Áreas de interesse
Oliveira, L , Caria, A , & Almeida, J (2023)
Managing a story of hope through the President’s Letter: The case of Petrobras from 1964 to 1985
Accounting History, 10323732241257954 DOI
Oliveira, L , Caria, A , & Gomes, P (2024)
Building meanings through annual reports
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 37(1), 147-169 DOI
Oliveira, L , Caria, A , & Nunes, D (2024)
Visualising accountability: nurturing care and trust
Meditari Accountancy Research, 32(5), 1837-1866 DOI
Oliveira, L , Caria, A , Costa Oliveira, H , & Almeida, J (2023)
Managing Brazil’s participation in the 1970 football World Cup: meaning in the service of power
Management & Organizational History, 18(3-4), 244-273 DOI
Oliveira, L , Almeida, J , & Caria, A (2023) The environment in Petrobrás magazine (1961-1979): Meaning mobilized by corporate discourse Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 25(1), 52-71
Florêncio, M , Oliveira, L , & Oliveira, H C (2023) Management control systems and the integration of the sustainable development goals into business models Sustainability, 15(3), 2246
Martins, A , Gomes, D , Oliveira, L , Caria, A , & Parker, L (2020)
Resistance strategies through the CEO communications in the media
Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 71 DOI
Martins, A , Gomes, D , Oliveira, L , & Ribeiro, J L (2019)
Telling a success story through the president’s letter
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 16(3), 403-433 DOI
Menezes Montenegro, T , Alves Morais de Oliveira, L C , & de Souza Lopes, M (2018) INTERNAL CONTROL ADEQUACY IN COMAER: AN ENDOGENOUS PERCEPTION Innovar, 28(68), 51-66
Dias-Da-Fé, A L , Gomes, D , & Oliveira, L (2016)
An analysis of the relationship between e-government, accounting and technological innovations: After the implementation of the e-Government program in Brazil
In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (pp 408-411) DOI
Ferreira da Costa, F J , & Morais de Oliveira, L C A (2015) DISCLOSURE OF TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS ACCORDING TO IAS 16 AND ITS COMPLIANCE Innovar, 25(spe), 47-60
Costa, G A , Oliveira, L C , Rodrigues, L L , & Craig, R (2013)
Factors associated with the publication of a CEO letter
Corporate Communications, 18(4), 432-450 DOI
Oliveira, L , Rodrigues, L L , & Craig, R (2010)
Intangible assets and value relevance: Evidence from the Portuguese stock exchange
British Accounting Review, 42(4), 241-252 DOI
Oliveira, L , Rodrigues, L L , & Craig, R (2010)