Logotipo NIPE


  • Associate Researcher

José Carlos Pinho

Ph.D in Industrial and Business Studies University of Warwick


José Carlos Pinho counts a vast number of publications in peer reviewed journals including International Journal of Project Management, Journal of World Business, International Marketing Review, European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Tourism Research, International Journal of Consumer Studies, among others. He has also been actively involved in a number of International Projects and published in a number of International Conference Proceedings.



Areas of interest

Internationalization in SMEs
Institutional and International Entrepreneurship
U-I relationships
Dynamic capabilities and Social Networks


Baptista, N , Pinho, J C , & Alves, H

Social Marketing and Online Social Support Structure in Contexts of Treatment Uncertainty

Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing DOI
Baptista, N , Alves, H , & Pinho, J C (2022)

Uncovering the Use of the Social Support Concept in Social Marketing Interventions for Health

Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 34(1), 1–35 DOI
Sá, E , Farhangmehr, M , Pinho, J C , & Dibb, S (2022)

Marketing decisions and implementation process for entrepreneurial and managerial practices: a critical incident technique approach

Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship DOI
Soares, A M , Pinho, J C , & Alves, A (2022)

Understanding the Navigation Experience: Do Virtual Customer Service Agents Make a Difference?

Journal of Creative Communications DOI
Baptista, N , Pinho, J C , & Alves, H (2022)

Social Marketing and Online Social Support Structure in Contexts of Treatment Uncertainty

Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 34(3), 311-350 DOI
Baptista, N , Alves, H , & Pinho, J C (2022)

Uncovering the Use of the Social Support Concept in Social Marketing Interventions for Health

Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 34(1), 1–35 DOI
Páez, L C C , Pinho, J C , & Prange, C (2022)

Dynamic capabilities configurations: the firm lifecycle and the interplay of DC dimensions

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research DOI
Baptista, N , Alves, H , & Pinho, J (2021)

The case for social support in social marketing

RAUSP Management Journal, 56(3), 295–313 DOI
Baptista, N , Pinho, J C , & Alves, H (2021)

Examining social capital and online social support links: a study in online health communities facing treatment uncertainty

International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 18(1), 57–94 DOI
Martins, N L M , Duarte, P , & Pinho, J C M R (2021)

An analysis of determinants of the adoption of mobile health (MHealth)

RAE - Revista De Administração De Empresas, 61(4), 1–17 DOI
Pinho, J C M R , Macedo, I M , & Dionisio, M (2021)

Resourced-Based View and Internationalisation of Social Enterprises: An Exploratory Study

In A C Moreira (Ed ), Cases on Internationalization Challenges for SMEs (pp 50–64) IGI Global DOI
Silva, A , Sá, E , Silva, J , & Pinho, J C (2021)

Dance is for all: A social marketing intervention with children and adolescents to reduce prejudice towards boys who dance

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 6861 DOI
Soares, A , Pinho, J C , Heath, T , & Alves, A (2020)

Can Virtual Customer Service Agents Improve Consumers' Online Experiences?: The Role of Hedonic Dimensions

In A Soares & M G Elmashhara (Eds ), Emotional, Sensory, and Social Dimensions of Consumer Buying Behavior Hershey, PA: IGI-Global DOI
Pinho, J C , & de Lurdes Martins, M (2020)

The opportunity to create a business: Systemic banking crisis, institutional factor conditions and trade openness

Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 18(4), 393–418 DOI
Santos, G , Ferreira, A , & Pinho, J C (2020)

Researchers from Portugal have shown how different career strategies influence career development for university graduates

Human Resource Management International Diges, 28(6), 41–43 DOI
Coelho, A S , Lisboa, A , & Pinho, J C (2019)

Entrepreneurial Orientation and Dynamic Capabilities: The Case of Family Firms

In N M Teixeira, T G da Costa, & I M Lisboa (Eds ), Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Internationalization (p 33) IGI-Global DOI
Duarte, P , & Pinho, J C (2019)

A mixed methods UTAUT2-based approach to assess mobile health adoption

Journal of Business Research, 102, 140–150 DOI
Silva, J , Pinho, J C , Soares, A , & Sá, E (2019)

Antecedents of online purchase intention and behaviour: Uncovering unobserved heterogeneity

Journal of Business Economics and Management, 20(1), 131–148 DOI
Sá, E S , & Pinho, J C M R (2019)

Effect of entrepreneurial framework conditions on R&D transfer to new and growing firms: The case of European Union innovation-driven countries

Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 141, 47–58 DOI
Vaz, J , Soares, A M , Pinho, J C , & Silva, S (2019)

Proposing an Integrative Model for Reshoring Antecedents

In A Moreira & P Silva (Eds ), Handbook of Research on Corporate Restructuring and Globalization (pp 193–212) IGI-Global DOI
Santos, G G , Ferreira, A P , & Pinho, J C (2019)

Career attitudes and employability: analysis of mediation via career strategies

Employee Relations, 42(2), 417–436 DOI
Oliveira, C , Pinho, J C , & Silva, A (2018)

The relevance of learning and growth in organizations that adopt and do not adopt the BSC- characterization of the cultural profile

Revista Eletrónica Gestão & Sociedade, 12(33), 2584–2602 DOI
Pinho, J C M , Martins, L , & Soares, A M (2018)

Small businesses’ internationalization: International readiness in the context of Asian countries

Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 10(1), 50–63 DOI
Silva, S , Meneses, R , & Pinho, J C (2018)

Marketing Internacional: Negócios à Escala Global

Almedina DOI
Pinho, J C (2017)

Institutional theory and global entrepreneurship: exploring differences between factor- versus innovation-driven countries

Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 15(1), 56–84 DOI
Pinho, J C M , & Thompson, D (2017)

Institutional-driven dimensions and the capacity to start a business: A preliminary study based on two countries

International Marketing Review, 34(6), 787–813 DOI
Prange, C , & Pinho, J C (2017)

How personal and organizational drivers impact on SME international performance: The mediating role of organizational innovation

International Business Review, 26(6), 1114–1123 DOI
Macedo, I M , Liao, M N , & Pinho, J C (2017)

Modeling Quality Orientation and Organisational Performance in Public Healthcare Organisations

In The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientationsin a Dynamic Business World (pp 281-284) Springer, Cham DOI
Macedo, I M , Pinho, J C , & Silva, A M (2016)

Revisiting the link between mission statements and organizational performance in the non-profit sector: The mediating effect of organizational commitment

European Management Journal, 34(1), 36–46 DOI
Pinheiro, M L , Serôdio, P , Pinho, J C , & Lucas, C (2016)

The role of social capital towards resource sharing in collaborative R&D projects: Evidences from the 7th Framework Programme

International Journal of Project Management, 34(8), 1519–1536 DOI
Pinho, J C (2016)

Social capital and export performance within exporter-intermediary relationships: The mediated effect of cooperation and commitment

Management Research Review, 39(4), 425–448 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Prange, C (2016)

The effect of social networks and dynamic internationalization capabilities on international performance

Journal of World Business, 51(3), 391–403 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Thompson, D (2016)

Corporate structural conditions for the creation of new businesses: Specialists' view

RAE Revista De Administracao De Empresas, 56(2), 166–181 DOI
Sá, E S D , Farhangmehr, M , & Pinho, J C (2016)

The Context and Outcomes of Entrepreneurial Marketing as a Decision-Making Process Under Uncertainty

In Rediscovering the Essentiality of Marketing (pp 353-354) Springer, Cham DOI
Pinho, J C , & Thompson, D (2016)

Condições Estruturais Empreendedoras na Criação de Novos Negócios: A Visão de Especialistas

Revista de Administração de Empresas, 56(2) DOI
Nogueira, S , & Pinho, J C (2015)

Stakeholder Network Integrated Analysis: The Specific Case of Rural Tourism in the Portuguese Peneda-Gerês National Park

International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(4), 325–336 DOI
Pinheiro, M L , Lucas, C , & Pinho, J C (2015)

Social network analysis as a new methodological tool to understand university–industry cooperation

International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(1), 1550013 DOI
Pinheiro, M L , Pinho, J C , & Lucas, C (2015)

The outset of U-I R&D relationships: the specific case of biological sciences

European Journal of Innovation Management, 18(3), 282–306 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Soares, A M (2015)

Response to advertising on online social networks: The role of social capital

International Journal of Consumer Studies, 39(3), 239–248 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Pinheiro, M L (2015)

Social network analysis and the internationalization of SMEs: Towards a different methodological approach

European Business Review, 27(6), 554–572 DOI
Macedo, I M , & Pinho, J C (2015)

Mission Statements and Performance in Non-Profit Health Care Organisations: An Exploratory Study

In Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, & Sustainability (pp 119-124) Springer, Cham DOI
Meneses, R , Coutinho, R , & Pinho, J C (2014)

The impact of succession to family business internationalization: The successor’s perspective

Journal of Family Business Management, 4(1), 24–45 DOI
Pinho, J C M , & Nogueira, S F M (2014)

Examining tourism stakeholder networks and relationship quality: the specific case of Peneda Gerês National Park (PNPG)

Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 36, 23-33 DOI
Pinho, J C (2014)

Dynamic capabilities and international performance of SMEs: the interaction effect of relational social capital

In Research Handbook on Export Marketing Edward Elgar Publishing DOI
Pinho, J C , & Sá, E S D (2014)

Personal characteristics, business relationships and entrepreneurial performance: Some empirical evidence

Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 21(2), 284–300 DOI
Pinho, J C , Rodrigues, A P , & Dibb, S (2014)

The role of corporate culture, market orientation and organisational commitment in organisational performance: The case of non-profit organisations

Journal of Management Development, 33(4), 374–398 DOI
Soares, A M , & Pinho, J C (2014)

Advertising in Online Social Networks: the role of perceived enjoyment and social influence

Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 8(3), 245–263 DOI
Macedo, I M , Pinho, J C , & Liao, M N (2013)

Investigating the impact of internet usage and acceptance on active ageing among older adults

In D Vrontis, Y Weber, & E Tsoukatos (Eds ), Confronting Contemporary, Business Challenges through Management Innovation (pp 1448–1456) Estoril, Portugal: EuroMed Press DOI
Pinho, J C (2013)

The e-SOCAPIT scale: A multi-item instrument for measuring online social capital

Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 7(3), 216–235 DOI
Rodrigues, A P , Pinho, J C , & Martins, F V (2013)

O impacto da orientação para o mercado na satisfação e comprometimento dos funcionários e no desempenho organizacional: Aplicação ao sector público local

Revista Portuguesa De Marketing, 16(30), 18–34 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Sampaio, E S (2013)

Entrepreneurial Performance and stakeholders’ relationships: A social network analysis perspective

International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 17, 1-19 DOI
Rodrigues, A P , & Pinho, J C M R (2012)

The impact of internal and external market orientation on performance in local public organisations

Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 30(3), 284–306 DOI
Pinho, J C (2012)

Modeling the Impact of Commitment–Trust on Cooperation and Performance: The Specific Case of Exporter and Intermediaries Relationships

In K S Swan, & S Zou (Eds ), Interdisciplinary Approaches to Product Design, Innovation, & Branding in International Marketing (Advances in International Marketing, Vol 23, pp 243-265), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley DOI
Rodrigues, A P , & Pinho, J C (2012)

The impact of internal and external market orientation on performance in local public organisations

Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 30(3), 284–306 DOI
Soares, A M , Pinho, J C , & Nobre, H (2012)

From Social to Marketing Interactions: The Role of Social Networks

Journal of Transnational Management, 17(1), 45–62 DOI
Pinho, J C (2011)

Social capital and dynamic capabilities in international performance of SMEs

Journal of Strategy and Management, 4(4), 404–421 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Soares, A M (2011)

Examining the technology acceptance model in the adoption of social networks

Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 5(2), 116–129 DOI
Pinho, J C , Martins, L , & Macedo, I M (2011)

The effect of online service quality factors on internet usage: The web delivery system of the taxation department

International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 28(7), 706–722 DOI
Neto, M C , Pinho, J C , & Macedo, I (2010)

Determinantes e Implicações da satisfação dos médicos face aos medicamentos genéricos

Revista De Economia e Gestão, 15(2), 51–72 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Martins, L (2010)

Exporting barriers: Insights from Portuguese small- and medium-sized exporters and non-exporters

Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 8(3), 254–272 DOI
Rodrigues, A P , & Pinho, J C (2010)

Market orientation, job satisfaction, commitment and organisational performance: The specific case of local public sector

Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 4(2), 172–192 DOI
Pinho, J C (2008)

TQM and performance in small medium enterprises: The mediating effect of customer orientation and innovation

International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 25(3), 256–275 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Macedo, I M (2008)

Examining the Antecedents and Consequences of online Satisfaction within the Public Sector: The case of Taxation Services

Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 2(3), 177–193 DOI
Pinho, J C & Macedo, I M (2008)

The driving forces of internet adoption: An empirical examination from the Portuguese non‐profit sector

EuroMed Journal of Business, 3(3), 305-319 DOI
Pinho, J C (2007)

The impact of ownership: Location-specific advantages and managerial characteristics on SME foreign entry mode choices

International Marketing Review, 24(6), 715–734 DOI
Pinho, J C , Monteiro, A , & Macedo, I (2007)

The impact of online SERVQUAL dimensions on certified accountant satisfaction: The case of taxation services

EuroMed Journal of Business, 2(2), 154–172 DOI
Farhangmehr, M , Mações, M , & Pinho, J C (2006)

Orientação para o mercado e "performance": O efeito sinérgico da inovação e da aprendizagem na fileira da moda

Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira De Gestão, 5(2), 60–71 DOI
Macedo, I M , & Pinho, J C (2006)

The relationship between resource dependence and market orientation: The specific case of non-profit organisations

European Journal of Marketing, 40(5-6), 533–553 DOI
Parente, L , Simões, C , & Pinho, J C (2006)

A Qualidade do serviço no sector da restauração colectiva: Adaptação de um instrumento de medida

Revista Portuguesa De Marketing, 18(1), 11–21 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Macedo, I M (2006)

The benefits and barriers associated with the use of the internet within the non-profit sector

Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 16(1-2), 171–193 DOI


O efeito sinérgico da gestão da qualidade e orientação para o mercado no desempenho organizacional do sector da Saúde: O caso Português

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Duration: 2007-07-28 - 2011-04-27