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Ana Paula Faria and Natália Barbosa, NIPE researchers, receive award for best scientific article, attributed by GEE and FCT

Ana Paula Faria and Natália Barbosa, researchers of NIPE and Professors of the School of Economics and Management, will receive an award for best scientific article, in the scope of the 10th edition of the Call for Papers about “Impact of Science on Economy and Society in Portugal”. The awarded paper is entitled “Science and productivity in European firms: How do regional innovation modes matter?”.

This award is the responsibility of the Office for Strategy and Studies (GEE), of the Ministry of the Economy and Maritime Affairs, and of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. The award will be attributed to the NIPE researchers on July 6th, during the Ciência 2023 – Portuguese Science Summit, by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato, and by the Minister of the Economy and Maritime Affairs, António Costa Silva.