Logotipo NIPE


Summer School

Empirical Financial Economics

Guest speaker

Stephen Brown (New York University, USA)


University of Minho


Start30.06.2014 09:30End02.07.2014 23:59

Event summary

+ information

The Economic Policies Reserch Unit (NIPE) is organizing, from June 30th to July 2nd, 2014, its 11th Summer School on “Empirical Financial Economics”.

The course will be taught by Professor Stephen Brown (New York University). This course shall cover topics on applied empirical finance that are likely to be most useful to graduate students and applied researchers. More details about the course outline will be provided soon.
Applications should arrive no later than April 4th, 2014.

The Organizing Committee:
Gilberto Loureiro, Natália Pimenta Monteiro, Ricardo Sousa and Dina Guimarães.