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Reproducibility of 1,000 articles; Lessons Learned

Orador convidado

Lars Vilhuber (Cornell University)


Salão Nobre EEG & Online


Início16.12.2022 13:15Fim16.12.2022 14:15

Resumo do evento


The American Economic Association’s Data Editor has reviewed more than 1,000 empirical articles since July 2019, and worked with authors to improve the reproducibility of their research compendia (replication packages). Some lessons emerge from this work. In this presentation, I will focus on lessons for young scholars (students and young researchers), on possible lessons even for more seasoned researchers. Students and researchers are embedded within institutions, and I will discuss the kind of support that institutions (universities, data providers, compute services) should be providing to students, faculty, and researchers, for a robust, reproducible, and transparent science enterprise.

Lars Vilhuber holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Université de Montréal, Canada, and is currently on the faculty of the Cornell University Economics Department. He has interests in labor economics, statistical disclosure limitation and data dissemination, and reproducibility and replicability in the social sciences. He is the Data Editor of the American Economic Association, and Managing Editor of the Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality.

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