Logotipo NIPE


MOBAE – Advanced and Extended Mobility Value Chain in Galicia and Northern Portugal

The mobility value chain is currently experiencing a time of change with multiple implications for future business models and support activities. The MOBAE initiative aims to boost the high mobility potential of the Euroregion of Galicia-North Portugal.

Contribute to the development and transformation of the mobility-related industry in the Euroregion of Galicia-North Portugal.

Consolidate the Euroregion as a center for the development of emerging skills and transform it into a global reference in some specific skills.

Website: www.mobae.eu


Francisco Carballo Cruz Rosa Branca Esteves João Cerejeira

Partner organizations:

University of Vigo The Spanish National Research Council


2019-06-01 - 2022-07-31

Funding body:

Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte | CCDR-N