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Preliminary Report on the Evaluation of Strategic Options for Increasing Airport Capacity in the Lisbon Region: Study Coordinated by Fernando Alexandre

Fernando Alexandre, member of the Independent Technical Commission, coordinated the study “Economic-Financial Analysis and Cost-Benefit Analysis” which is part of the preliminary report “Evaluation of strategic options for increasing airport capacity in the Lisbon region”. The study had the collaboration of Artur Rodrigues, Miguel Portela and Diogo Ferreira, PhD student and a research fellow of this project. Artur Rodrigues was responsible for the “Financial evaluation of strategic options to increase airport capacity in the Lisbon region”. Miguel Portela collaborated on the sections “Airport connectivity and international trade” and “Air connectivity and regional development” directed by Fernando Alexandre.

Link to the study: https://aeroparticipa.pt/relatorios/PT5_relatorio_sintese.pdf