Gualtar Campus | CP II
The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, and the Minister of Economy, Manuel Caldeira Cabral, will be participating in the presentation of the study realised by the EEG researchers.
The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, will visit the University of Minho on 15 December for the presentation of the study under the title “Investimento Empresarial e o Crescimento da Economia Portuguesa” – Corporate Investment and the Growth of the Portuguese Economy. The Conference will be from 15:30 to 19:15, in the Auditorium B1 (CP2), Campus de Gualtar, Braga. The Conference is convened by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (FCG), on the initiative of the Presidency of the Republic.
The opening session will host Manuel Caldeira Cabral, Minister of Economy, Isabel Mota, President of FCG, and Rui Vieira de Castro, Rector (UMinho). The presentation is at 16:00, by Artur Santos Silva, Honorary Chairman of the BPI Bank and member of the Board of the La Caixa Foundation, and by Fernando Alexandre, Professor of the School of Economics and Management (UMinho) and coordinator of the study, which rested upon the collaboration of Miguel Portela, Gilberto Loureiro e João Cerejeira (UMinho), Pedro Bação, Carlos Carreira and António Martins (University of Coimbra).
Pedro Pita Barros (UNova) will comment on the study, and the President of the Republic will intervene afterwards. After a short break, it will follow a debate session at 17:45, The session will bring together João Amador, Economist at the Bank of Portugal, António M. Cunha, former Rector (UMinho), Pedro Carreira, President of Continental Mabor, and Fatima Barros (UCP). Carlos Oliveira, President of InvestBraga will be the debate moderator.
The language in this conference is Portuguese.
The Conference have free admission, upon prior registration.
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