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Lígia Pinto

Doutoramento em Ciências Económicas Universidade da Carolina do Sul


Lígia Costa Pinto é Professora Associada com Agregação em Economia na Universidade do Minho. É Doutorada em Economia pela Universidade da Carolina do Sul, EUA. Tem vasta experiência de lecionação de temas de Economia do Ambiente. Ao longo dos anos tem desenvolvido investigação em diferentes tópicos de Microeconomia Aplicada, aprofundando a integração de metodologias experimentais e comportamentais no estudo de temas na área da economia e política ambiental.


Valente, M , Fernandes, M E , & Pinto, L M C (2024)

Crowdfunding or crowdsourcing time: Exploring the willingness of private citizens to help prevent forest fires

Forest Policy and Economics, 163, 103210 DOI
Correia, I M , Ferreira, P , Pinto, L M , Valente, M , & Veiga, P (2021) Ageing (un) equally and (un) healthily: On the health status of Portuguese people aged 50+ Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 20(1-2), 45-64 DOI
Bernardo, C A , Simões, C L , & Pinto, L M Costa (2016) Environmental and economic life cycle analysis of plastic waste management options: A review In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol 1779) DOI
Ramísio, P J , & Pinto, L M C (2023)

UMinho’s Seven Guiding Principles for Sustainability Strategies—A Critical Assessment

In C Machado & J P Davim (Eds ) Higher Education for Sustainability Management and Industrial Engineering Springer, Cham DOI
Pinto, L C , Valente, M , & Chaves, C (2023)

Economia do Ambiente - Conceitos e desenvolvimentos

Almedina DOI
Botelho, A , Harrison, G W , Pinto, L M C , Ross, D , & Rutström, E E (2022)

Endogenous choice of institutional punishment mechanisms to promote social cooperation

Public Choice, 191(3-4), 309-335 DOI
Pinto, L C , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2022)

Forest bioenergy as a land and wildfire management tool: Economic valuation under different informational contexts

Energy Policy, 161, 112765 DOI
Ferreira, C , Lourenço-Gomes, L , & Pinto, L M C (2022)

How does self-reported knowledge influence the effect of extrinsic cues on wine choice? A qualitative approach

Journal of Wine Research, 33(1), 17-39 DOI
Queiroz, A I , Direito, B , da Silva, H , & Pinto, L C (2022)

Pobreza e fome, uma história contemporânea Temas, metodologias e estudos de caso

Imprensa de História Contemporânea DOI
Piras, F , Zanzana, A , Costa Pinto, L M , Fiore, B , & Venturi, M (2022)

The role of the jessour system for agrobiodiversity preservation in Southern Tunisia

 Biodiversity and Conservation, 31(10), 2479-2494 DOI
Ferreira, C , Pinto, L M C , & Lourenço-Gomes, L (2021)

Effect of region of origin on willingness to pay for wine: an experimental auction

Applied Economics, 53(32), 3715–3729 DOI
Oliveira, S , & Pinto, L M C (2021)

Choice experiments to elicit the users’ preferences for coastal erosion management: the case of Praia da Amorosa

Environment, Development and Sustainability, 27(7), 9749–9765 DOI
Pinto, L M C , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2021)

Explaining the social acceptance of renewables through location-related factors: An application to the portuguese case

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 1–13 DOI
Ramísio, P , Arezes, D , & Pinto, L M C (2021)

A co-financing model for the mitigation of highway runoff pollution

Journal of Environmental Management, 289, 112432 DOI
Ferreira, C , Lourenço-Gomes, L , & Pinto, L M (2021)

Region of origin and consumers’ quality perception of wine: an assimilation-contrast approach

Wine Economics and Policy, 10(1), 57-71 DOI
Ramísio, P , Arezes, D , & Pinto, L M C (2021)

A co-financing model for the mitigation of highway runoff pollution

Journal of Environmental Management, 289, 112432 DOI
Gonçalves, T , Lourenço-Gomes, L , & Pinto, L (2020)

Modelling consumer preferences heterogeneity in emerging wine markets: a latent class analysis

Applied Economics, 52(56), 6136–6144 DOI
Gonçalves, T , Lourenço-Gomes, L , & Pinto, L M C (2020)

Dealing with ignored attributes through an inferred approach in wine choice experiments

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 87 DOI
Gonçalves, T , Pinto, L M C , & Lourenço-Gomes, L (2020)

Attribute non-attendance in wine choice: Contrasts between stated and inferred approaches

Economic Analysis and Policy, 66, 262–275 DOI
Lourenço-Gomes, L , Pinto, L M C , Rebelo, J , & Gonçalves, T (2020)

Temporal stability of discrete choice values for preserving a cultural landscape: The Alto Douro Wine Region

Journal of Cultural Heritage, 45, 327–333 DOI
Pinto, L M C , Sá, C , Soares, N , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2020)

The case for academic hazing as a rational choice: An economic approach

Economic Analysis and Policy, 66, 51–62 DOI
Botelho, A , Dias, I C , Fernandes, T , Pinto, L M C , Teixeira, J , Valente, M , & Veiga, P (2019)

Overestimation of health urgency as a cause for emergency services inappropriate use: Insights from an exploratory economics experiment in Portugal

Health and Social Care in the Community, 27(4), 1031–1041 DOI
Ferreira, C , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Pinto, L M C , & Silva, A P (2019)

Is there a gender effect on wine choice in Portugal? – A qualitative approach

International Journal of Wine Business Research, 31(4), 618–639 DOI
Gonçalves, T , Pinto, L M C , & Lourenço-Gomes, L (2019)

Exploring distinct sources of heterogeneity in discrete choice experiment: An application to wine choice across European consumers

Economics Letters, 178, 28–32 DOI
Pinto, L M C , & Valente, M (2019)

3rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Energy Economics & 5th Meeting of Environmental and Energy Economics

Braga: UMINHO Editora DOI
Ramos, P , Pinto, L M C , Chaves, C , & Formigo, N (2019)

Surf as a Driver for Sustainable Coastal Preservation – an Application of the Contingent Valuation Method in Portugal

Human Ecology, 47(5), 705–715 DOI
Ramísio, P J , Pinto, L M C , Gouveia, N , Costa, H , & Arezes, D (2019)

Sustainability Strategy in Higher Education Institutions: Lessons learned from a nine-year case study

Journal of Cleaner Production, 222, 300–309 DOI
Sousa, S , Botelho, A , Pinto, L , & Valente, M (2019)

How relevant are non-use values and perceptions in economic valuations? The case of hydropower plants

Energies, 14(15) DOI
Botelho, A , Dinis, I , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Moreira, J , Pinto, L C , & Simões, O (2018)

The role of consumers in agrobiodiversity conservation: the case of traditional varieties of apples in Portugal

Agroecology And Sustainable Food Systems, 42(7), 796–811 DOI
Botelho, A , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Pinto, L M C , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2018)

Discrete-choice experiments valuing local environmental impacts of renewables: two approaches to a case study in Portugal

Environment, Development and Sustainability, 20, 145–162 DOI
Agnoletti, M , Baptista, R , Henriques, R , Nogueira, P , Pinto, L M C , Ramísio, P J , … Vaz, E (2017)

A Green City: Impossible Dream or Necessity?

In C J de Melo, E Vaz, & L M C Pinto (Eds ), Environmental History in the Making, Vol II: Acting (Mauro Agnoletti , pp 355–376) Switzerland: Springer International Publishing DOI
Botelho, A , Arezes, P , Bernardo, C , Dias, H , & Pinto, L M C (2017)

Effect of wind farm noise on local residents’ decision to adopt mitigation measures

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7) DOI
Botelho, A , Dinis, I , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Moreira, J , Pinto, L C , & Simões, O (2017)

The effect of sequential information on consumers’ willingness to pay for credence food attributes

Appetite, 118, 17–25 DOI
Botelho, A , Fernandes, E , & Pinto, L M C (2017)

EU ETS Allocation Rules: An Experimental Examination of the Ausubel Auction

In A Dinar, A Espinola-Arredondo, F Munoz-Garcia, R A Matthew, C Harron, K Goodrich, … T Bryant (Eds ), The WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change (Vol 4, pp 179–204) New Jersey: World Scientific DOI
Botelho, A , Pinto, L M C , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2017)

Accounting for local impacts of photovoltaic farms: The application of two stated preferences approaches to a case-study in Portugal

Energy Policy, 109, 191–198 DOI
Pinto, L M C , Ramísio, P J , Marreiros, A , & Santos, S (2017)

Paving the way for a circular economy: theoretical framework and opportunities in challenging sectors

In S G Azevedo & J C O Matias (Eds ), Corporate Sustainability: The New Pillar of the Circular Econom (pp 127–164 ) Nova Science Publishers DOI
de Melo, C J , Vaz, E , & Pinto, L M C (2017)

Environmental History in the Making - Volume I: Explaining

(Vol 6) switzerland: Springer International Publishing DOI
Botelho, A , Ferreira, P , Lima, F , Pinto, L , & Sousa, S (2017)

Assessment of the environmental impacts associated with hydropower

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 70, 896-904 DOI
Botelho, A , Dias, M F , Ferreira, C , & Pinto, L M C (2016)

The market of electrical and electronic equipment waste in Portugal: Analysis of take-back consumers' decisions

Waste Management and Research, 34(10), 1074–1080 DOI
Botelho, A , Fernandes, E , & Pinto, L M C (2016)

EU ETS Trading Rules: An Experimental Examination of the Ausubel Auctioning Allocation

In A Espinola-Arredondo, F Munoz-Garcia, R A Matthew, C Harron, K Goodrich, B Maharramli, E Nizkorodov, T Bryant, & A Botelho (Eds ), The WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change (Vol 4, pp 179–204) Singapore: World Scientific DOI
Botelho, A , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Pinto, L , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2016)

Using stated preference methods to assess environmental impacts of forest biomass power plants in Portugal

Environment, development and sustainability, 18, 1323-1337 DOI
Botelho, A , Pinto, L M , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Valente, M , & Sousa, S (2016)

Social sustainability of renewable energy sources in electricity production: An application of the contingent valuation method

Sustainable Cities and Society, 26, 429-437 DOI
Botelho, A , Pinto, L M , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Valente, M , & Sousa, S (2016)

Public perceptions of environmental friendliness of renewable energy power plants

Energy Procedia, 106, 73-86 DOI
Ferreira, C , & Pinto, L M C (2016)

Análise da decisão de entrega de resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos em Portugal

Revista Águas e Resíduos, VI(1), 5–14 DOI
Bernardo, C A , Simões, C L , & Pinto, L M C (2016)

Environmental and economic life cycle assessment of polymers and polymer matrix composites: a review

Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais, 28(1), 55-59 DOI
Botelho, A , Dinar, A , Pinto, L M C , & Rapoport, A (2015)

Promoting cooperation in resource dilemmas: Theoretical predictions and experimental evidence

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 54, 40–49 DOI
Botelho, A , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Pinto, L M C , Sousa, P , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2015)

Using Choice Experiments to Assess Environmental Impacts of Dams in Portugal

AIMS Energy, 3(3), 316–325 DOI
Lourenço-Gomes, L , Pinto, L M , & Rebelo, J (2015)

Wine and cultural heritage The experience of the Alto Douro Wine Region

Wine Economics and Policy, 4(2), 78-87 DOI
Botelho, A , Dinar, A , Pinto, L M C , & Rapoport, A (2014)

Time and uncertainty in resource dilemmas: equilibrium solutions and experimental results

Experimental Economics, 17, 649-672 DOI
Lourenço-Gomes, L , Pinto, L M C , & Rebelo, J F (2014)

Visitors' preferences for preserving the attributes of a world heritage site

Journal of Cultural Heritage, 15(1), 64–67 DOI
Simões, C L , Pinto, L M C , & Bernardo, C A (2014)

Environmental and economic analysis of end of life management options for an HDPE product using a life cycle thinking approach

Waste Management and Research, 32(5), 414–422 DOI
Lourenço-Gomes, L , Pinto, L M C , & Rebelo, J (2013)

Using choice experiments to value a world cultural heritage site: Reflections on the experimental design

Journal of Applied Economics, 16(2), 303–332 DOI
Rebelo, J F , Pinto, L M C , & Lourenço-Gomes, L (2013)

Preservation of a rural and cultural landscape Insights from the multinomial and error components logit model

New Medit: Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment= Revue Méditerranéenne dʹEconomie Agriculture et Environment, 12(2), 65 DOI
Simões, C L , Pinto, L M C , & Bernardo, C A (2013)

Environmental and economic assessment of a road safety product made with virgin and recycled HDPE: A comparative study

Journal of Environmental Management, 114, 209–215 DOI
Simões, C L , Pinto, L M C , Simões, R , & Bernardo, C A (2013)

Integrating environmental and economic life cycle analysis in product development: A material selection case study

International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18(9), 1734–1746 DOI
Botelho, A , Dinis, I , & Pinto, L C (2012)

The impact of information and other factors on on-farm agrobiodiversity conservation: evidence from a duration analysis of Portuguese fruit growers

Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(1), 3–17 DOI
Simões, C L , Pinto, L M C , & Bernardo, C A (2012)

Modelling the economic and environmental performance of engineering products: A materials selection case study

International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 17(6), 678–688 DOI
Simões, C L , Pinto, L M C , & Bernardo, C A (2012)

Modelling the environmental performance of composite products: Benchmark with traditional materials

Materials and Design, 39, 121–130 DOI
Pinto, L M C , & Salgado, A F (2004)

Raising awareness of environmental risks: A case study in Portugal

Management of Environmental Quality, 15(4), 438–442 DOI
Botelho, A , Harrison, G W , Pinto, L M C , & Rutström, E E (2009)

Testing static game theory with dynamic experiments: A case study of public goods

Games and Economic Behavior, 67(1), 253-265 DOI
Botelho, A , Pinto, L M C , & Rodrigues, I (2005)

How to comply with environmental regulations? the role of information

Contemporary Economic Policy, 23(4), 568–577 DOI
Botelho, A , Pinto, L M C , & Rodrigues, I (2005)

How to comply with environmental regulations? The role of information

Contemporary Economic Policy, 23(4), 568–577 DOI
Botelho, A , & Pinto, L C (2004)

Students' expectations of the economic returns to college education: Results of a controlled experiment

Economics of Education Review, 23(6), 645–653 DOI
Pinto, L M , & Harrison, G W (2003)

Multilateral negotiations over climate change policy

Journal of Policy Modeling, 25(9), 911–930 DOI
Botelho, A , & Pinto, L C (2002)

Hypothetical, real, and predicted realwillingness to pay in open-ended surveys: experimental results

Applied Economics Letters, 9(15), 993–996 DOI


ECO.Fire - O valor económico dos incêndios florestais como suporte ao comportamento preventivo

Financiamento: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Duração: 2020-01-15 - 2023-01-14

Avaliação dos impactos económicos do Projecto HMI-Excel (iFACTORY: Novas Capacidades de Industrialização)

Financiamento: Portugal 2020

Duração: 2017-05-19 - 2018-05-19

The co-evolution Guimarães Urban Landscape: Relations between man and water resources (1853-2001)

Financiamento: Lab2PT - Laboratório de Paisagens, Património e Território​

Duração: 2016-05-10 - 2017-05-11

Valoração económica dos impactos ambientais de energias renováveis

Financiamento: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Duração: 2012-05-01 - 2015-08-31

Aplicação de metodologias de economia experimental na avaliação da disposição a pagar dos consumidores por variedades tradicionais de frutas e legumes

Financiamento: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Duração: 2011-02 - 2014-01

Os custos económicos do consumo de substâncias aditivas em Portugal

Financiamento: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Duração: 2005-10 - 2008-09


Economia Comportamental e Experimental Mestrado
Economia do Ambiente Licenciatura
Economia do Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Licenciatura
Economia e Política do Ambiente Mestrado
Introdução à Economia Licenciatura
Sustentabilidade Ambiental, Social e Económica Licenciatura
Tópicos de Economia Industrial e da Empresa Mestrado