Logotipo NIPE


Research Training

Introduction to R

Guest speaker

Nelson Areal (NIPE - UMinho)




Start28.01.2021 10:00End29.01.2021 18:00

Event summary

The goal of this Workshop is to provide an introduction to R enabling participants to understand and use the basics of the R language. We will start with base R and its fundamental data structures and quickly progress to the concept of tidy data and the tidyverse universe of packages to import and manipulate data (namely: select, mutate, filter, summarize and merge data sets using the tidy data principles). We will also cover the basics of reading and exporting data in R, basic data manipulation operations including how to transform data from wide to long format and vice-versa.

1. What is R? Why should I used it?
2. RStudio IDE
3. R markdown and R notebooks: enough to get you started
4. R: getting started
4.1 Getting help
4.2 Mathematical operations; comparisons
4.3 R functions: understand them and how to use them
4.4 R object types (variables; data types and data structures)
4.5 Using apply functions
4.6 Subsetting and creating sequences. Model formulae in R
4.7 Packages in R and package management
5. Data manipulation with R
5.1 Reading and exporting data (csv, excel, stata, spss, matlab, databases and other file formats)
5.2 Filtering, cleaning, merging, sorting and transforming data (dplyr, tydr and pipes)The workshop is free and all are welcome!

The Zoom link will be provided for those who register.
Registration in the workshop is mandatory and the deadline is January 27 at 5 p.m. Please send an e-mail to nipe@eeg.uminho.pt