Logotipo NIPE


Research Training

Creating Reproducible Research Outputs

Guest speaker

Julia Schulte-Cloos (LMU Munich)




Start13.11.2020 10:00End13.11.2020 15:00

Event summary

How to succeed in making your research workflows and outputs fully reproducible?

NIPE is pleased to announce a Research Training workshop on Creating reproducible research outputs. The workshop will be taught by Julia Schulte-Cloos, from the LMU Munich – Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science, and will take place on 13th November 2020, 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-15:00, by video conference.
The workshop offers a gentle introduction to RMarkdown, which can be used to generate dynamic reports, write scientific articles or books, create websites, develop applications, or make interactive presentations. Participants will develop an understanding of the basic principles that underlie the framework of document generation with RMarkdown and they will be able to rely on out-of-the-box templates for their own future reproducible research outputs.

1. Intro – Why, when and how? The benefits of RMarkdown for research workflows
2. Static reproducible Rmd-documents based on LaTeX
3. Dynamic reproducible Rmd-documents based on CSS, Hugo, remark.js and more
4. Outlook: parameterized Rmd-documents

The workshop is free and all are welcome!

The Zoom link will be provided for those who register.
Registration in the workshop is mandatory and the deadline is November 12 at 5 p.m. Please send an e-mail to nipe@eeg.uminho.pt