Gualtar Campus
The Directing committee of the PhD in Economics, jointly offered by the University of Minho (UMinho) and the University of Coimbra (UC) is pleased to announce the organization of the 3rd PhD Workshop in Economics, to be held on June 17th – 18th, 2015.
Articles in all fields of Economics will be considered. The workshop is open to PhD students from Portuguese and foreign universities, and will consist of presentations of papers by PhD students followed by a discussion, also by PhD students. Sessions will take place at the School of Economics and Management (UMinho). The language of work is English. The workshop and the 12th NIPE`s Summer School are offered simultaneously but not overlapping. From June 15th to 17th, Francis X. Diebold from the University of Pennsylvania will teach a four-day Summer School on New Directions in Macro-Econometric and Financial-Econometric Predictive Modeling.
Organizing committee:
Linda Veiga (University of Minho) –
Susana Martins (University of Minho) – PhD student
Samer Hamati (University of Minho) – PhD student
Professor: Linda Rosa Fonseca Gonçalves Veiga
School of Economics and Management
University of Minho
Phone: 253 604568