review Forthcoming DOI
Silva, S (2024)

The impact of environmental regulation compliance and market competitiveness degree on performance: The case of the Portuguese enterprise ecosystem

” Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management Forthcoming DOI
Silva, S (2025)

Trade Credit and Corporate Profitability: Evidence from EU-based SMEs

Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 36(1), 81-92 DOI
Loureiro, G , & Silva, S (2023)

The wealth effects of takeover bids regulation in the European Union

European Financial Management, 29(3), 692-733 DOI
Montenegro, T M , Meira, P , & Silva, S (2023)

The investors’ prospects on mandatory auditor rotation: evidence from Euronext Lisbon

Quantitative Finance and Economics, 7(3), 440-462 DOI
Silva, S , Silva, A , & Machado, R B (2022)

Does board-level employee representation impact firms’ value? Evidence from the European countries

Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 30(4), 465-488 DOI
Loureiro, G , & Silva, S (2022)

Earnings management and stock price crashes post U S cross-delistings

International Review of Financial Analysis, 82, 102215 DOI
Oliveira, J C , Lopes, J , Farinha, L , Silva, S , & Luízio, M (2021)

Orchestrating entrepreneurial ecosystems in circular economy: the new paradigm of sustainable competitiveness

Management of Environmental Quality, (1), 103–123 DOI
Loureiro, G , & Silva, S (2021)

The Impact of Securities Regulation on the Information Environment around Stock-Financed Acquisitions

Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 73, 101374 DOI