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The University of Minho (UM) opens a call for the award of two (2) student research fellowships, in the area of Economics, Management, International Ralations or International Business, under the Research Fellow Statute (EBI); the ruling FCT Regulation for Fellowships (RBI), and the University of Minho Regulation of Scientific Research Fellowships (RBIC). The fellowships will be funded by the North Portugal Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-N) under the scope of the “Cadena de Valor de la Movilidad Avanzada y Extendida en Galicia y Norte de Portugal Project (MOBAE)”, reference no. 0471_MOBAE_1_E.

Deadline for applications: 20/01/2022 till 04/02/2022 (at 23h59m, local time).

Euraxess: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/728861

Applications and application support documents requested in this call (‘Application Admissibility Requirements’) must be submitted via e-mail to nipe@eeg.uminho.pt, indicating the call reference in the email subject “MOBAE_BI2022_2”. Applications sent by other means or extemporaneously will not be accepted.

Contract template and final report template (link)

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