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  • Associate Researcher

Cláudia Simões

Ph.D in Industrial and Business Studies University of Warwick


Cláudia Simões is a Professor of Management (Marketing and Strategy area). She holds a PhD in Industrial and Business Studies from the University of Warwick, UK. Her research interests are primarily in strategic marketing , corporate marketing, service management and customer experience. She has published in journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research and others. Her research has been distinguished with the 2020 Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award (American Marketing Foundation) and in several academic events. Cláudia is Associate Editor of the European Journal of Marketing and editorial board member of the Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Marketing Communications, and Journal of Marketing Trends. She has participated in various managerial meetings/projects and presented at managerial events/workshops. Some of these works involved institutions, such as, AICEP Portugal Global – Trade & Investment Agency; Eixo Atlântico do Noroeste Peninsular; Braga Trade Association (Portugal) and Advanced Institute of Management (UK). She is a non-executive Board member of InvestBraga and the President of the Board of Trustees of Bracara Augusta Foundation.



Tardin, M G , Perin, M G , Simões, C , & Braga, L D (2024) Organizational sustainability orientation: A review Organization and Environment, 37(2), 298-324 DOI
Sarmento, M , Simões, C , & Lages, L F (2024)

From organizational ambidexterity to organizational performance: The mediating role of value co-creation

Industrial Marketing Management, 118, 175-188 DOI
Ferreira, S , Pereira, O , & Simões, C (2023)

Determinants of consumers’ intention to visit green hotels: Combining psychological and contextual factors

Journal of Vacation Marketing DOI
Sousa, B , & Simões, C (2019) An approach on place attachment, involvement and behavioural intentions in Iberian marketing contexts: the case of Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion: an abstract In Finding New Ways to Engage and Satisfy Global Customers: Proceedings of the 2018 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress (WMC) 21 (pp 617-617) Springer International Publishing DOI
Simões, C , Stancu, A , & Grigore, G (2022)

Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability and Markets

Palgrave MacMillan DOI
da Silveira, C , & Simões, C (2022)

Reconceptualizing Corporate Brand Identity from a Co-Creational Perspective

In Iglesias, O , Ind, N & Schultz , M (Eds ) The Routledge Companion to Corporate Branding (pp 131-148) Routledge DOI
Pereira, O , & Simões, C (2022)

Co-creating CSR Value Between Firms and Employees: An Abstract

In Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (pp 407-408) Springer, Cham DOI
Simões, C , Stancu, A , & Grigore, G (2022)

Perspectives on Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability and Markets

In C Simões, A Stancu, & G Grigore (Eds ), Palgrave Studies in Governance, Leadership and Responsibility (pp 1–5) Cham Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan DOI
Lages, C R , Piercy, N F , Malhotra, N , & Simões, C (2020)

Understanding the mechanisms of the relationship between shared values and service delivery performance of frontline employees

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(21), 2737–2760 DOI
Siebert, A , Gopaldas, A , Lindridge, A , & Simões, C (2020)

Customer Experience Journeys: Loyalty Loops Versus Involvement Spirals

Journal of Marketing, 84(4), 45–66 DOI
dos Santos, M J , Perin, M G , Simões, C , & Sampaio, C H (2020)

Customer orientation and financial performance relationship: The mediating role of innovative capability

Gestao e Producao, 27(4) DOI
Sarmento, M , & Simões, C (2019)

Trade fairs as engagement platforms: the interplay between physical and virtual touch points

European Journal of Marketing, 53(9), 1782–1807 DOI
Nobre, H , & Simões, C (2019)

NewLux Brand Relationship Scale: Capturing the scope of mass-consumed luxury brand relationships

Journal of Business Research, 102, 328–338 DOI
Simões, C (2019)

Organizational culture in higher education branding: Branding the core values and beliefs

In B Nguyen, T C Melewar, & J Hemsley-Brown (Eds ), Strategic Brand Management in Higher Education (1st ed , p 17) London: Routledge DOI
Simões, C (2018)

Corporate Identity and Branding

In M Saren (Ed ), Marketing Graffiti – The Writing on the Wall (2nd ed , pp 242–255) Routledge DOI
Sarmento, M , & Simões, C (2018)

The evolving role of trade fairs in business: A systematic literature review and a research agenda

Industrial Marketing Management, 73, 154–170 DOI
Simões, C , & Sebastiani, R (2017)

The Nature of the Relationship between Corporate Identity and Corporate Sustainability: Evidence from the Retail Industry

Business Ethics Quarterly, 27(3), 423–453 DOI
Sousa, B , Casais, B , Malheiro, A , & Simões, C (2017)

A experiência e o marketing turístico em contextos religiosos e de peregrinação: o caso ilustrativo dos Caminhos de Santiago

Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 1(27/28), 789-800 DOI
Sarmento, M L , Farhangmehr, M , & Simões, C (2015)

Participating in Business-to-Business Trade Fairs: Does the Buying Function Matter?

Journal of Convention and Event Tourism, 16(4), 273–297 DOI
Sarmento, M L , Simões, C , & Farhangmehr, M (2015)

Applying a relationship marketing perspective to B2B trade fairs: The role of socialization episodes

Industrial Marketing Management, 44, 131–141 DOI
Soares, A M , Simões, C (2015)

Applying to Higher Education: The Role of Information Sources

In: Campbell, C (eds) Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, & Sustainability (pp 312-317) Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Springer, Cham DOI
Dibb, S , Simões, C , & Wensley, R (2014)

Establishing the scope of marketing practice: Insights from practitioners

European Journal of Marketing, 48(1/2), 380-404 DOI
Sarmento, M , Simões, C , & Farhangmehr, M (2014)

B2B Interactions at Trade Fairs and Relationship Quality: A Conceptual Approach

In Field Guide to Case Study Research in Business-to-business Marketing and Purchasing, (pp 167-189) Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing, Vol 21 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley DOI
Lages, C R , Simões, C , Fisk, R P , & Kunz, W H (2013)

Knowledge dissemination in the global service marketing community

Managing Service Quality, 23(4), 272–290 DOI
Simões, C , & Mason, K J (2012)

Informing a new business-to-business relationship: Corporate identity and the emergence of a relationship identity

European Journal of Marketing, 46(5), 684–711 DOI
da Silveira, C , Lages, C , & Simões, C (2013)

Reconceptualizing brand identity in a dynamic environment

Journal of Business Research, 66(1), 28–36 DOI
Perin, M G , Sampaio, C H , Simões, C , & de Pólvora, R P (2012)

Modeling antecedents of student loyalty in higher education

Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 22(1), 101–116 DOI
Sampaio, C H , Perin, M G , Simões, C M N , & Kleinowski, H (2012)

Students' trust, value and loyalty: Evidence from higher education in Brazil

Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 22(1), 83–100 DOI
Sampaio, C H , Simões, C , Perin, M G , & Almeida, A (2011)

Marketing metrics: Insights from Brazilian managers

Industrial Marketing Management, 40(1), 8–16 DOI
Simões, C M N , & Soares, A M (2010)

Applying to higher education: Information sources and choice factors

Studies in Higher Education, 35(4), 371–389 DOI
Sousa, B , & Simões, C (2010)

Comportamento e Perfil do Consumidor de Turismo de Nichos

Tékhne - Review of Applied Management Studies, VIII(14), 137–146 DOI
Simões, C (2008)

Establishing Main Vectors for Urban Product Positioning

Revista De Turismo e Desenvolvimento, 9, 78–90 DOI


Boas práticas de governo do sector fundacional

Funding: Centro Português de Fundações

Duration: 2021-06-26 - 2021-11-26

O impacto das inovações pedagógicas através do usos de sistemas digitais na qualidade do ensino-aprendizagem

Funding: Universidade do Minho

Duration: 2018-02-02 - 2020-03-31


Marketing de Serviços Doutoramento
Projecto de Tese Doutoramento