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Implicit Product Claims: The Role of Motivated Beliefs

Guest speaker

Anthony Dukes (University of Southern California)


Room -1.26 EEG UMinho & Online


Start10.04.2024 13:15End10.04.2024 14:15

Event summary


Anthony Dukes (University of Southern California)
Dominique Lauga (University of Cambridge)


An implicit product claim is one that is suggested by the marketer but is not overtly asserted. For example, a package may employ a minimalist design and images of nature, which the consumer can use to convince themselves that the product is environmentally friendlier than alternatives. We build an economic framework that incorporates motivated beliefs to show how deception can arise in equilibrium because of the consumer’s desire to feel positive about their choice. Our framework will be then used to (i) investigate how an implicit product claim affects the firm’s incentive to make tangible product improvements; (ii) reassess the “reasonable consumer standard” in deceptive advertising litigation.

Bio (Anthony Dukes)

Anthony Dukes (University of Southern California) studies retailing and e-commerce platforms with particular attention to pricing, marketing, law and antitrust. Professor Dukes’ research appears in leading academic journals such as Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, and Marketing Science. He teaches graduate classes in pricing and in marketing analytics. He is Co-Director of the Initiative on Digital Competition and is senior editor at the journal Marketing Science.

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