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Brown Bag Seminars

Educational mismatch and firm labour productivity: evidence from Portugal

Guest speaker

Ana Beatriz Rocha (DEGEIT – Universidade de Aveiro)


Room -1.26 EEG UMinho & Online


Start10.01.2024 13:15End10.01.2024 14:15

Event summary

Ana Beatriz Rocha is a PhD student in Economics at the University of Aveiro. She holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in economics from that same university. Her thesis, entitled “Educational mismatch, careers, and firm-level productivity,” is supervised by Hugo Figueiredo (UA and CIPES), Carla Sá (EEG, NIPE, and CIPES), and Miguel Portela (EEG, NIPE, CIPES, and IZA). Her primary research interests are in the fields of education and labour economics.

Portugal has been simultaneously experiencing a slowdown in productivity growth and growing education-job mismatches. This research aims to study the relationship between such mismatches and firm-level labour productivity by exploring a rich matched employer-employee data set over the 2011-2019 period. We answer the following research questions: What is the impact of educational mismatch on firm-level labour productivity? Do such effects change across the productivity distribution? In line with previous research, we find that overeducation yields a positive effect on firm-level labour productivity, nonetheless lower than the effect of required levels of education for specific occupations. Undereducation exerts a consistently negative impact. We also find, however, that the positive effect of overeducation increases very significantly as one moves up the productivity distribution and fails to be significant for lagging firms. We discuss possible explanations for such trends.

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