- Colaboradores
Vasco Eiriz
Doutoramento em Gestão Universidade de ManchesterSobre
Áreas de interesse
Linking corporate productivity to foreign direct investment: An empirical assessment
International Business Review, 18(1), 1–13 DOIBuilding competitive advantage through inter-organizational projects
Strategic Direction, 29(9), 31-34 DOISpatial proximity and SME strategy in local networks
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35(2), 338–348 DOIFragrances' luxury brand extension: consumer behaviour and influences
EuroMed Journal of Business, 16(2), 241-258 DOICompeting through cooperation in international supply networks: A case study from the clothing industry
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 2(3), 244-261 DOIResearch in relationship marketing: Antecedents, traditions and integration
European Journal of Marketing, 40(3-4), 275-291 DOIFragrances' luxury brand extension: consumer behaviour and influences
EuroMed Journal of Business, 16(2), 241–258 DOIInter-organizational projects and competitiveness in industrial networks in the textile and clothing industry
Journal of Modern Project Management, 7(4), 98–119 DOIImpacts of Technology Adoption by Small Independent Food Retailers
Journal of Small Business Management, 57(4), 1485–1505 DOIImpacts of Technology Adoption by Small Independent Food Retailers
Journal of Small Business Management, 57(4), 1485–1505 DOIChange in supply networks: a case study in the automotive components industry
Management Decision, 56(4), 922–936 DOIInter-organizational learning within an institutional knowledge network: A case study in the textile and clothing industry
European Journal of Innovation Management, 20(2), 230–249 DOIInter-organizational learning within an institutional knowledge network: A case study in the textile and clothing industry
European Journal of Innovation Management, 20(2), 230–249 DOIAcesso a recursos através de redes de relacionamento – A perspetiva das empresas de um cluster de calçado do norte de Portugal
Revista Brasileira De Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional, 13(1), 32–53 DOIEfeitos da entrada da IKEA num cluster de produção de móveis
Revista Produção e Desenvolvimento, 2(1), 90–102 DOIRelacionamentos afetivos com as marcas: Estudo das consequências do amor pela marca dos festivais de verão
Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 15(3), 432–444 DOIMotivos da adoção de tecnologias pelas micro e pequenas empresas distribuidoras de produtos alimentares
Revista Brasileira De Gestão e Inovação (Brazilian Journal of Management & Innovation), 4(1), 52–65 DOIFirm Innovation and Co-Location in Portugal
Growth and Change, 46(4), 574–592 DOIIndustry-and firm-specific factors of innovation novelty
Industrial and Corporate Change, 23(3), 865–902 DOIFirm growth and innovation: Towards a typology of innovation strategy
Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 15(1), 97–111 DOIDifferences of absorptive capacity between firms within a cluster
Transformations in Business and Economics, 12(3), 203–214 DOIO Balanced Scorecard e a Organizaçao de Aprendizagem - Estudo de Caso
Revista Universo Contábil, 8(4), 167–183 DOIEntrepreneurship and inward foreign direct investment in Portugal
In H Lenihan, B Andreosso-O’Callaghan, & M Hart (Eds ), Smes In A Globalised World: Survival and Growth Strategies on Europe’s Geographical Periphery (pp 161–180) Edward Elgar DOIEstudo de Casos Sobre Transferência de Tecnologia para Spin-offs Universitários em Portugal
Revista De Administração e Inovação/Innovation & Management Review, 9(1), 167–187 DOIThe role of inward foreign direct investment on entrepreneurship
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 5(3), 319–339 DOIProposta de tipologia sobre alianças estratégicas
Revista De Administração Contemporânea, 5(2), 65–90 DOIInter-organizational learning within an institutional knowledge network: A case study in the textile and clothing industry
European Journal of Innovation Management, 20(2), 230–249 DOIMudanças na distribuição automóvel europeia
Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira De Gestão, 7(1), 44–55 DOIRedes de conhecimento: estudo de um caso sobre a relação universidade-empresa
Revista De Administração Contemporânea Electrônica, 1(2), 172–186 DOIInteracção entre redes organizacionais locais
Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, 16, 23–42 DOIObstáculos à gestão do conhecimento nas escolas de gestão e economia do ensino superior público em Portugal
Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, 13(2), 153–167 DOIWomen and Entrepreneurship: Contemporary Classics
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 3(3), 345–347 DOIDimensões de análise da competitividade hospitalar em Portugal
Revista Portuguesa De Gestão e Saúde, 1(1), 26–33 DOIResearch in relationship marketing: antecedents, traditions and integration
European Journal of Marketing, 40(3/4), 275–291 DOIQuality evaluation in healthcare services based on the customer-provider relationship
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 18(6-7), 404–412 DOIUma abordagem em rede à avaliação da qualidade dos serviços de saúde
Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira De Gestão, 3(4), 20–28 DOIThe role of information for the customer journey in mobile food ordering apps
Journal of Services Marketing, (ahead-of-print) DOIProjectos
Dinâmica de Inovação, Estratégia Empresarial e Interacções
Financiamento: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Duração: 2010-04-15 - 2013-10-14