Logotipo NIPE


Miguel A. Fonseca

Ph.D in Economics Royal University of Phnom Peh


Chen, J (C , Fonseca, M A , & Grimshaw, S B (2021)

When a nudge is (not) enough: Experiments on social information and incentives

European Economic Review, 134, 1–17 DOI
Fonseca, M A , Gonçalves, R , Pinho, J , & Tabacco, G A (2022)

How do antitrust regimes impact on cartel formation and managers’ labor market? An experiment

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 204, 643-662 DOI
Chakravarty, S , Choo, L , Fonseca, M A , & Kaplan, T R (2021) Should regulators always be transparent? A bank run experiment European Economic Review, 136, 103764 DOI
Fonseca, M A , & Peters, K (2021)

Is it costly to deceive? People are adept at detecting gossipers' lies but may not reward honesty

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 376(1838), 20200304 DOI
Fonseca, M A , Giovannoni, F , & Makris, M (2020)

Auctions with external incentives: experimental evidence

International Journal of Game Theory, 49(4), 1003-1043 DOI