Logotipo NIPE


  • Colaboradores

José Carlos Pinho

Doutoramento em Industrial and Business Studies Universidade de Warwick


José Carlos Pinho conta com um vasto número de publicações em revistas especializadas, incluindo o International Journal of Project Management, o Journal of World Business, o International Marketing Review, o European Journal of Marketing, o International Journal of Tourism Research, o International Journal of Consumer Studies, entre outros. Tem também participado ativamente em vários projetos internacionais e publicado em várias atas de conferências internacionais.

Áreas de interesse

Internacionalização empresarial no âmbito das PMEs
Empreendedorismo internacional e institucional
Relações Universidade-Indústria
capacidades dinâmicas e redes sociais


Santos, G G , Pinho, J C , Ferreira, A P , & Vieira, M (2024)

Psychological contract breach and organizational citizenship behaviours: the moderating role of contract type

Management Research Review, 47(1), 18-44 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Sá, E (2023)

Cross-cultural cognitive conditions and gender differences in the entrepreneurial activity during the COVID-19 pandemic

Gender in Management: An International Journal, 38(5), 634-652 DOI
Sá, E , Farhangmehr, M , Pinho, J C , & Dibb, S (2022)

Marketing decisions and implementation process for entrepreneurial and managerial practices: a critical incident technique approach

Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship DOI
Soares, A M , Pinho, J C , & Alves, A (2022)

Understanding the Navigation Experience: Do Virtual Customer Service Agents Make a Difference?

Journal of Creative Communications DOI
Baptista, N , Pinho, J C , & Alves, H (2022)

Social Marketing and Online Social Support Structure in Contexts of Treatment Uncertainty

Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 34(3), 311-350 DOI
Baptista, N , Alves, H , & Pinho, J C (2022)

Uncovering the Use of the Social Support Concept in Social Marketing Interventions for Health

Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 34(1), 1–35 DOI
Páez, L C C , Pinho, J C , & Prange, C (2022)

Dynamic capabilities configurations: the firm lifecycle and the interplay of DC dimensions

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research DOI
Baptista, N , Alves, H , & Pinho, J (2021)

The case for social support in social marketing

RAUSP Management Journal, 56(3), 295–313 DOI
Baptista, N , Pinho, J C , & Alves, H (2021)

Examining social capital and online social support links: a study in online health communities facing treatment uncertainty

International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 18(1), 57–94 DOI
Martins, N L M , Duarte, P , & Pinho, J C M R (2021)

An analysis of determinants of the adoption of mobile health (MHealth)

RAE - Revista De Administração De Empresas, 61(4), 1–17 DOI
Pinho, J C M R , Macedo, I M , & Dionisio, M (2021)

Resourced-Based View and Internationalisation of Social Enterprises: An Exploratory Study

In A C Moreira (Ed ), Cases on Internationalization Challenges for SMEs (pp 50–64) IGI Global DOI
Silva, A , Sá, E , Silva, J , & Pinho, J C (2021)

Dance is for all: A social marketing intervention with children and adolescents to reduce prejudice towards boys who dance

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 6861 DOI
Soares, A , Pinho, J C , Heath, T , & Alves, A (2020)

Can Virtual Customer Service Agents Improve Consumers' Online Experiences?: The Role of Hedonic Dimensions

In A Soares & M G Elmashhara (Eds ), Emotional, Sensory, and Social Dimensions of Consumer Buying Behavior Hershey, PA: IGI-Global DOI
Pinho, J C , & de Lurdes Martins, M (2020)

The opportunity to create a business: Systemic banking crisis, institutional factor conditions and trade openness

Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 18(4), 393–418 DOI
Santos, G , Ferreira, A , & Pinho, J C (2020)

Researchers from Portugal have shown how different career strategies influence career development for university graduates

Human Resource Management International Diges, 28(6), 41–43 DOI
Coelho, A S , Lisboa, A , & Pinho, J C (2019)

Entrepreneurial Orientation and Dynamic Capabilities: The Case of Family Firms

In N M Teixeira, T G da Costa, & I M Lisboa (Eds ), Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Internationalization (p 33) IGI-Global DOI
Duarte, P , & Pinho, J C (2019)

A mixed methods UTAUT2-based approach to assess mobile health adoption

Journal of Business Research, 102, 140–150 DOI
Silva, J , Pinho, J C , Soares, A , & Sá, E (2019)

Antecedents of online purchase intention and behaviour: Uncovering unobserved heterogeneity

Journal of Business Economics and Management, 20(1), 131–148 DOI
Sá, E S , & Pinho, J C M R (2019)

Effect of entrepreneurial framework conditions on R&D transfer to new and growing firms: The case of European Union innovation-driven countries

Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 141, 47–58 DOI
Vaz, J , Soares, A M , Pinho, J C , & Silva, S (2019)

Proposing an Integrative Model for Reshoring Antecedents

In A Moreira & P Silva (Eds ), Handbook of Research on Corporate Restructuring and Globalization (pp 193–212) IGI-Global DOI
Santos, G G , Ferreira, A P , & Pinho, J C (2019)

Career attitudes and employability: analysis of mediation via career strategies

Employee Relations, 42(2), 417–436 DOI
Oliveira, C , Pinho, J C , & Silva, A (2018)

The relevance of learning and growth in organizations that adopt and do not adopt the BSC- characterization of the cultural profile

Revista Eletrónica Gestão & Sociedade, 12(33), 2584–2602 DOI
Pinho, J C M , Martins, L , & Soares, A M (2018)

Small businesses’ internationalization: International readiness in the context of Asian countries

Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 10(1), 50–63 DOI
Silva, S , Meneses, R , & Pinho, J C (2018)

Marketing Internacional: Negócios à Escala Global

Almedina DOI
Pinho, J C (2017)

Institutional theory and global entrepreneurship: exploring differences between factor- versus innovation-driven countries

Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 15(1), 56–84 DOI
Pinho, J C M , & Thompson, D (2017)

Institutional-driven dimensions and the capacity to start a business: A preliminary study based on two countries

International Marketing Review, 34(6), 787–813 DOI
Prange, C , & Pinho, J C (2017)

How personal and organizational drivers impact on SME international performance: The mediating role of organizational innovation

International Business Review, 26(6), 1114–1123 DOI
Macedo, I M , Liao, M N , & Pinho, J C (2017)

Modeling Quality Orientation and Organisational Performance in Public Healthcare Organisations

In The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientationsin a Dynamic Business World (pp 281-284) Springer, Cham DOI
Macedo, I M , Pinho, J C , & Silva, A M (2016)

Revisiting the link between mission statements and organizational performance in the non-profit sector: The mediating effect of organizational commitment

European Management Journal, 34(1), 36–46 DOI
Pinheiro, M L , Serôdio, P , Pinho, J C , & Lucas, C (2016)

The role of social capital towards resource sharing in collaborative R&D projects: Evidences from the 7th Framework Programme

International Journal of Project Management, 34(8), 1519–1536 DOI
Pinho, J C (2016)

Social capital and export performance within exporter-intermediary relationships: The mediated effect of cooperation and commitment

Management Research Review, 39(4), 425–448 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Prange, C (2016)

The effect of social networks and dynamic internationalization capabilities on international performance

Journal of World Business, 51(3), 391–403 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Thompson, D (2016)

Corporate structural conditions for the creation of new businesses: Specialists' view

RAE Revista De Administracao De Empresas, 56(2), 166–181 DOI
Sá, E S D , Farhangmehr, M , & Pinho, J C (2016)

The Context and Outcomes of Entrepreneurial Marketing as a Decision-Making Process Under Uncertainty

In Rediscovering the Essentiality of Marketing (pp 353-354) Springer, Cham DOI
Pinho, J C , & Thompson, D (2016)

Condições Estruturais Empreendedoras na Criação de Novos Negócios: A Visão de Especialistas

Revista de Administração de Empresas, 56(2) DOI
Nogueira, S , & Pinho, J C (2015)

Stakeholder Network Integrated Analysis: The Specific Case of Rural Tourism in the Portuguese Peneda-Gerês National Park

International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(4), 325–336 DOI
Pinheiro, M L , Lucas, C , & Pinho, J C (2015)

Social network analysis as a new methodological tool to understand university–industry cooperation

International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(1), 1550013 DOI
Pinheiro, M L , Pinho, J C , & Lucas, C (2015)

The outset of U-I R&D relationships: the specific case of biological sciences

European Journal of Innovation Management, 18(3), 282–306 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Soares, A M (2015)

Response to advertising on online social networks: The role of social capital

International Journal of Consumer Studies, 39(3), 239–248 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Pinheiro, M L (2015)

Social network analysis and the internationalization of SMEs: Towards a different methodological approach

European Business Review, 27(6), 554–572 DOI
Macedo, I M , & Pinho, J C (2015)

Mission Statements and Performance in Non-Profit Health Care Organisations: An Exploratory Study

In Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, & Sustainability (pp 119-124) Springer, Cham DOI
Meneses, R , Coutinho, R , & Pinho, J C (2014)

The impact of succession to family business internationalization: The successor’s perspective

Journal of Family Business Management, 4(1), 24–45 DOI
Pinho, J C M , & Nogueira, S F M (2014)

Examining tourism stakeholder networks and relationship quality: the specific case of Peneda Gerês National Park (PNPG)

Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 36, 23-33 DOI
Pinho, J C (2013)

The role of relational social capital in examining exporter-intermediary relationships

European Business Review, 25(6), 553–570 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Sá, E S D (2014)

Personal characteristics, business relationships and entrepreneurial performance: Some empirical evidence

Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 21(2), 284–300 DOI
Pinho, J C , Rodrigues, A P , & Dibb, S (2014)

The role of corporate culture, market orientation and organisational commitment in organisational performance: The case of non-profit organisations

Journal of Management Development, 33(4), 374–398 DOI
Soares, A M , & Pinho, J C (2014)

Advertising in Online Social Networks: the role of perceived enjoyment and social influence

Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 8(3), 245–263 DOI
Macedo, I M , Pinho, J C , & Liao, M N (2013)

Investigating the impact of internet usage and acceptance on active ageing among older adults

In D Vrontis, Y Weber, & E Tsoukatos (Eds ), Confronting Contemporary, Business Challenges through Management Innovation (pp 1448–1456) Estoril, Portugal: EuroMed Press DOI
Pinho, J C (2013)

The e-SOCAPIT scale: A multi-item instrument for measuring online social capital

Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 7(3), 216–235 DOI
Rodrigues, A P , Pinho, J C , & Martins, F V (2013)

O impacto da orientação para o mercado na satisfação e comprometimento dos funcionários e no desempenho organizacional: Aplicação ao sector público local

Revista Portuguesa De Marketing, 16(30), 18–34 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Sampaio, E S (2013)

Entrepreneurial Performance and stakeholders’ relationships: A social network analysis perspective

International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 17, 1-19 DOI
Rodrigues, A P , Pinho, J C , & Martins, F V (2013)

O impacto da orientação para o mercado na satisfação e comprometimento dos funcionários e no desempenho organizacional: Aplicação ao sector público local

Revista Portuguesa De Marketing, 16(30), 18–34 DOI
Pinho, J C (2012)

Modeling the Impact of Commitment–Trust on Cooperation and Performance: The Specific Case of Exporter and Intermediaries Relationships

In K S Swan, & S Zou (Eds ), Interdisciplinary Approaches to Product Design, Innovation, & Branding in International Marketing (Advances in International Marketing, Vol 23, pp 243-265), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley DOI
Rodrigues, A P , & Pinho, J C (2012)

The impact of internal and external market orientation on performance in local public organisations

Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 30(3), 284–306 DOI
Soares, A M , Pinho, J C , & Nobre, H (2012)

From Social to Marketing Interactions: The Role of Social Networks

Journal of Transnational Management, 17(1), 45–62 DOI
Pinho, J C (2011)

Social capital and dynamic capabilities in international performance of SMEs

Journal of Strategy and Management, 4(4), 404–421 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Soares, A M (2011)

Examining the technology acceptance model in the adoption of social networks

Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 5(2), 116–129 DOI
Pinho, J C , Martins, L , & Macedo, I M (2011)

The effect of online service quality factors on internet usage: The web delivery system of the taxation department

International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 28(7), 706–722 DOI
Neto, M C , Pinho, J C , & Macedo, I (2010)

Determinantes e Implicações da satisfação dos médicos face aos medicamentos genéricos

Revista De Economia e Gestão, 15(2), 51–72 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Martins, L (2010)

Exporting barriers: Insights from Portuguese small- and medium-sized exporters and non-exporters

Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 8(3), 254–272 DOI
Rodrigues, A P , & Pinho, J C (2010)

Market orientation, job satisfaction, commitment and organisational performance: The specific case of local public sector

Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 4(2), 172–192 DOI
Pinho, J C (2008)

TQM and performance in small medium enterprises: The mediating effect of customer orientation and innovation

International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 25(3), 256–275 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Macedo, I M (2008)

Examining the Antecedents and Consequences of online Satisfaction within the Public Sector: The case of Taxation Services

Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 2(3), 177–193 DOI
Pinho, J C & Macedo, I M (2008)

The driving forces of internet adoption: An empirical examination from the Portuguese non‐profit sector

EuroMed Journal of Business, 3(3), 305-319 DOI
Pinho, J C (2007)

The impact of ownership: Location-specific advantages and managerial characteristics on SME foreign entry mode choices

International Marketing Review, 24(6), 715–734 DOI
Pinho, J C , Monteiro, A , & Macedo, I (2007)

The impact of online SERVQUAL dimensions on certified accountant satisfaction: The case of taxation services

EuroMed Journal of Business, 2(2), 154–172 DOI
Farhangmehr, M , Mações, M , & Pinho, J C (2006)

Orientação para o mercado e "performance": O efeito sinérgico da inovação e da aprendizagem na fileira da moda

Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira De Gestão, 5(2), 60–71 DOI
Macedo, I M , & Pinho, J C (2006)

The relationship between resource dependence and market orientation: The specific case of non-profit organisations

European Journal of Marketing, 40(5-6), 533–553 DOI
Parente, L , Simões, C , & Pinho, J C (2006)

A Qualidade do serviço no sector da restauração colectiva: Adaptação de um instrumento de medida

Revista Portuguesa De Marketing, 18(1), 11–21 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Macedo, I M (2006)

The benefits and barriers associated with the use of the internet within the non-profit sector

Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 16(1-2), 171–193 DOI
Farhangmehr, M , Capa, J , & Pinho, J C (2005)

Análise das barreiras e benefícios associados à utilização da internet: O caso dos livreiros de pequena e média dimensão em Portugal

Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira De Gestão, 4(3), 73–81 DOI
Pinho, J C , & Macedo, I M (2006)

The benefits and barriers associated with the use of the internet within the non-profit sector

Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 16(1-2), 171–193 DOI
Farhangmehr, M , Capa, J , & Pinho, J C (2005)

Análise das barreiras e benefícios associados à utilização da internet: O caso dos livreiros de pequena e média dimensão em Portugal

Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira De Gestão, 4(3), 73–81 DOI


O efeito sinérgico da gestão da qualidade e orientação para o mercado no desempenho organizacional do sector da Saúde: O caso Português

Financiamento: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Duração: 2007-07-28 - 2011-04-27