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Fifteen years of customer engagement research: A bibliometric and network analysis

Orador convidado

Linda D. Hollebeek (Vilnius University)


Room -1.26 EEG & Online


Início26.06.2023 13:30Fim26.06.2023 14:30

Resumo do evento


In recent years, customer engagement (CE) with brands, which has been shown to yield enhanced firm sales, competitive advantage, and stock returns, has risen to occupy a prominent position in brand management research and practice. Correspondingly, scholars have explored CE’s conceptualization, operationalization, and its nomological networks as informed by different theoretical perspectives. However, despite important advances, the intellectual structure of the overall corpus of CE research remains tenuous, as therefore explored in this paper.  Based on this gap, this study deploys bibliometric- and network analysis to map CE’s literature-based landscape. Using bibliometric analysis, important CE-publishing journals, authors, and influential CE articles (2005-2020) are uncovered. Using network analysis, prominent CE themes are also unearthed. The results document key CE-publishing journals and authors, and their respective contributions to the literature. Five CE themes are also identified, including CE Measurement/Methods, Online CE, CE’s Value Co-creating Capacity, CE Conceptualization, and Customer/Consumer Brand Engagement. Further, an agenda for future CE research is provided based on the presented network analysis results.



Linda D. Hollebeek, Ph.D., is Professor of Marketing at Vilnius University and Tallinn University of Technology, Guest Professor at UMEA University, Visiting Professor at Lund University, and Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg. Her research on customer-, consumer-, and stakeholder engagement has published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing ScienceJournal of Service ResearchInternational Journal of Research in Marketing, and Tourism Management, among others. She has been recognized as the world’s leading Customer Engagement researcher (Lim & Rasul 2022: JBR), features as #845 of Business & Management Researchers in 2023 (research.com), has been named a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher (2020-2022), and is included on Stanford University’s Top 2% of Researchers (2020-2022). Linda serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Service Research, is the recipient of the 2020 SERVSIG Emerging Service Scholar Award, and is co-editor of The Handbook of Research on Customer Engagement. She currently has over 25K Google Scholar citations (see: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=vm-F5fMAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao).

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