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Maria Teresa Heath

Doutoramento em Business and Management Universidade de Nottingham


Teresa Pereira Heath é professora associada com agregação em marketing e estratégia na Universidade do Minho, Portugal. Antes disso, foi professora assistente na Nottingham University Business School, University of Nottingham, onde completou anteriormente o seu PhD. A sua investigação e ensino refletem o seu compromisso com uma abordagem transformativa no marketing. A sua investigação centra-se no marketing crítico e a sua interseção com a sustentabilidade, ética,  consumo responsible management education. Tem publicações em diversas revistas científicas, incluindo Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management e Management Learning, entre outras. É membro do Comité de Educação da Academy of Marketing (Reino Unido), é Fellow da Higher Education Academy e detém a posição de Professora Associada Honorária na Nottingham University Business School, Universidade de Nottingham.


Áreas de interesse

Marketing Crítico


Branco-Illodo, I , Heath, T and Gallage, S (2024)

Using diaries as qualitative data

in Belk, R and Otnes, C (Eds ) 2nd Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing, Edward Elgar Press DOI
Moufahim, M , Heath, T , O’Malley, L , Casey, K , Denegri-Knott, J , Kuruoglu, A , & Pradhan, A (2023)

Teaching note–Critical pedagogies: practical examples from the marketing classroom

Journal of Marketing Management, 39(1-2), 149-165 DOI
Branco-Illodo, I , Heath, T , & Tynan, C (2017)

Who Are the Gift Receivers? A Dynamic Gift-Giving Network: An Abstract

In Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics: Proceedings of the 2016 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress (pp 851-852) Springer International Publishing DOI
Heath, T , & O’Malley, L (2016) Consumer experiences of marketing: Pervasive, problematic, and in need of a caring perspective In Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science (pp 139-140) DOI
Branco-Illodo, I , Heath, T , & Tynan, C (2016) Complexity of dyadic gift-giving forms: A new framework In Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science (pp 157-158) DOI
Kelsey, D , Yannopoulou, N , Whittle, A , Heath, T , Golossenko, A , & Soares, A M (2023)

The (army) hero with a thousand faces: A discourse-mythological approach to theorising archetypal blending in contemporary advertising

Marketing Theory, 23(1), 141–162 DOI
Heath, M T , & Chatzidakis, A (2012)

The transformative potential of marketing from the consumers' point of view

Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 11(4), 283–291 DOI
Heath, T , & Nixon, E (2021)

Immersive imaginative hedonism: Daydreaming as experiential ‘consumption’

Marketing Theory, 2(3), 351–370 DOI
Soares, A , Pinho, J C , Heath, T , & Alves, A (2020)

Can Virtual Customer Service Agents Improve Consumers' Online Experiences?: The Role of Hedonic Dimensions

In A Soares & M G Elmashhara (Eds ), Emotional, Sensory, and Social Dimensions of Consumer Buying Behavior Hershey, PA: IGI-Global DOI
Tynan, C , & Heath, T (2021)

Teaching Marketing Theory and Critical Thinking

In R Brennan & L Vos (Eds ), Teaching Marketing (pp 55–74 ) Edward Elgar DOI
Branco-Illodo, I , & Heath, T (2020)

The ‘perfect gift’ and the ‘best gift ever’: An integrative framework for truly special gifts

Journal of Business Research, 120, 418–424 DOI
Branco-Illodo, I , Heath, T , & Tynan, C (2020)

“You really shouldn't have!” Coping with failed gift experiences

European Journal of Marketing, 54(4), 857–883 DOI
Davies, I , Oates, C , Tynan, C , Carrigan, M , Casey, K , Heath, T , … Wells, V (2020)

Seeking Sustainable Futures in Marketing and Consumer Research

European Journal of Marketing, 54(11), 2911–2939 DOI
Gallage, H P S , Heath, T , & Tynan, C (2020)

Adopting and sustaining responsible drinking: reconciling selves amidst conflicting messages

Journal of Marketing Management, 36(17-18), 1635-1657 DOI
Hutton, M , & Heath, T (2020)

Researching on the edge: emancipatory praxis for social justice

European Journal of Marketing, 54(11), 2697–2721 DOI
Branco-Illodo, I , Heath, T , & Tynan, C (2020)

“You really shouldn't have!” Coping with failed gift experiences

European Journal of Marketing, 54(4), 857–883 DOI
Heath, T , & McKechnie, S (2019)

Sustainability in Marketing

In C Amaeshi & J Muthury (Eds ), Incorporating Sustainability in Management Education: An Interdisciplinary approach (pp 105–131) Palgrave MacMillan DOI
Heath, T , O’Malley, L , & Tynan, C (2019)

Imagining a different voice: A critical and caring approach to management education

Management Learning, 50(4), 427–448 DOI
Yannopoulou, N , Liu, M J , Bian, X , & Heath, T (2019)

Exploring social change through social media: The case of the Facebook group Indignant Citizens

International Journal of Consumer Studies, 43(4), 348–357 DOI
Gallage, H S , Tynan, C , & Heath, T (2018)

Out‐group peer involvement in youth alcohol consumption

Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 17(1), e42-e51 DOI
Heath, M T , Cluley, R , & O’Malley, L (2017)

Beating, ditching and hiding: consumers’ everyday resistance to marketing

Journal of Marketing Management, 33(15-16), 1281–1303 DOI
Heath, M T , & Heath, M (2016)

Once upon a time there was a consumer…: stories of magic and the magic of stories

Journal of Marketing Management, 32(9-10), 811–826 DOI
Heath, M T , O’Malley, L , Heath, M , & Story, V (2016)

Caring and Conflicted: Mothers’ Ethical Judgments about Consumption

Journal of Business Ethics, 136(2), 237–250 DOI
Heath, M T , Tynan, C , & Ennew, C (2015)

Accounts of self-gift giving: nature, context and emotions

European Journal of Marketing, 49(7/8), 1067–1086 DOI
Heath, M T , & Chatzidakis, A (2012)

'Blame it on marketing': Consumers' views on unsustainable consumption

International Journal of Consumer Studies, 36(6), 656–667 DOI
Heath, M T , & Chatzidakis, A (2012)

The transformative potential of marketing from the consumers' point of view

Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 11(4), 283–291 DOI
Heath, M T , Tynan, C , & Ennew, C T (2011)

Self-gift giving: Understanding consumers and exploring brand messages

Journal of Marketing Communications, 17(2), 127–144 DOI
Heath, M T , & Tynan, C (2010)

Crafting a Research Proposal

Marketing Review, 10(2), 147–168 DOI
Heath, M T P , & Chatzidakis, A (2012)

'Blame it on marketing': Consumers' views on unsustainable consumption

International Journal of Consumer Studies, 36(6), 656–667 DOI
Heath, M T , & Heath, M (2008)

(Mis)trust in marketing: A reflection on consumers' attitudes and perceptions

Journal of Marketing Management, 24(9-10), 1025–1039 DOI
Heath, M T , Tynan, C , & Ennew, C T (2011)

Self-gift giving: Understanding consumers and exploring brand messages

Journal of Marketing Communications, 17(2), 127–144 DOI
Heath, T , & Tynan, C (2010)

Crafting a Research Proposal

Marketing Review, 10(2), 147–168 DOI
Heath, M T P , & Heath, M (2008)

(Mis)trust in marketing: A reflection on consumers' attitudes and perceptions

Journal of Marketing Management, 24(9-10), 1025–1039 DOI


Ética Empresarial e de Marketing Doutoramento
Introdução ao Marketing Licenciatura
Introdução ao Marketing Licenciatura
Marketing Licenciatura
Marketing e Sustentabilidade Mestrado
Seminário em Gestão Doutoramento