
- Colaboradores
José Cadima Ribeiro
Doutoramento em Ciências Económicas e Empresariais Universidade do MinhoCampus de Gualtar - Edificio 8 - 2.17
Áreas de interesse
Motivation-based visitor segmentation in the context of a new governance model for a protected area
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 1-25 DOIVisitors’ Satisfaction and Loyalty toward Protected Areas: Exploring the Role of Motivations and Perceived Quality
Leisure Sciences, 1-25 DOITowards Sustainable Tourism Development in a Small Protected Area: Mapping Stakeholders’ Perceptions in the Alvão Natural Park, Portugal
Tourism Planning & Development, 21(6), 712–734 DOISocial Entrepreneur's Networks and Institutional Environment: Ties That Bind?
In I Management Association (Ed ), Research Anthology on Approaches to Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship (pp 1030-1053) IGI Global DOIDESENVOLVIMENTO, ECONOMIA E TURISMO: Diálogos entre o Sul de Minas Gerais (Brasil) e o Minho (Portugal)
Gestão & Regionalidade, 38(115) DOIThe Role of Residents and Their Perceptions of the Tourism Industry in Low-Density Areas: The Case of Boticas, in the Northeast of Portugal
In R P M et al (Ed ), The Impact of Tourist Activities on Low-Density Territories, Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management (pp 203–225) Switzerland, Cham,: Springer DOIFatores de atração do turismo no Norte de Portugal: uma abordagem exploratória
Revista De Turismo e Desenvolvimento, (35), 53–75 DOIThe relationship between creative tourism and local development: a bibliometric approach for the period 2009-2019
Tourism and Management Studies, 17(1), 5–18 DOIImpactes Locais do Acolhimento de Grandes Eventos: Alguns Ensinamentos da Experiência Portuguesa
In J L Marques & F Carballo-Cruz (Eds ), 30 Anos de Ciência Regional em Perspetiva (pp 371–392 ) Coimbra: Almedina DOIFatores de atração do turismo no Norte de Portugal: uma abordagem exploratória
Revista De Turismo e Desenvolvimento, (35), 53–75 DOIO lado humano das cidades inteligentes e o contributo do empreendedorismo social
Desenvolvimento Regional Em Debate, 10, 195–222 DOIDeterminants of the Effective Use of UGC (User-Generated Content) on Hotel Room Bookings by Portuguese Travellers
International Journal of Online Marketing , 10(2), 30–43 DOIEnoturismo no Brasil: um estudo comparativo dos perfís dos enoturistas do Vale dos Vinhedos e do Vale de São Francisco
Revista REDES, 25(2), 782–808 DOISatisfaction with Braga (Portugal) and recommendation: A comparison between information coming from relatives/friends and from other sources
Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20(3), 345–357 DOIA economia e o turismo em Portugal no pós-crise sanitária: um olhar suportado em dados empíricos e na revisão da literatura
In U M Editora (Ed ), A Universidade do Minho em tempos de pandemia: Tomo III: Projeções (Vol III, pp 152–171 ) Braga: UMINHO Editora DOIOs impactes do turismo: uma abordagem ao caso de Barcelos
In C Costa, F Gonçalves, M Costa, V Pinho, & J S (Eds ) (Eds ), Turismo em Barcelos (Vol Capítulo 9, pp 153–166) Barcelos: Câmara Municipal de Barcelos DOISocial Entrepreneur`s Networks and Institutional Environments: Ties That Bind?
International Journal of Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsability, 4(2), 1–22 DOIStepping out of the Shadows: Legacy of the European Capitals of Culture, Guimarães 2012 and Košice 2013
Sustainability, 11( 5), 1469 DOICreative Tourism as a New Challenge to the Development of Destinations: the Portuguese Case Study
In M Peris-Ortiz, M R Cabrera-Flores, & A Serrano-Santoyo (Eds ), Cultural and Creative Industries: A Path to Entrepreneurship and Innovation (pp 81–99) Cham, Switzerland: Springer DOIPerceção de alguns stakeholders portugueses sobre as práticas de turismo criativo
In J A R F et al (Ed ), IV Conferência em Políticas Públicas, Planeamento e Desenvolvimento Territorial – Descentralização & Desenvolvimento: Livro de Artigos (CEGOT , pp pp 49–56) Ermesinde, Porto: CEGOT DOIResidents’ Perceptions of the Tourism Impacts on a Mature Destination: The Case of Madeira Island
Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 7(4), 149–167 DOIWhat influences a tourist to return to a cultural destination?
International Journal of Tourism Research, 21(2), 280–290 DOISocial Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: An Empirical Examination
In L Carvalho (Ed ), Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Social Dynamics in a Globalized World (pp 181–210 ) Hershey: IGI-Global DOISocial entrepreneur and gender: what`s personality got to do with it?
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 10(1), 61–82 DOIThe legacy of European Capitals of Culture to the “smartness” of cities: The case of Guimarães 2012
Journal of Convention and Event Tourism, 19(2), 138–166 DOICultural destination´s attributes and tourist´ satisfaction: differences between first time and repeated visits
Revista Brasileira De Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional, 14(3), 48–75 DOIDiscussing the posthosting evaluation of a mega sporting event: The perception of Warsaw Residents toward UEFA EURO 2012
Tourism and Hospitality Research, 17(4), 392–410 DOIChanges in the Guimarães visitors` profile and city attributes perceptions in the post hosting of the 2012 European Capital of Culture
Tourism and Management Studies, 13(4), 43–53 DOIEvaluating the on-going and ex-post impacts on Braga (Portugal) from hosting the 2012’s European Youth Capital
PASOS - Revista De Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 15 (4), 769–784 DOIO legado de Guimarães Capital Europeia da Cultura de 2012: a leitura dos residentes e dos visitantes
Porto: Editora Afrontamento DOICultural mega-events and the enhancement of a city's image: differences between engaged participants and attendees
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 9(2), 129–151 DOIThe Planning of Tourism on Rural Areas: The Stakeholders' Perceptions of the Boticas Municipality (Northeastern Portugal)
European Countryside, 9(3), 504-525 DOISocial Entrepreneurship: Does Institutional Environment Make a Difference?
In L Carvalho (Ed ), Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Success and its Impact on Regional Development (pp 513–538 ) Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI-Global DOIThe creation of a new tourist destination in low density areas: the Boticas case
Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 4(2), 118–131 DOIResident’s perceptions on impacts of hosting the guimarães 2012 European capital of culture: Comparisons of the pre- and post periods
In A Matias, P Nijkamp, & J Romão (Eds ), Impact Assessment in Tourism Economics (pp 229–246) Springer International Publishing DOIEvaluating the guimarães 2012 european capital of culture: National and international tourists' behaviors and perceptions
Event Management, 20(1), 81–97 DOISocial Crowdfunding: a New Model for Financing Regional Development?
Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis, 2(8), 97-115 DOIPerceived Impacts of the European Youth Capital 2012
Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, (43), 21–34 DOIHolistic approach, tourism
In J Jafari & H Xiao (Eds ), Encyclopedia of Tourism Springer International Publishing DOIThe Environmental Impacts of Hosting the ´2012 Guimarães European Capital of Culture` as Perceived by the Local Community
Ambiente y Desarrollo, 19(36), 25–38 DOIPortuguese publication in the aim of regional science: A study of articles published in RPER from 2003 to 2015
Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional, 11(4) DOIAcessibilidade e SIG no Planeamento em Saúde: uma Abordagem Baseada em Modelos de Alocação-Localização
Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, (38), 3–18 DOITourists’ perceptions of world heritage destinations: The case of Guimarães (Portugal)
Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14(4), 206–218 DOIDoes Gender Affect Visiting a World Heritage Site?
Visitor Studies, 17(1), 89–106 DOIPerceptions of residents of hosting the “Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture”: An ex-ante approach
Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 2(2), 71–93 DOIAs Assimetrias Regionais em Portugal: análise da convergência versus divergência ao nível dos municípios
Desenvolvimento Regional Em Debate, 4(1), 84–109 DOIResidents' perceptions of tourism impacts in Guimarães (Portugal): A cluster analysis
Current Issues in Tourism, 16(6), 535–551 DOIEvaluating the Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture (ECOC): A Tourist Perception Approach
In D Vrontis, Y Weber & E Tsoukatos (Eds ) Confronting Contemporary Business Challenges Through Management Innovation (pp 963-983) EUROMED Press DOICriatividade: a construção de novos cenários para o turismo em Ponte de Lima
Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, 11(3), 283–297 DOITurismo: a importância da visão dos residentes
O Economista: Anuário Da Economia Portuguesa, (25), 140–143 DOICultural tourism in Northwest Portugal – the case of the world heritage site of Guimarães
In H Pina, H Marques, M da Conceição Ramos, & P Remoaldo (Eds ), Grandes Problemáticas do Espaço Europeu – Políticas de Ordenamento e Recomposições Territoriais nas Periferias Europeias (pp 204–228) Porto: Universidade do Porto DOIEstratégias Empresariais de Base Territorial: o caso Symington e a produção de Vinho do Porto
Desenvolvimento Regional Em Debate, Vol 2(N 1), pp 144–155 DOIHost-tourist interaction at a world heritage site: the case of Guimarães
China-USA Business Review, 11(3), 283–297 DOIThe Portuguese online wine buying consumer: Characteristics, motivations and behaviour
EuroMed Journal of Business, 7(3), 294–311 DOIPortuguese and International Online Consumers of Wine: A Niche Market?
In D Vrontis, Y Weber, H R Kaufmann, S Tarba & E Tsoukatos (Eds ) 4th Annual EUROMED Conference of the EUROMED Academy of Business: Business Research Challenges in a Turbulent Era (pp 1658-1674) EUROMED Management, France DOIA localização dos serviços
In J S Costa, T Dentinho, & P Nijkamp (Eds ), Compêndio de Economia Regional II Métodos e técnicas de análise regional ( 3ª edição , pp 62–73) Principia DOIPortugal's Minho-Lima region as a tourism destination: tourism operators' attitudes towards its management and promotion
Tourism Economics, 16(2), 385–404 DOIAs preferências dos turistas que visitam o Minho - Lima: uma análise com base nas preferências declaradas
Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, 22, 35–46 DOIPortuguese quality wine and the region-of-origin effect: consumers`and retailers`perceptions
Enometrica, 1, 21–39 DOIRegion-based Business Strategies: a Portuguese Case Study
EuroMed Journal of Business, 3(3), 320–334 DOISustainable use of endogenous touristic resources of rural areas: two portuguese case studies
Pasos - Revista de Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 5(2), 193-207 DOIImportância da celebração de eventos culturais para o turismo do Minho-Lima: um estudo de caso
Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, 11, 61–76 DOIInternational counterfeiting in the European union: A host country approach
Journal of Euromarketing, 16(1-2), 165–176 DOIPortuguese Olive Oil and The Price of Regional Products: Does Designation of Origin Really Maters?
Tékhne - Review of Applied Management Studies, 2(3), 61–76 DOIA dimensão política do planeamento do desenvolvimento regional: algumas referências à situação actual em Portugal
Revista Internacional De Desenvolvimento Local, 4(6), 7–15 DOIEffects of Territory Information on Portuguese Wine Prices: a Hedonic Approach
European Review of Economics and Finance, 2(1), 39–52 DOIFactores de macrolocalização dos centros comerciais em Portugal
Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, 3, 41–59 DOICooperação Transfronteiriça: Contribuições teóricas e experiência ibérica
Economia Global e Gestão, VII(2), 23–39 DOIEconomia para o Homem e Desenvolvimento Regional: Contribuição para um Pensamento e uma Política Alternativos
Revista REDES, 6(1), 7–23/101–114 DOIChapter 2 - Innovation and regional development: a digression through the literature
Progress in Planning, 49(3-4), 117-131 DOITeoria da Localização Industrial: Novos Desafios Exigem Novas Respostas
Sociedade e Território – Revista De Estudos Urbanos e Regionais, (23), 43–54 DOIProjectos
CLICTOUR - Turismo Resiliente às Alterações Climáticas nas Áreas Protegidas do Norte de Portugal
Financiamento: Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte | CCDR-N
Duração: 2021-05-01 - 2023-06-30
O sistema de formação profissional dual alemão: potencialidades e entraves da eventual incorporação ao sistema de formação profissional português
Financiamento: Programa Operacional de Apoio Técnico do Fundo Social Europeu
Duração: 2013-10-01 - 2015-03-30
ENTRExplorer – Immersive Serious Game for Entrepreneurs
Financiamento: Comissão Europeia
Duração: 2010-12-01 - 2012-11-30