Logotipo NIPE




Job Description and Qualifications
One doctoral position for the exercise of scientific research activities in the scientific area of Economics in the project “Competition and business model innovation in the digital age: theory and applications”, Ref. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-028540. Applicants are required to hold a Doctoral degree in Economics, or Management or other related scientific area. Additional requirements include: (i) Research experience in Industrial Economics; (ii) Good knowledge of game theory and Wolfram Mathematica.

Application Process and Deadline

Applicants should send the following documents to nipe@eeg.uminho.pt, indicating in “Subject” the “Ref. CTTI-42/20-NIPE(1)”, before November 9, 2020.
-Copy of certificate or degree diploma;
– Detailed curriculum vitae;
– Proof of professional experience (if applicable);
– Motivation Letter;
– Copy of the most relevant publications;
– Other relevant documents to assess the candidate’s ability in the field.Please, before you send our application, read the official call carefully for all application details and selection criteria:Call

Work Location and Salary

The work location is the School of Economics and Management of the University of Minho – Campus de Gualtar, Braga, Portugal. The monthly salary (pre-tax) is 2.134,73 Euros.

Núcleo de Investigação em Políticas Económicas e Empresariais (NIPE)
Escola de Economia e Gestão (EEG)
Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga
Tel.: +351 253604518
Email: nipe@eeg.uminho.pt
Site: https://www.nipe.eeg.uminho.pt