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Cláudia Simões

Doutoramento em Estudos Industriais e Empresariais Universidade de Warwick


Cláudia Simões é Professora Catedrática de Gestão (área de Marketing e Estratégia). É doutorada em Estudos Industriais e Empresariais pela Universidade de Warwick, Reino Unido. Os seus interesses de investigação centram-se, sobretudo, no marketing estratégico, marketing empresarial, gestão de serviços e experiência do cliente. Publicou em revistas como o Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research e outras. A sua investigação foi distinguida com o prémio Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard 2020 (American Marketing Foundation) e em diversos eventos académicos. É editora associada do European Journal of Marketing e membro do conselho editorial do Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Marketing Communications e Journal of Marketing Trends. Participou em vários encontros/projetos de gestão e apresentou em eventos/workshops de gestão. Alguns destes trabalhos envolveram instituições, tais como, AICEP Portugal Global – Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal; Eixo Atlântico do Noroeste Peninsular; Associação Comercial de Braga (Portugal) e Advanced Institute of Management (Reino Unido). É membro não executivo do Conselho de Administração da InvestBraga e Presidente do Conselho de Curadores da Fundação Bracara Augusta.


Sarmento, M , Simões, C , & Lages, L F (2024)

From organizational ambidexterity to organizational performance: The mediating role of value co-creation

Industrial Marketing Management, 118, 175-188 DOI
Ferreira, S , Pereira, O , & Simões, C (2023)

Determinants of consumers’ intention to visit green hotels: Combining psychological and contextual factors

Journal of Vacation Marketing DOI
Simões, C , & Dibb, S (2001)

Rethinking the brand concept: New brand orientation

Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 6(4), 217-224 DOI
Simões, C , Stancu, A , & Grigore, G (2022)

Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability and Markets

Palgrave MacMillan DOI
da Silveira, C , & Simões, C (2022)

Reconceptualizing Corporate Brand Identity from a Co-Creational Perspective

In Iglesias, O , Ind, N & Schultz , M (Eds ) The Routledge Companion to Corporate Branding (pp 131-148) Routledge DOI
Pereira, O , & Simões, C (2022)

Co-creating CSR Value Between Firms and Employees: An Abstract

In Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (pp 407-408) Springer, Cham DOI
Simões, C , Stancu, A , & Grigore, G (2022)

Perspectives on Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability and Markets

In C Simões, A Stancu, & G Grigore (Eds ), Palgrave Studies in Governance, Leadership and Responsibility (pp 1–5) Cham Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan DOI
Lages, C R , Piercy, N F , Malhotra, N , & Simões, C (2020)

Understanding the mechanisms of the relationship between shared values and service delivery performance of frontline employees

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(21), 2737–2760 DOI
Siebert, A , Gopaldas, A , Lindridge, A , & Simões, C (2020)

Customer Experience Journeys: Loyalty Loops Versus Involvement Spirals

Journal of Marketing, 84(4), 45–66 DOI
dos Santos, M J , Perin, M G , Simões, C , & Sampaio, C H (2020)

Customer orientation and financial performance relationship: The mediating role of innovative capability

Gestao e Producao, 27(4) DOI
Sarmento, M , & Simões, C (2019)

Trade fairs as engagement platforms: the interplay between physical and virtual touch points

European Journal of Marketing, 53(9), 1782–1807 DOI
Nobre, H , & Simões, C (2019)

NewLux Brand Relationship Scale: Capturing the scope of mass-consumed luxury brand relationships

Journal of Business Research, 102, 328–338 DOI
Simões, C (2019)

Organizational culture in higher education branding: Branding the core values and beliefs

In B Nguyen, T C Melewar, & J Hemsley-Brown (Eds ), Strategic Brand Management in Higher Education (1st ed , p 17) London: Routledge DOI
Simões, C (2018)

Corporate Identity and Branding

In M Saren (Ed ), Marketing Graffiti – The Writing on the Wall (2nd ed , pp 242–255) Routledge DOI
Sarmento, M , & Simões, C (2018)

The evolving role of trade fairs in business: A systematic literature review and a research agenda

Industrial Marketing Management, 73, 154–170 DOI
Simões, C , & Sebastiani, R (2017)

The Nature of the Relationship between Corporate Identity and Corporate Sustainability: Evidence from the Retail Industry

Business Ethics Quarterly, 27(3), 423–453 DOI
Sousa, B , Casais, B , Malheiro, A , & Simões, C (2017)

A experiência e o marketing turístico em contextos religiosos e de peregrinação: o caso ilustrativo dos Caminhos de Santiago

Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 1(27/28), 789-800 DOI
Sarmento, M L , Farhangmehr, M , & Simões, C (2015)

Participating in Business-to-Business Trade Fairs: Does the Buying Function Matter?

Journal of Convention and Event Tourism, 16(4), 273–297 DOI
Sarmento, M L , Simões, C , & Farhangmehr, M (2015)

Applying a relationship marketing perspective to B2B trade fairs: The role of socialization episodes

Industrial Marketing Management, 44, 131–141 DOI
Soares, A M , Simões, C (2015)

Applying to Higher Education: The Role of Information Sources

In: Campbell, C (eds) Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, & Sustainability (pp 312-317) Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Springer, Cham DOI
Dibb, S , Simões, C , & Wensley, R (2014)

Establishing the scope of marketing practice: Insights from practitioners

European Journal of Marketing, 48(1/2), 380-404 DOI
Sarmento, M , Simões, C , & Farhangmehr, M (2014)

B2B Interactions at Trade Fairs and Relationship Quality: A Conceptual Approach

In Field Guide to Case Study Research in Business-to-business Marketing and Purchasing, (pp 167-189) Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing, Vol 21 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley DOI
Lages, C R , Simões, C , Fisk, R P , & Kunz, W H (2013)

Knowledge dissemination in the global service marketing community

Managing Service Quality, 23(4), 272–290 DOI
da Silveira, C , Lages, C , & Simões, C (2013)

Reconceptualizing brand identity in a dynamic environment

Journal of Business Research, 66(1), 28–36 DOI
Perin, M G , Sampaio, C H , Simões, C , & de Pólvora, R P (2012)

Modeling antecedents of student loyalty in higher education

Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 22(1), 101–116 DOI
Sampaio, C H , Perin, M G , Simões, C M N , & Kleinowski, H (2012)

Students' trust, value and loyalty: Evidence from higher education in Brazil

Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 22(1), 83–100 DOI
Simões, C , & Mason, K J (2012)

Informing a new business-to-business relationship: Corporate identity and the emergence of a relationship identity

European Journal of Marketing, 46(5), 684–711 DOI
Sampaio, C H , Simões, C , Perin, M G , & Almeida, A (2011)

Marketing metrics: Insights from Brazilian managers

Industrial Marketing Management, 40(1), 8–16 DOI
Simões, C M N , & Soares, A M (2010)

Applying to higher education: Information sources and choice factors

Studies in Higher Education, 35(4), 371–389 DOI
Sousa, B , & Simões, C (2010)

Comportamento e Perfil do Consumidor de Turismo de Nichos

Tékhne - Review of Applied Management Studies, VIII(14), 137–146 DOI
Simões, C (2008)

Establishing Main Vectors for Urban Product Positioning

Revista De Turismo e Desenvolvimento, 9, 78–90 DOI
Melewar, T C , Bassett, K , & Simões, C (2006)

The role of communication and visual identity in modern organisations

Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 11(2), 138–147 DOI
Parente, L , Simões, C , & Pinho, J C (2006)

A Qualidade do serviço no sector da restauração colectiva: Adaptação de um instrumento de medida

Revista Portuguesa De Marketing, 18(1), 11–21 DOI
Pereira, V , Bessa, F , & Simões, C (2005)

O turismo religioso em Braga: Diagnóstico e impacto nos sectores do alojamento e da restauração

Xeográfica - Revista De Xeografia, Território e Medio Ambiente, 5, 127–146 DOI
Simões, C , Dibb, S , & Fisk, R P (2005)

Managing corporate identity: An internal perspective

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(2), 153–168 DOI
Farhangmehr, M , & Simões, C (1999)

Factors affecting hotel industry development in Portugal

Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 6(1), 23–46 DOI


Governance best practices in the Foundational Sector

Financiamento: Centro Português de Fundações

Duração: 2021-06-26 - 2021-11-26

O impacto das inovações pedagógicas através do usos de sistemas digitais na qualidade do ensino-aprendizagem

Financiamento: Universidade do Minho

Duração: 2018-02-02 - 2020-03-31


Marketing de Serviços Doutoramento
Projecto de Tese Doutoramento