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NIPE researcher is one of the world’s most influential scientists

José Carlos Pinho, Associate Professor with Aggregation and NIPE Researcher, is one of the 57 UMinho scientists that are between the most influential in the world, being part of the list “World’s Top 2% Scientists 2022” according to a study (that you can consult here) from Stanford University (USA) and the Elsevier publishing group.

Based on the publications contained in SCOPUS until September of this year, this study presents the best researchers in the world divided into scientific fields and 176 subfields, and is provided, for all scientists with at least 5 papers, specific percentiles of field and subfield. Thus, the selection is based on the top 100,000 scientists by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile ranking greater than or equal to 2% in the subfield.