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  • Associate Researcher

Rasha Tawfiq Yousef Abadi

Thesis project: The Cap-weighted Portfolios versus Fundamental Weighted Portfolios in the MENA Equity Markets
Advisors: Florinda Silva
Starting date: 24 November 2016


Abadi, R T , & Silva, F (2022)

Do Islamic fundamental weighted indices outperform their conventional counterparts? An empirical investigation during the crises in the MENA region

Eurasian Economic Review, 12(2), 241-266 DOI
Abadi, R , & Silva, F (2019)

Common risk factors in stock returns in the mena region

Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 12(2), 29–60 DOI
Abadi, R , & Silva, F (2019)

Do Fundamental Portfolios Outperform in the MENA Equity Markets?

International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 12(2), 265–281 DOI


Rasha Tawfiq Yousef Abadi (February 2019)
Capweighted portfolios versus fundamental-weighted portfolios in the MENA equity markets: Do they perform differently?
Orientadores: Florinda Silva
Rasha Tawfiq Yousef Abadi (February 2019)
Capweighted portfolios versus fundamental-weighted portfolios in the MENA equity markets: Do they perform differently?
Orientadores: Florinda Silva