
- Full member
Natália Barbosa
Ph.D in Economics University of ManchesterCampus de Gualtar - Edificio 8 - 2.23
Areas of interest
Outward Foreign Direct Investment, Restructuring and Performance Upgrading: Firm-level Evidence from Portugal
Global Business Review, 24(2), 281–294 DOISMEs’ Strategic Responses to a Multinational’s Entry Into a Cluster
Journal of Small Business Strategy, 32(4), 126–142 DOIPortuguese farming firms’ growth: Do human capital and managerial capabilities matter?
New Medit, 19(1), 101–116 DOIThe effect of entrepreneurial origin on firms’ performance: The case of Portuguese academic spinoffs
Industrial and Corporate Change, 29(1), 25–42 DOIBarriers to entry: An empirical assessment of Portuguese firms’ perceptions
European Research on Management and Business Economics, 26(2), 55–62 DOIPortuguese regional innovation systems efficiency in the European Union context
European Planning Studies, 28(8), 1599–1618 DOIEffect of Venture Capital on the Growth of Information and Communication Technology University Spin-Offs: Venture Capital Effect on the Growth of ICT-USOs
In B Álvarez-García & J -P Abeal-Vázquez (Eds ), Emerging Tools and Strategies for Financial Management (pp 82–105) IGI-Global DOIDo subsidies drive technical efficiency? The case of portuguese firms in the agribusiness sector
Revista De Economia e Sociologia Rural, 58(3) DOIImpacts of Technology Adoption by Small Independent Food Retailers
Journal of Small Business Management, 57(4), 1485–1505 DOIEfficiency and subsidies: mapping and multidisciplinary analysis
International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management , 1(3), 225–250 DOIPublic financial support and firm-specific characteristics: evidence from Portugal
European Planning Studies, 26(4), 670–686 DOISingle Market Non-Compliance: How relevant is the institutional setting?
Singapore Economic Review, 62(5), 1115–1135 DOIAcesso a recursos através de redes de relacionamento – A perspetiva das empresas de um cluster de calçado do norte de Portugal
Revista Brasileira De Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional, 13(1), 32–53 DOIMotivos da adoção de tecnologias pelas micro e pequenas empresas distribuidoras de produtos alimentares
Revista Brasileira De Gestão e Inovação (Brazilian Journal of Management & Innovation), 4(1), 52–65 DOIHigh-Growth Firms: What Is the Impact of Region-Specific Characteristics?
In R Baptista & J Leitão (Eds ), Entrepreneurship, Human Capital, and Regional Development (Vol 31, pp 295–308) Springer DOIFirm Innovation and Co-Location in Portugal
Growth and Change, 46(4), 574–592 DOIIndustry-and firm-specific factors of innovation novelty
Industrial and Corporate Change, 23(3), 865–902 DOIDoes venture capital really foster innovation?
Economics Letters, 122(2), 129–131 DOIDifferences of absorptive capacity between firms within a cluster
Transformations in Business and Economics, 12(3), 203–214 DOIFirm growth and innovation: Towards a typology of innovation strategy
Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 15(1), 97–111 DOIRegional Variation of Firm Size and Growth: The Portuguese Case
Growth and Change, 42(2), 125–158 DOIInnovation across Europe: How important are institutional differences?
Research Policy, 40(9), 1157-1169 DOIChapter 8: Entrepreneurship and Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal
In H Lenihan, B Andreosso-O’Callaghan, & M Harte (Eds) SMEs in a Globalised World Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing DOIA conceptual framework to analyse hospital competitiveness
The Service Industries Journal, 30(3), 437-448 DOIDeterminants of Non-Tariff Barriers in Intra-EU Trade
In M H Guimarães & A P Faria (Eds ), Product Market Integration: A Multifaceted Approach (Vol 26, pp 101–117) Emerald DOIDeterminantes do investimento estrangeiro em Portugal
In P Lains (Ed) Sem fronteiras : os novos horizontes da economia portuguesa (pp 131–155) Lisboa: Imprensa das Ciências Sociais, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa DOILinking corporate productivity to foreign direct investment: An empirical assessment
International Business Review, 18(1), 1–13 DOIThe role of inward foreign direct investment on entrepreneurship
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 5, 319–339 DOIRecursos, Posição e Desempenho Empresarial num Cluster
Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, 21, 101–121 DOITechnology adoption: does labour skill matter? Evidence from Portuguese firm-level data
Empirica, 35, 179–194 DOIMudanças na distribuição automóvel europeia
Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira De Gestão, 7(1), 44–55 DOIAn Integrative Model of Firms' Entry Decisions
Applied Economics Quarterly, 53(1), 45–69 DOIImplicações de Mudança de Controlo Empresarial na Composição da Força de Trabalho
In A O das Neves (Ed), Cadernos Sociedade e Trabalho, IX: Quadros de Pessoal e Investigação em Economia (pp 85–92) Ministério do Trabalho e da Segurança Social, Gabinete de Estratégia e Planeamento (MTSS/GEP) DOIInteracção entre redes organizacionais locais
Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, 16, 23–42 DOIDimensões de análise da competitividade hospitalar em Portugal
Revista Portuguesa De Gestão e Saúde, 1(1), 26–33 DOICorporate Performance: Does Ownership Matter? A Comparison of Foreign- and Domestic-Owned Firms in Greece and Portugal
Review of Industrial Organization, 27, 73–102 DOIForeign firm entry in an open economy: the case of Portugal
Applied Economics, 36(5), 465-472 DOIOn the determinants of multinationals ownership preferences: Evidence from Greece and Portugal
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 20(4), 493–515 DOIProjects
Dinâmica de Inovação, Estratégia Empresarial e Interacções
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Duration: 2010-04-15 - 2013-10-14