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Physician altruism: The effect of medical education

Guest speaker

Daniel Wiesen (U. Cologne)




Start20.01.2021 11:00End20.01.2021 12:00

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Online via E-mail

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This paper studies the development of patient-regarding altruistic preferences in the course of the medicine studies. For this purpose, we present structural estimates on experimental data from a large sample of medical students varying in their study progresses. The estimates reveal substantial heterogeneity in altruistic preferences across study cohorts. Patient-regarding altruism is highest for freshmen, declines for the pre-clinical and clinical cohorts, and tends to increase for junior residents (practical year). Across individuals, patient-regarding altruistic preferences vary with gender and general altruism. Variation in patient-regarding altruism is also correlated with medical students’ occupational choices such as expected specialty choices and preferred residency location.