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  • Bolseiros

Maher Elmashhara


Elmashhara, M G , Silva, J , Sá, E , Carvalho, A , & Rezazadeh, A (2022)

Factors influencing user behaviour in micromobility sharing systems: A systematic literature review and research directions

Travel Behaviour and Society, 27, 1–25 DOI
Elmashhara, M , & Soares, A M (2022)

Linking atmospherics to shopping outcomes: The role of the desire to stay

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 64(102744), 1–10 DOI
Elmashhara, M G , & Soares, A M (2020)

Entertain Me, I’ll Stay Longer! The Influence of Types of Entertainment on Mall Shoppers' Emotions and Behavior

Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(1), 87–98 DOI
Elmashhara, M , & Soares, A (2019)

The impact of entertainment and social interaction with salespeople on mall shopper satisfaction

International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 47(2), 94–110 DOI