
- Full member
Luís Aguiar-Conraria
Ph.D in Economics Cornell UniversityCampus de Gualtar - Edificio 8 - 2.25
Areas of interest
The performance of OECD's composite leading indicator
International Journal of Finance & Economics, 29(2), 2265-2277 DOIEconomic forecasts and executive approval
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 34(4), 643–655 DOIThe economy and executive approval in a semi-presidential regime: The case of Portugal
In Economics and Politics Revisited: Executive Approval and the New Calculus of Support (pp 108-130) DOIThe Phillips curve at 65: Time for time and frequency
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 151, 104620 DOIHow Far is Gas from becoming a Global Commodity?
Energy Journal, 43(4), 153–172 DOIOpinion expression on hazing: has the Spiral of Silence reached the Portuguese higher education?
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45(10), 1325–1341 DOIA Lei de Okun sob novas lentes
In A P Duarte, M Simões, P Bação, & R Martins (Eds ), Estudos de Homenagem a João Sousa Andrade (pp 485–500) Almedina DOIWhat are the best quorum rules? A laboratory investigation
Public Choice, 185(1-2), 215–231 DOIOkun’s Law Across Time and Frequencies
(No 13) Universidade do Minho, NIPE DOICalifornia's carbon market and energy prices: A wavelet analysis
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2126) DOIA time–frequency analysis of the Canadian macroeconomy and the yield curve
Empirical Economics, 58(5), 2333–2351 DOITransparency, Policy Outcomes, and Incumbent Support
Kyklos, 72(3), 357–380 DOICrise e Castigo e o dia seguinte - Os desequilibrios, o resgate e a recuperação da economia portuguesa
Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos DOIProcedural Fairness, the Economy, and Support for Political Authorities
Political Psychology, 40(1), 165–181 DOIEstimating the Taylor rule in the time-frequency domain
Journal of Macroeconomics, 57, 122–137 DOICalifornia's carbon market and energy prices: A wavelet analysis
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2126) DOIBusiness cycle synchronization across U S states
B E Journal of Macroeconomics, 17(1) DOIPoupança e Financiamento da Economia Portuguesa
Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda DOIExperimental evidence that quorum rules discourage turnout and promote election boycotts
Experimental Economics, 19(4), 886–909 DOICrise e Castigo - Os desequilíbrios e o resgate da economia portuguesa
Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos DOIApplication of Wavelets to the Study of Political History
In R A Meyers (Ed ), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science (pp 1–16) Springer DOIEnergy and carbon prices: A comparison of interactions in the European Union emissions trading scheme and the Western climate initiative market
Carbon Management, 6(3-4), 129–140 DOICarbon financial markets: A time-frequency analysis of CO 2 prices
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 414, 118–127 DOIThe continuous wavelet transform: Moving beyond uni- and bivariate analysis
Journal of Economic Surveys, 28(2), 344–375 DOIOil Shocks and the Euro as an Optimum Currency Area
In M Gallegati & W Semmler (Eds ), Wavelet Applications in Economics and Finance, Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance, 20 (pp 143–156) Springer International Publishing DOIInflation Rate Dynamics Convergence within the Euro
In B Murgante, S Misra, A M A C Rocha, C Torre, J G Rocha, M I Falcão, D Taniar, B O Apduhan & O Gervasi (Eds ) ICCSA 2014: Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol 8579, pp 132-145) Springer, Cham DOIThe nationalization of electoral cycles in the United States: A wavelet analysis
Public Choice, 156(3-4), 387–408 DOIConvergence of the Economic Sentiment Cycles in the Eurozone: A Time-Frequency Analysis
Journal of Common Market Studies, 51(3), 377–398 DOIO euro e o crescimento da economia portuguesa: uma análise contrafactual
Análise Social, 203(xlvii, 2º), 298-321 DOIForeign direct investment and home-country political risk: The case of Brazil
Latin American Research Review, 47(2), 144–165 DOIOPEC's oil exporting strategy and macroeconomic (in)stability
Energy Economics, 34(1), 132–136 DOIThe euro and the growth of the Portuguese economy:a counterfactual analysis
Análise Social, 47(2), 298–321 DOICycles in Politics: Wavelet Analysis of Political Time Series
American Journal of Political Science, 56(2), 500–518 DOIThe yield curve and the macro-economy across time and frequencies
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 36(12), 1950–1970 DOIForecasting Spanish elections
International Journal of Forecasting, 28(4), 769–776 DOIEmprego e TSU: o impacto no emprego das alterações nas contribuições dos trabalhadores e das empresas
NIPE Policy Paper, Universidade do Minho, Núcleo de Investigação em Políticas Económicas (NIPE) DOIBusiness cycle synchronization and the Euro: A wavelet analysis
Journal of Macroeconomics, 33(3), 477–489 DOIOil and the macroeconomy: Using wavelets to analyze old issues
Empirical Economics, 40(3), 645–655 DOIHow quorum rules distort referendum outcomes: Evidence from a pivotal voter model
European Journal of Political Economy, 26(4), 541–557 DOIReferendum design, quorum rules and turnout
Public Choice, 144(1), 63–81 DOIChallenges Ahead for the Portuguese Economy
South European Society and Politics, 14(2), 239–240 DOIGrowth, centrism and semi-presidentialism: Forecasting the Portuguese general elections
Electoral Studies, 28(2), 314–321 DOIA note on the stability properties of goodwin's predator-prey model
Review of Radical Political Economics, 40(4), 518–523 DOIA note on oil dependence and economic instability
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 12(5), 717–723 DOIUsing wavelets to decompose the time-frequency effects of monetary policy
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 387(12), 2863–2878 DOICapital Gains: Blue Machines and Red Machines
The Singapore Economic Review, 50(SPEC ISS 1), 437–447 DOIPublic vs Private schooling in an endogenous growth model
Economics Bulletin, 9(10), 1–6 DOIProjects
CLICTOUR - Turismo Resiliente às Alterações Climáticas nas Áreas Protegidas do Norte de Portugal
Funding: Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte | CCDR-N
Duration: 2021-05-01 - 2023-06-30
É tudo sobre produtividade: contribuições para a compreensão da estagnação da economia portuguesa
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Duration: 2018-10-01 - 2022-09-30
Regras de votação e distorções eleitorais
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Duration: 2016-05-01 - 2020-05-31
Financial Literacy
Funding: European Investment Bank
Duration: 2013-01-01 - 2015-12-31
POPSTAR - Public Opinion and Sentiment Tracking, Analysis and Research
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Duration: 2012-07-01 - 2014-12-31
1986-2010: The Portuguese Economy in the European Union
Funding: Universidade do Minho
Duration: 2010-04-01 - 2014-05-07
Monetary policy and asset prices in regime-switching economies
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Duration: 2010-01-01 - 2012-06-30
Oil shocks and the Macroeconomy: Econometric estimation, economic modeling and policy implications
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Duration: 2008-01-01 - 2011-03-31