
- Full member
Nazaré Rego
PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management University of PortoAbout
Areas of interest
Fouad, H , & Rego, N (2024)
Can social network analysis contribute to supply chain management? A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis
Heliyon, 10, e26598 DOI
Viana, R , Rego, N , & Crispim, J (2024)
Quality and performance indicators for wound management towards value-based healthcare
Procedia Computer Science, 239, 1974-1981 DOI
Thabet, E , Rego, N , & Buvik, A (2024) Antecedents of hidden action problems in the Egyptian automobile insurance market: Buyer-supplier relationship perspective International Journal of Procurement Management, 20(3), 302-330
Crispim, J , Martins, A , & Rego, N (2023)
Risk Management in the Clinical Pathology Laboratory: A Bayesian Network Approach
In A Abraham, S Pllana, G Casalino, K Ma, & A Bajaj (Eds ) Intelligent Systems Design and Applications ISDA 2022 Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Vol 717) Springer, Cham DOI
Simões, E , Crispim, J , & Rego, N (2023)
(In)equity in primary health care teleconsultations: an exploratory study
Procedia Computer Science, 219, 1341-1348 DOI
Reis, M , Crispim, J , & Rego, N (2023)
Patient centered care in primary health care teleconsultations: an exploratory study
Procedia Computer Science, 219, 1349-1356 DOI
Rocha, L A , & Rego, N (2023)
Reorganisation of the internal storage and distribution logistics in a hospital
Procedia Computer Science, 219, 1357-1364 DOI
Fatouh, T , & Rego, N (2023)
Shipbuilding Engineer-To-Order Supply Chain: a Systematic Literature Review
Procedia Computer Science, 219, 1868-1876 DOI
Fouad, H , & Rego, N (2022)
Centrality Measures in Supply Chain Management Research
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(10), 2085-2090 DOI
Filho, N G , Rego, N , & Claro, J (2022)
Supply Chains’ Digitalization: Boosters and Barriers
In J Machado, F Soares, J Trojanowska, V Ivanov (Eds) Innovations in Industrial Engineering icieng 2021 (pp 197-208) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Springer, Cham DOI
Taveira, A , Macedo, A P , Rego, N , & Crispim, J (2022)
Assessing equity and quality indicators for older people – Adaptation and validation of the Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders (ACOVE) checklist for the Portuguese care context
BMC Geriatrics, 21, 561 DOI
Rego, N , Pereira, H S , & Crispim, J (2021)
Perceptions of patients and physicians on teleconsultation at home for diabetes mellitus: Survey study
JMIR Human Factors, 8(4), e27873 DOI
Gomes Filho, N , Rego, N , & Claro, J (2021)
Supply chain flows and stocks as entry points for cyber-risks
Procedia Computer Science, 181, 261-268 DOI
Crispim, J , Fernandes, J , & Rego, N (2020)
Customized risk assessment in military shipbuilding
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 197(106809) DOI
Crispim, J , Silva, L H , & Rego, N (2019)
Project risk management practices: the organizational maturity influence
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 12(1), 187–210 DOI
Jácome, M , Rego, N , & Veiga, P (2019)
Potential of a nurse telephone triage line to direct elderly to appropriate health care settings
Journal of Nursing Management, 27(6), 1275-1284 DOI
Crispim, J , Rego, N , & Pinho de Sousa, J (2015)
Stochastic partner selection for virtual enterprises: a chance-constrained approach
International Journal of Production Research, 53(12), 3661-3677 DOI
Rego, N , Claro, J , & Pinho de Sousa, J (2014)
A hybrid approach for integrated healthcare cooperative purchasing and supply chain configuration
Health care management science, 17(4), 303-320 DOI
Rego, N , & de Sousa, J (2013)
Evaluating Segmented Health Care Supply Chain Strategies
In Operational Research (O R ) for New Challenges in Healthcare Services (pp 128-131) Istanbul DOI
Rego, N , & de Sousa, J P (2009)
Supply Chain Coordination in Hospitals
In L M Camarinha-Matos, I Paraskakis, & H Afsarmanesh (Eds), Leveraging Knowledge for Innovation in Collaborative Networks PRO-VE 2009 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (Vol 307, pp 117-127) Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg DOI
Rego, N , & de Sousa, J P (2009)
Supporting the Definition of Strategies for the Configuration of Health Care Supply Chains
In S Voß, J Pahl, S Schwarze (Eds), Logistik Management (435-456) Physica-Verlag HD DOITeaching
Advanced Data Analysis
P.h.D Programme
Health Data Analysis
Master's Degree
Management Case
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Service and Medical Device Management
Master's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Logistics in Healthcare Units
Master's Degree
Methodology and Management Research Proposal
Master's Degree
Operations and Supply Chain Management
P.h.D Programme