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  • Full member

Marieta Valente

Ph.D in Economics University of London


Marieta Valente is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Minho and integrated researcher at the Centre for Research in Economics and Management (NIPE). She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of London, carrying out research using experimental methods and with particular emphasis on themes of Environment, Energy and Behavioural Economics. She has published works in leading international journals such as RAND Journal of Economics, Environmental and Resources Economics, Energy Policy, among others. In 2023, she co-authored a textbook on “Environmental Economics – Concepts and Developments” in Edições Almedina.


Areas of interest

Experimental and Behavioural Economics
Applied Microeconomics (Environmental


Ferreira, C , Pinto, L C , & Valente, M (2024)

Forest fire causes and prevention strategies in Portugal: Insights from stakeholder focus groups

Forest Policy and Economics, 169, 103330 DOI
Valente, M , Fernandes, M E , & Pinto, L M C (2024)

Crowdfunding or crowdsourcing time: Exploring the willingness of private citizens to help prevent forest fires

Forest Policy and Economics, 163 DOI
Engelmann, D , Frank, J , Koch, A K , & Valente, M (2023) Second-chance offers and buyer reputation systems: Theory and evidence on auctions with default RAND Journal of Economics, 54(3), 484-511 DOI
Pinto, L C , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2022)

Forest bioenergy as a land and wildfire management tool: Economic valuation under different informational contexts

Energy Policy, 161, 112765 DOI
Fernandes, M E , & Valente, M (2021)

What you get is not what you paid for: New evidence from a lab experiment on negative externalities and information asymmetries

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 93, 101712 DOI
Monteiro, N P , Straume, O R , & Valente, M (2021)

When does remote electronic access (not) boost productivity? Longitudinal evidence from Portugal

Information Economics and Policy, 100923 DOI
Pinto, L M C , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2021)

Explaining the social acceptance of renewables through location-related factors: An application to the portuguese case

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 1–13 DOI
Valente, M , Sá, C , Soares, N , & Sousa, S (2021)

Exploring the consistency of ethical perceptions by business and economics higher education students: Looking from academia towards the corporate world

International Journal of Management Education, 19(2), 100499 DOI
Correia, I M , Ferreira, P , Pinto, L M , Valente, M , & Veiga, P (2021)

Ageing (un)equally and (un)healthily: On the health status of Portuguese people aged 50+

 Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 20(1-2), 45-64 DOI
Pinto, L M C , Sá, C , Soares, N , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2020)

The case for academic hazing as a rational choice: An economic approach

Economic Analysis and Policy, 66, 51–62 DOI
Soares, N , & Valente, M (2020)

Exploring the relation between cultural values and R&D investment under the behavioral theory of the firm

Journal of Small Business Strategy, 30(1), 31–42 DOI
Botelho, A , Dias, I C , Fernandes, T , Pinto, L M C , Teixeira, J , Valente, M , & Veiga, P (2019)

Overestimation of health urgency as a cause for emergency services inappropriate use: Insights from an exploratory economics experiment in Portugal

Health and Social Care in the Community, 27(4), 1031–1041 DOI
Pinto, L M C , & Valente, M (2019)

3rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Energy Economics & 5th Meeting of Environmental and Energy Economics

Braga: UMINHO Editora DOI
Sousa, S , Botelho, A , Pinto, L , & Valente, M (2019)

How relevant are non-use values and perceptions in economic valuations? The case of hydropower plants

Energies, 14(15) DOI
Botelho, A , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Pinto, L M C , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2018)

Discrete-choice experiments valuing local environmental impacts of renewables: two approaches to a case study in Portugal

Environment, Development and Sustainability, 20, 145–162 DOI
Fernandes, M E , & Valente, M (2018)

When Is Green Too Rosy? Evidence from a Laboratory Market Experiment on Green Goods and Externalities

Games, 9(3), 70 DOI
Valente, M , & Chaves, C (2018)

Perceptions and valuation of GM food: A study on the impact and importance of information provision

Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 4110–4118 DOI
Botelho, A , Pinto, L M C , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2017)

Accounting for local impacts of photovoltaic farms: The application of two stated preferences approaches to a case-study in Portugal

Energy Policy, 109, 191–198 DOI
Engelmann, D , Munro, A , & Valente, M (2017)

On the behavioural relevance of optional and mandatory impure public goods

Journal of Economic Psychology, 61, 134–144 DOI
Botelho, A , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Pinto, L , Sousa, S , & Valente, M (2016)

Using stated preference methods to assess environmental impacts of forest biomass power plants in Portugal

Environment, development and sustainability, 18, 1323-1337 DOI
Botelho, A , Pinto, L M , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Valente, M , & Sousa, S (2016)

Social sustainability of renewable energy sources in electricity production: An application of the contingent valuation method

Sustainable Cities and Society, 26, 429-437 DOI
Botelho, A , Pinto, L M , Lourenço-Gomes, L , Valente, M , & Sousa, S (2016)

Public perceptions of environmental friendliness of renewable energy power plants

Energy Procedia, 106, 73-86 DOI
Guedes, M J , da Conceição Gonçalves, V , Soares, N , & Valente, M (2016)

UK evidence for the determinants of R&D intensity from a panel fsQCA

Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5431-5436 DOI
Munro, A , & Valente, M (2016)

Green goods: Are they good or bad news for the environment? Evidence from a laboratory experiment on impure public goods

Environmental and Resource Economics, 65(2), 317-335 DOI
Valente, M (2015)

Ethical differentiation and consumption in an incentivized market experiment

Review of Industrial Organization, 47(1), 51-69 DOI


ECO.Fire - O valor económico dos incêndios florestais como suporte ao comportamento preventivo

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Duration: 2020-01-15 - 2023-01-14

Bens éticos e comportamentos pro-sociais no contexto de experiências económicas

Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Duration: 2013-06-01 - 2015-08-31


Dissertação Mestrado
Economia Comportamental e Experimental Mestrado
Estatística Aplicada à Ciência Política Licenciatura
Metodologia e Proposta de Investigação em Economia Mestrado
Operações Bancárias Internacionais Mestrado