Logotipo NIPE



Good health and well-being

Karin MonstadKurt BrekkeOdd Rune StraumeTor Holmas

How Does The Type of Remuneration Affect Physician Behavior? Fixed Salary versus Fee-for-Service

(2020) American Journal of Health Economics, 6(1), 104-138
Domenico LisiLuigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Hospital competition under pay-for-performance: Quality, mortality, and readmissions

(2020) Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 29(2), 289-314
Caroline TynanH.P. Samanthika GallageMaria Teresa Heath

Adopting and sustaining responsible drinking: reconciling selves amidst conflicting messages

(2020) Journal of Marketing Management, 36(17-18), 1635-1657
Helena OliveiraLúcia Lima RodriguesRussell Craig

Bureaucracy and the balanced scorecard in health care settings

(2020) International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 33(3), 247-259
Marta JácomeNazaré RegoPaula Veiga

Potential of a nurse telephone triage line to direct elderly to appropriate health care settings

(2019) Journal of Nursing Management, 27(6), 1275–1284

Dynamic hospital competition under rationing by waiting times

(2019) Journal of Health Economics, 66 260-282
Luigi SicilianiOdd Rune Straume

Competition and equity in health care markets

(2019) Journal of Health Economics, 64 1-14
Anabela BotelhoIsabel M. CorreiaJorge TeixeiraLígia PintoMarieta ValentePaula Veiga BeneschTânia Fernandes

Overestimation of health urgency as a cause for emergency services inappropriate use: Insights from an exploratory economics experiment in Portugal

(2019) Health and Social Care in the Community, 27(4), 1031–1041
Jorge Pinho de Sousa João ClaroNazaré Rego

A hybrid approach for integrated healthcare cooperative purchasing and supply chain configuration

(2014) Health Care Management Science, 17(4), 303–320
Luís Carlos de Sousa Sá (January 2021).
Essays on hospital behaviour and regulation
Advisors: Odd Rune Straume