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Carla Sá and João Cerejeira, NIPE researchers, participate in the report “State of the Nation – Education, Employment and Skills in Portugal”, from the José Neves Foundation

Researchers Carla Sá and João Cerejeira, members of NIPE and Professors of the Department of Economics of the School of Economics and Management collaborated in the production of the third edition of the report “State of the Nation: Education, Employment and Skills in Portugal“, presented on Thursday 15 June 2023, by the José Neves Foundation.

This report is an annual document of the José Neves Foundation, developed to promote public discussion on the weaknesses and opportunities of the education and skills development system, thus enabling the citizens and the agents of education, namely the Government and educational institutions, to make decisions based on facts.

This year’s edition focuses on the dynamics of education, employment and skills during the year 2022, with a special focus on digitalisation in employment, enterprises and education, as well as its major challenges. The challenges of the future and the need to accelerate the pace of progress towards the 2040 targets are also analysed in the 2023 edition.