
- Full member
Carla Freire
PhD School of Economics and Management, University of MinhoAbout
Areas of interest
Freire, C , & Azevedo, A (2024) “Look before you leap”: comparing the turnover intention of nurses as public servants and private employees Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 11(3), 639-658
Freire, C , & Barbosa, I (2023)
Assessing graduates' transversal competences through an adapted MMI model: confidant interview vs stress interview
Education+ Training, 65(1), 146-162 DOI
Freire, C , & Alves, L (2024)
Perceived schedule flexibility in the context of telework and its impact on stress and satisfaction with family life: The mediation effect of the family-work conflict
International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 32(9), 1913-1926 DOI
Freire, C , Gonçalves, J , & Carvalho, M R (2022) Corporate social responsibility: the impact of employees’ perceptions on organizational citizenship behavior through organizational identification Administrative Sciences, 12(3), 120
Freire, C , & Pieta, P (2022) The impact of green human resource management on organizational citizenship behaviors: The mediating role of organizational identification and job satisfaction Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(13)
Freire, C , & Bettencourt, C (2022)
The effect of work–family conflict and hindrance stress on nurses' satisfaction: the role of ethical leadership
Personnel Review, 51(3), 966-979 DOI
Freire, C , & Pinto, M I (2022)
Clarifying the mediating effect of ethical climate on the relationship between ethical leadership and workplace bullying
Ethics and Behavior, 32(6), 498-509 DOI
Freire, C , & Gonçalves, J (2021)
The relationship between responsible leadership and organizational citizenship behavior in the hospitality industry
Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(9) DOI
Freire, C , & Bettencourt, C (2020)
Impact of ethical leadership on job satisfaction: the mediating effect of work–family conflict
Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 41(2), 319-330 DOI
Barbosa, I , & Freire, C (2019)
Portuguese employers’ perceptions on management undergraduates’ transferable competencies
Journal of Management Development, 38(2), 141-156 DOI
Freire, C , & Fernandes, A (2016) Search for trustful leadership in secondary schools: is empowerment the solution? Educational management administration & leadership, 44(6), 892-916
Freire, C M F da C , & Azevedo, R M M (2015)
Empowering and trustful leadership: Impact on nurses’ commitment
Personnel Review, 44(5), 702-719 DOI
Freire, C (2010)
Trust in the team leader: Operationalization of the construct in an R&D context
Management Research, 8(1), 25-38 DOI
Rego, A , Leite, R , Carvalho, T , Freire, C , & Vieira, A (2004)
Organizational commitment: Toward a different understanding of the ways people feel attached to their organizations
Management Research, 2(3), 201-218 DOI
Freire, C (2014) Academic misconduct among Portuguese economics and business undergraduate students-a comparative analysis with other major students Journal of Academic Ethics, 12, 43-63
Freire, C (2014)