Logotipo NIPE


Usando análises institucionais históricas do corporativismo para entender a profissionalização da contabilidade na América Latina e Portugal

This project aims to explore how the professionalization of accounting has evolved in Latin America (namely Argentina, Brazil) and Portugal. Using the historical-comparative institutional analysis of corporatism as a theoretical framework, the origins of the professionalization of accounting, the self-reinforcing sequences and the reactive sequences that impeded professionalization will be studied. The project will present results from a largely unexplored empirical scenario.

Research coordinator

Lúcia Lima Rodrigues


Tânia Montenegro Mário Marques Russell Craig Adriana Silva Inês Fronti

Partner organizations:

University of Minho


2022-01-01 - 2023-05-22

Funding body:

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia