
- Associate Researcher
Luís Sá
Ph.D in Economics University of MinhoCampus de Gualtar - Edificio 8 - 1.28
Areas of interest
Machado, S R , Moura, A , Lopes, F V , Marques, D , & Sá, L (2024) A health system assessment approach to analysis of political parties’ health proposals, Portugal Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 102(11), 820–827
Sá, L , & Straume, O R (2022)
Hospital competition when patients learn through experience
(No 12) Universidade do Minho, NIPE DOI
Sá, L , & Straume, O R (2021)
Quality provision in hospital markets with demand inertia: The role of patient expectations
Journal of Health Economics, 80, 102529 DOI
Sá, L , & Straume, O R (2020)
Quality provision in hospital markets with demand inertia: the role of patient expectations
(No 3) Universidade do Minho, NIPE DOI
Correia, I , Sá, L , & Veiga, P (2019)
Lawmaking Towards Hospital Competition: Is Free Choice of Provider Enough?
In E Tec Yearbook Health Law and Technology (pp 37–52) JusGov - Research Centre for Justice and Governance DOI
Sá, L , Siciliani, L , & Straume, O R (2019)
Dynamic hospital competition under rationing by waiting times
Journal of Health Economics, 66, 260–282 DOITeaching
Economia dos Mercados e da Concorrência
Percursos Complementares em Medicina