
- Colaboradores
José Carlos Soares Brandão
Doutoramento em Ciências Empresariais - Métodos Quantitativos Aplicados Universidade de LancasterSobre
Áreas de interesse
A memory-based iterated local search algorithm for the multi-depot open vehicle routing problem
European Journal of Operational Research, 284(2), 559–571 DOIIterated local search algorithm with ejection chains for the open vehicle routing problem with time windows
Computers & Industrial Engineering, 120, 146-159 DOIA deterministic iterated local search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls
TOP, 24, 445–465 DOIA deterministic tabu search algorithm for the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem
European Journal of Operational Research, 195(3), 716–728 DOIA deterministic tabu search algorithm for the capacitated arc routing problem
Computers and Operations Research, 35(4), 1112–1126 DOIA new tabu search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls
European Journal of Operational Research, 173(2), 540–555 DOIMetaheuristics applied to mixed and simultaneous extensions of vehicle routing problems with backhauls
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 56(11), 1296-1302 DOIA tabu search algorithm for the open vehicle routing problem
European Journal of Operational Research, 157(3), 552-564 DOIThe multi-trip vehicle routing problem
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 49(8), 799–805 DOIA tabu search algorithm for the multi-trip vehicle routing and scheduling problem
European Journal of Operational Research, 100(1), 180-191 DOIMetaheuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls and Time Windows
In N Kliewer, J F Ehmke & R Borndorfer (Eds), Operations Research Proceedings 2017 (pp 413–418) Springer DOIA tabu search algorithm for the heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem
Computers and Operations Research, 38(1), 140–151 DOIA Lower Bound Based Meta-Heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem
In C Ribeiro & P Hansen (Eds ) Essays and Surveys in Metaheuristics (Vol 15, pp 151–168) New York City, USA: Elsevier / Kluwer / North Holland DOIMetaheuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
In S Voß, S Martello, I H Osman, & C Roucairol (Eds ), Meta-Heuristics – Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization (1st ed , pp 19–36) New York City, USA: Springer US DOIDescrição de um Novo Algoritmo para o Problema de Escalonamento e Roteamento de Veículos e Análise Comparativa do seu Desempenho
Investigação Operacional, 17, 163–178 DOIProjectos
Resolução de problemas de definição de rotas de veículos com recurso a meta-heurísticas
Financiamento: Resolução de problemas de definição de rotas de veículos com recurso a meta-heurísticas
Duração: 2010-03-15 - 2013-09-15