- Associate Researcher
João Martins
Thesis project: Essays on the Digitalization of Government
Linda Gonçalves Veiga and Miguel Portela
Starting date: 22 January 2018
Areas of interest
Martins, J , Veiga, L , & Fernandes, B (2023)
Are electronic government innovations helpful to deter corruption? Evidence from across the world
Economics & Politics, 35(3), 1177-1203 DOI
avares, A F , Camões, P J , & Martins, J (2023)
Joining the open government partnership initiative: An empirical analysis of diffusion effects
Government Information Quarterly, 40(2) DOI
Martins, J , & Veiga, L G (2022)
Digital government as a business facilitator
Information Economics and Policy, 60(100990) DOI
Martins, J (2022) Bond yields movement similarities and synchronization in the G7: A time–frequency analysis Journal of Business Cycle Research, 18(2), 189-214
Martins, J , & Al-Shekaili, H (2021)
Internet and Online Governmental Services Use Divide: Evidence From Oman
Social Science Computer Review, 39(3), 469–480 DOI
Martins, J , & Veiga, L (2020)
Undergraduate students’ economic literacy, knowledge of the country’s economic performance and opinions regarding appropriate economic policies
International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 11(4), 351–369 DOI
Tavares, A , Martins, J , & Lameiras, M (2020)
Electronic Participation in a Comparative Perspective: Institutional Determinants of Performance
In M P R Bolívar & M E C Cediel (Eds ), Digital Government and Achieving E-Public Participation: Emerging Research and Opportunities (pp 87–123) IGI-Global DOI
Veiga, F , Veiga, L , Fernandes, B , & Martins, J (2017)
Limitação de Mandatos
Lisbon: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos DOISupervisions
João Luís Oliveira Martins
(22 January 2018)
Essays on the Socioeconomic Impacts of Digital Government
Essays on the Socioeconomic Impacts of Digital Government
Linda Gonçalves Veiga
João Luís Oliveira Martins
(February 2024)
Essays on the Socioeconomic Impacts of Digital Government
Essays on the Socioeconomic Impacts of Digital Government
Linda Gonçalves Veiga