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  • Full member

Carla Sá

Ph.D in Economics Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/ Tinbergen Institute


Carla Sá is Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Minho, and researcher at NIPE (Economic Policies Research Unit) and CIPES (Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies). She holds a PhD in Economics from the Tinbergen Institute/Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Her general research interests are in the intersection of economics of education and spatial economics, with particular emphasis on student decision-making process. Her research has been published in Regional Studies, Spatial Economics Analysis, CESifo Economic Studies, Higher Education, Studies in Higher Educationa and European Journal of Education. She has been involved in research projects funded by the FCT (National Science Foundation), A3ES (Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education) and FFMS (Francisco Manuel dos Santos Fundation). She has served as consultant for the Portuguese Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity and the ILO (Int. Labour Organization).



Areas of interest

Economics of Education
Labour Economics
Applied Econometrics


Ngoy, E , Sá, C , & Veiga, P

Exploring socioeconomic-related inequality in children’s cognitive achievement in Peru

Journal of Economic Inequality DOI
Pelegrini, T , Sá, C , & Franca, M T A (2023)

Factors associated with the mobility of college students in Brazil: an analysis using a gravity model

Higher Education, 85(1), 203-223 DOI
Lourenço, D , & Sá, C (2022)

Estimating the effect of distance on the migration of higher education candidates

The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 22(4), 739-761 DOI
Biscaia, R , Sá, C , & Teixeira, P N (2021)

The (In)effectiveness of regulatory policies in higher education—The case of access policy in Portugal

Economic Analysis and Policy, 72, 176–185 DOI
Valente, M , Sá, C , Soares, N , & Sousa, S (2021)

Exploring the consistency of ethical perceptions by business and economics higher education students: Looking from academia towards the corporate world

International Journal of Management Education, 19(2), 100499 DOI
Pinto, L M C , Sá, C , Soares, N , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2020)

The case for academic hazing as a rational choice: An economic approach

Economic Analysis and Policy, 66, 51–62 DOI
Teixeira, P , Sá, C , Cerejeira, J , Figueiredo, H , & Portela, M (2021)

Mass Higher Education and its Civic Impacts in Portugal and Spain

Journal of Education Finance, 46(4), 496–518 DOI
Lourenço, D , Sá, C , Tavares, O , & Cardoso, S (2020)

Enrolling in Higher Education: the impact of regional mobility and public-private substitution effects

Journal of Economic Issues, 54(1), 183–197 DOI
Lourenço, D , & Sá, C (2019)

Spatial competition for students: what does (not) matter?

Annals of Regional Science, 63(1), 147–162 DOI
Sá, C , & Tavares, O (2018)

How student choice consistency affects the success of applications in Portuguese higher education

Studies in Higher Education, 43(12), 2148–2160 DOI
Fonseca, M , Dias, D , Sá, C , & Amaral, A (2014)

Waves of (dis)satisfaction: Effects of the numerus clausus system in Portugal

European Journal of Education, 49(1), 144–158 DOI
Sá, C , Florax, R J G M , & Rietveld, P (2012)

Living Arrangement and University Choice of Dutch Prospective Students

Regional Studies, 46(5), 651–667 DOI
Sá, C , Tavares, D A , Justino, E , & Amaral, A (2011)

Higher education (related) choices in Portugal: Joint decisions on institution type and leaving home

Studies in Higher Education, 36(6), 689–703 DOI
Alexandre, F , Portela, M , & Sá, C (2009)

Admission conditions and graduates' employability

Studies in Higher Education, 34(7), 795–805 DOI
Portela, M , Sá, C , Alexandre, F , & Cardoso, A R (2009)

Perceptions of the Bologna process: What do students' choices reveal?

Higher Education, 58(4), 465–474 DOI
Cardoso, A R , Sá, C , Portela, M , & Alexandre, F (2008)

Demand for higher education programs: the impact of the Bologna process

CESifo Economic Studies, 54(2), 229–247 DOI
Portela, M A , Areal, N M P C , Sá, C , Alexandre, F , Cerejeira, J , Carvalho, A , & Rodrigues, A (2008)

Evaluating student allocation in the Portuguese public higher education system

Higher Education, 56(2), 185–203 DOI
Sá, C , Dismuke, C E , & Guimarães, P P (2007)

Survival analysis and competing risk models of hospital length of stay and discharge destination: The effect of distributional assumptions

Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 7(3-4), 109–124 DOI
Sá, C , Florax, R J G M , & Rietveld, P (2006)

Does accessibility to higher education matter? Choice behaviour of high school graduates in the Netherlands | L'accessibilité à l'enseignement supérieur importe-t-elle? Comportement du choix des diplômés de l'enseignement secondaire au pays-bas

Spatial Economic Analysis, 1(2), 155–174 DOI
Sá, C , Florax, R J G M , & Rietveld, P (2004)

Determinants of the regional demand for higher education in the Netherlands: A gravity model approach

Regional Studies, 38(4), 375–392 DOI
Teixeira, P N , Silva, P L , Biscaia, R & Sá, C (2022)

Competition and diversification in higher education: Analysing impacts on access and equity in the case of Portugal

European Journal of Education, 57, 235– 254 DOI
Tavares, O , Sin, C , Sá, C , Bugla, S , & Amaral, A (2022)

Inbreeding and research collaborations in Portuguese higher education

Higher Education Quarterly, 76(1), 102-115 DOI
Sá, C , & Dias, D (2019)

Public-Private Higher Education Institution Choice: Quality or Convenience?

In L G Chova, A L Martinez, & I C Torres (Eds), EDULEARN19: 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (pp 8502-8510) IATED-INT Assoc Technology Education & Development DOI
Sá, C (2019)

Economic determinants of higher education demand

In P Teixeira & J Shin (Eds ), Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions (365-392) Springer DOI
Figueiredo, H , Portela, M , Sá, C , Cerejeira, J , Almeida, A , & Lourenço, D (2017)

Benefícios do Ensino Superior

Lisbon, Portugal: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos DOI
Levkovich, O , Rouwendal, J , & Sá, C (2016)

International students and the Netherlands

In S Musterd, M Bontje & J Rouwendal (Eds), Skills and Cities, (pp 170-207), Routledge DOI
Bontje, M , Musterd, S , & Rouwendal, J (2016)

Housing and location preferences of higher educated workers in the Netherlands: An introduction

In S Musterd, M Bontje, & J Rouwendal (Eds ), Skills and Cities (pp 59–62) New York, USA: Routledge DOI
Teixeira, P , Cerejeira, J , Simões, M , Sá, C , & Portela, M (2014)

Educação, Economia e Capital Humano – Notas Sobre um Paradoxo

In F Alexandre, P Bação, P Lains, M M F Martins, M Portela, & M Simões (Eds ), A Economia Portuguesa na União Europeia: 1986 – 2010 (pp 329–355) Coimbra: Actual Editora DOI
Sá, C , Dias, D , & Tavares, O (2013)

Tendências recentes no ensino superior potuguês

Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior DOI
Carneiro, A , Sá, C , Cerejeira, J , Varejão, J , & Portela, M (2011)

Estudo sobre a Retribuição Mínima Mensal Garantida em Portugal

NIPE - Policy Papers, Ministério da Economia e do Emprego DOI
Cerejeira, J , Portela, M , Sá, C , & Alexandre, F (2009)

Os fluxos e as remunerações de sub- e sobre-escolarizados em Portugal no período 1995-2005

(Vol 23) Lisboa: Ministério do Trabalho e da Segurança Social, Gabinete de Estratégia e Planeamento (MTSS/GEP) DOI
Pereira, O P , Sá, C , Portela, M , & Pinto, E (2009)

Transição dos Licenciados para o Mercado de Trabalho

In J M Roig-Cotanda & L E Vila-Lladosa (Eds ), Investigaciones de Economía de La Educación (pp 459–467) Asociación de la Economía de la Educación - AEDE DOI
Teixeira, P , Fonseca, M , Amado, D , Sá, C , & Amaral, A (2009)

A Regional Mismatch? Student Applications and Institutional Responses in the Portuguese Public Higher Education System

In K Mohrman, J Shi, S E Feinblatt, & K W Chow (Eds ), Public Universities and Regional Development (pp 59–80) Sichuan Uninversity Press DOI
Cerejeira, J , Sá, C , & Portela, M (2007)

Nota Introdutória

In M do T e da S S (M T S S Gabinete de Estratégia e Planeamento (GEP) (Ed ), Quadros de Pessoal e Investigação em Economia (Vol 9, pp 3–6) Lisboa: Ministério do Trabalho e da Segurança Social, Gabinete de Estratégia e Planeamento (MTSS/GEP) DOI
Sá, C (2005)

The student city: Strategic planning for student communities in EU cities

Papers in Regional Science, 84(2), 298-300 DOI


As mudanças nas políticas de acesso ao ensino superior durante a Covid-19: Impacto na equidade

Funding: Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo

Duration: 2022-11-02 - 2024-10-30

Dynamics of Inequality in Portuguese Higher Education System – Access, Gender, and Mobility

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Duration: 2021-03-01 - 2024-03-31

Brighter Future

Funding: Fundação José Neves

Duration: 2020-03-01 - 2021-06-30

Funding: Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo

Duration: 2020-01-02 - 2021-07-31

Corpo docente: caracterização demográfica e estratégias de rejuvenescimento

Funding: General Council of the University of Minho

Duration: 04-11-2019 - 30-11-2020

É tudo sobre produtividade: contribuições para a compreensão da estagnação da economia portuguesa

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Duration: 2018-10-01 - 2022-09-30

S4F - Competências de Futuro? O Valor e a eficácia de um Ensino Superior Baseado em Competências

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Duration: 2018-09-01 - 2022-08-31

ATENA – Saber para intervir: observatório para a educação

Funding: Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo

Duration: 2016-10-14 - 2019-10-14

Funding: A3ES - Agência de Acreditação e Avaliação do Ensino Superior

Duration: 2015-12-01 - 2017-10-31

Retornos económicos e não económicos do ensino superior

Funding: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos

Duration: 2015-09-01 - 2017-08-31

Mobility patters of higher education students

Funding: A3ES - Agência de Acreditação e Avaliação do Ensino Superior

Duration: 2014-11-25 - 2016-11-20

Funding: Programa Operacional de Apoio Técnico do Fundo Social Europeu

Duration: 2013-01-01 - 2014-12-31

Financial Literacy

Funding: European Investment Bank

Duration: 2013-01-01 - 2015-12-31

Education/training and the labor market: education returns

Funding: Programa Operacional de Apoio Técnico do Fundo Social Europeu

Duration: 2012-12-31 - 2014-07-31

Economics and Education in Portugal: why and for whom?

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Duration: 2012-02-01 - 2015-01-31

1986-2010: The Portuguese Economy in the European Union

Funding: Universidade do Minho

Duration: 2010-04-01 - 2014-05-07

Impacto do salário mínimo: três desenvolvimentos face à literatura actual

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Duration: 2008-01-01 - 2010-06-30


Cálculo para a Economia e Gestão Licenciatura
Projeto em Economia Aplicada Licenciatura