
- Full member
Florinda Silva
Ph.D in Business Administration - Finance University of MinhoCampus de Gualtar - Edificio 8 - 3.14
Areas of interest
Do investors benefit from investing in stocks of green bond issuers?
Economics Letters, 242, 111859 DOIThe performance of green bond portfolios under climate uncertainty: A comparative analysis with conventional and black bond portfolios
Research in International Business and Finance, 70 DOIThe environmental and financial performance of green energy investments: European evidence
Ecological Economics, 197, 107427 DOIDo Islamic fundamental weighted indices outperform their conventional counterparts? An empirical investigation during the crises in the MENA region
Eurasian Economic Review, 12(2), 241-266 DOIDoes the choice of fund performance measure matter?
Investment Analysts Journal, 49(1), 53–77 DOICommon risk factors in stock returns in the mena region
Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 12(2), 29–60 DOISocially responsible investing and the performance of Eurozone corporate bond portfolios
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26, 1407–1422 DOIDo Fundamental Portfolios Outperform in the MENA Equity Markets?
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 12(2), 265–281 DOIThe performance of socially responsible equity mutual funds: Evidence from Sweden
Business Ethics, 27(2), 108–126 DOIThe performance of US and European green funds in different market conditions
Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 558–566 DOIThe conditional performance of US mutual funds over different market regimes: Do different types of ethical screens matter?
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 27(4), 397–429 DOISocially responsible investing in the global market: The performance of US and European funds
International Journal of Finance and Economics, 17(3), 254–271 DOITime varying betas and the unconditional distribution of asset returns
Quantitative Finance, 12(6), 951–967 DOIThe performance of european socially responsible funds
Journal of Business Ethics, 87, 573–588 DOIConditioning Information and European Bond Fund Performance
European Financial Management, 9(2), 201–230 DOIThe (un)conditional relation risk factors market, size and value: evidence from five European countries
Revista De Gestao, Financas E Contabilidade, 6(3), 177-196 DOITests of the Correlation between Portfolio Performance Measures
Journal of Financial Transformation, 35, 123–132 DOIThe persistence of European bond fund performance: Does conditioning information matter?
International Journal of Business, 4(10), 341–361 DOIBond return predictability: The European market
International Journal of Finance, 16(3), 3083–3114 DOIConditioning information on portfolio performance evaluation: a reexamination of performance persistence in the portuguese mutual fund market
Finance India, 16(4), 1393–1408 DOIProjects
Certificações/rótulos de sustentabilidade na Europa: entidades governmentais versus entidades privadas
Funding: Institut Louis Bachelier
Duration: 2022-01-14 - 2023-01-14
Entidades governamentais versus atores privados em labelling de sustentabilidade na União Europeia
Funding: Labex MME-DII
Duration: 2021-12-01 - 2023-02-28