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Ana Caria is Assistant Professor in the Management Department, School of Economics and Management, University of Minho.
PhD in Business Administration; MSc in Accounting and Auditing, BSc in Management.
She is the course Director of the Bachelor in Accounting, member of the executive committee of the Master in Accounting and member of the executive committee of the Bachelor in Management.

She has published in academic journals such as European Accounting Review, Critical Perspectives on Accounting and Accounting History. She is active in refereeing articles for a number of leading accounting journals.

Areas of interest

Accounting harmonization; Financial and non-financial reporting;Accounting Communication; Accounting and Change and Accounting and War.


Caria, A , Silva, A M , Gomes, D R , & Oliveira, L C (2016)

Accounting as an information system

In C Machado & J P Davim (Eds ), MBA: Theory and Application of Business and Management Principles (pp 125–156) Germany: Springer International Publishing DOI
Ribeiro, J L , Gomes, D , Caria, A (2020)

The Utility of Human Resource Managers’ Action: A Self-centred Perception by Different Organizational Actors

In: Machado C , Davim J (eds) Entrepreneurship and Organizational Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering Springer, Cham DOI
Caria, A , Leal, C , Machado, C , Oliveira, B , & Oliveira, L (2022)

Sustainability in Portuguese Higher Education Institutions

In C Machado & J P Davim (Eds ), Higher Education for Sustainable Development Goals (River Publishers ) Denmark: River Publishers DOI
Oliveira, L , Caria, A , & Nunes, D (2024)

Visualising accountability: nurturing care and trust

Meditari Accountancy Research, 32(5), 1837-1866 DOI
Oliveira, L , Caria, A , & Almeida, J

Managing a story of hope through the President’s Letter: The case of Petrobras from 1964 to 1985

Accounting History DOI
Oliveira, L , Caria, A , & Gomes, P (2024)

Building meanings through annual reports

Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 37(1), 147-169 DOI
Caria, A , & Gomes, D (2024)

Why Global Accounting Standards Diffuse? An Analysis from the Lenses of Actor-Network Theory

European Accounting Review, 33(1), 335-365 DOI
Oliveira, L , Almeida, J , & Caria, A (2023) The environment in Petrobrás magazine (1961-1979): Meaning mobilized by corporate discourse Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 25(1), 52-71 DOI
Oliveira, L , Caria, A , Costa Oliveira, H , & Almeida, J (2023)

Managing Brazil’s participation in the 1970 football World Cup: meaning in the service of power

Management & Organizational History, 18(3-4), 244-273 DOI
Cunha, M , Gomes, D , Caria, A , Menezes, C , & Ribeiro, J L (2022)

Accounting in the context of war: The Portuguese case of the ‘Guerra do Ultramar’ (1961–1974)

Accounting History, 27(1), 41-74 DOI
Martins, A , Gomes, D , Oliveira, L , Caria, A , & Parker, L (2020)

Resistance strategies through the CEO communications in the media

Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 71 DOI
Caría, A A , & Rodrigues, L L (2014)

The evolution of financial accounting in Portugal since the 1960s: A new institutional economics perspective

Accounting History, 19(1-2), 227-254 DOI