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  • Full member

Carla Freire

PhD School of Economics and Management, University of Minho


Assistant Professor at the School of Economics and Management (EEG) at the University of Minho, in the Department of Management. since March 2007
Director of the Degree in Management from February 2015 to January 2020.
Coordinator of the Transversal Skills Program since July 2016
Elected member of the EEG Pedagogical Council from 2016 to January 2020.

Areas of interest

Human Resource Management;Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility; Leadership and Transversal Competencies.


Freire, C , & Azevedo, A (2024) “Look before you leap”: comparing the turnover intention of nurses as public servants and private employees Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 11(3), 639-658 DOI
Freire, C , & Barbosa, I (2023)

Assessing graduates' transversal competences through an adapted MMI model: confidant interview vs stress interview

Education+ Training, 65(1), 146-162 DOI
Freire, C , & Alves, L (2024)

Perceived schedule flexibility in the context of telework and its impact on stress and satisfaction with family life: The mediation effect of the family-work conflict

International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 32(9), 1913-1926 DOI
Freire, C , Gonçalves, J , & Carvalho, M R (2022) Corporate social responsibility: the impact of employees’ perceptions on organizational citizenship behavior through organizational identification Administrative Sciences, 12(3), 120 DOI
Freire, C , & Pieta, P (2022) The impact of green human resource management on organizational citizenship behaviors: The mediating role of organizational identification and job satisfaction Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(13) DOI
Freire, C , & Bettencourt, C (2022)

The effect of work–family conflict and hindrance stress on nurses' satisfaction: the role of ethical leadership

Personnel Review, 51(3), 966-979 DOI
Freire, C , & Pinto, M I (2022)

Clarifying the mediating effect of ethical climate on the relationship between ethical leadership and workplace bullying

Ethics and Behavior, 32(6), 498-509 DOI
Freire, C , & Gonçalves, J (2021)

The relationship between responsible leadership and organizational citizenship behavior in the hospitality industry

Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(9) DOI
Freire, C , & Bettencourt, C (2020)

Impact of ethical leadership on job satisfaction: the mediating effect of work–family conflict

Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 41(2), 319-330 DOI
Barbosa, I , & Freire, C (2019)

Portuguese employers’ perceptions on management undergraduates’ transferable competencies

Journal of Management Development, 38(2), 141-156 DOI
Freire, C , & Fernandes, A (2016) Search for trustful leadership in secondary schools: is empowerment the solution? Educational management administration & leadership, 44(6), 892-916 DOI
Freire, C M F da C , & Azevedo, R M M (2015)

Empowering and trustful leadership: Impact on nurses’ commitment

Personnel Review, 44(5), 702-719 DOI
Freire, C (2010)

Trust in the team leader: Operationalization of the construct in an R&D context

Management Research, 8(1), 25-38 DOI
Rego, A , Leite, R , Carvalho, T , Freire, C , & Vieira, A (2004)

Organizational commitment: Toward a different understanding of the ways people feel attached to their organizations

Management Research, 2(3), 201-218 DOI
Freire, C (2014) Academic misconduct among Portuguese economics and business undergraduate students-a comparative analysis with other major students Journal of Academic Ethics, 12, 43-63 DOI
Freire, C (2014)

Organizational Trust and Knowledge Sharing in Portuguese Technological Enterprises

Transfer and Management of Knowledge, 127-166 DOI