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  • Full member

Hélia Marreiros

Ph.D in Economics Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)


Helia Marreiros is an Assistant Research Professor of Economics at NIPE – University of Minho. She holds a PhD in Economics from the University Autonomous Barcelona (UAB).
She teaches and research in the areas of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. She previously worked at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, where she worked in the international project ‘IDPSO-Illicit Drug Policies and Social Outcomes: A Cross-Country Analysis (2017-2020), financed by ERANID-European Research Area Network on Illicit Drugs. She is a visiting professor at the University de Southampton, where she previously worked and integrated an interdisciplinary project “Meaningful Consent for Digital Economy,” financed by EPSRC.
She published widely in peer review journals and has consultancy experience, namely for SICAD and OSF.



Areas of interest

Behavioural Economics; Experimental Economics; Health Economics; Political Economics; Nudges


Kwiek, M , Marreiros, H , & Vlassopoulos, M (2019)

Voting as a War of Attrition

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 167, 104-121 DOI
Marreiros, H , Tonin, M , Vlassopoulos, M , & Schraefel, M C (2017)

“Now that you mention it”: A survey experiment on information, inattention and online privacy

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 140, 1-17 DOI
Baarslag, T , Marreiros, H , Alan, A T , Gerding, E H , Gomer, R C , Schraefel, M C , & Liccardi, I (2016)

Negotiation as an interaction mechanism for deciding app permissions

In 34th Annual CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA 2016 Association for Computing Machinery, New York, United States DOI
Kwiek, M , Marreiros, H , & Vlassopoulos, M (2016)

An experimental study of voting with costly delay

Economics Letters, 140, 23-26 DOI
Marreiros, H , Gomer, R , Vlassopoulos, M , Tonin, M , & Schraefel, M C (2015)

Exploring user perceptions of online privacy disclosures

In P Isaias & L Rodrigues (Eds ) Proceedings of the 14th International Conference WWW/Internet 2015 (pp 19-26), IADIS DOI
Marreiros, H (2014)

Does Identity and Communication Affect Distribution Rules and Productivity of Self-Managed Teams?

In Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1) DOI