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  • Full member

Cristiana Lages


Cristiana R. Lages is Associate Professor with Habilitation at University of Minho. Previously, she was the Associate Director of the Service Management Lab and a researcher financed by Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) at CEGE, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal.

In the UK, Cristiana was Senior Research Manager at Elsevier (Oxford), Associate Professor at Henley Business School, University of Reading as well as Senior Lecturer in the faculty of Loughborough University School of Business and Economics and a Lecturer at Leeds University Business School. Cristiana has held visiting positions at National University of Singapore, Boston College, University of Cambridge, Nottingham University Business School China, Hanken School of Economics, among others. She holds a PhD from the University of Warwick, UK.

Cristiana has published papers in prestigious international journals, such as the Journal of Service Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, International Marketing Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, reaching over 2200 citations.



Areas of interest

International marketing; Social media


Kadić-Maglajlić, S , Lages, C R , & Sobhy Temerak, M (2024)

Dual perspective on the role of xenophobia in service sabotage

Tourism Management, 101 DOI
Lages, C R , Perez-Vega, R , Kadić-Maglajlić, S , & Borghei-Razavi, N (2023)

A systematic review and bibliometric analysis of the dark side of customer behavior: An integrative customer incivility framework

Journal of Business Research, 161, 113779 DOI
Temerak, M S , Zhang, R W , & Lages, C R (2023)

Observing customer stress and engagement: An intercultural perspective

Psychology & Marketing, 40(5), 910-925 DOI
Malhotra, N , Ashill, N , Lages, C R , & Homayounfard, A (2022)

Understanding the role of frontline employee felt obligation in services

The Service Industries Journal, 42(11-12), 843-871 DOI
de Jong, A , Schepers, J J , Lages, C R , & Kadić-Maglajlić, S (2021)

The role of the service manager’s perceived career success in frontline employees’ learning processes and service improvement

Journal of Business Research, 134, 601-617 DOI
Perez-Vega, R , Kaartemo, V , Lages, C R , Razavi, N B , & Männistö, J (2021)

Reshaping the contexts of online customer engagement behavior via artificial intelligence: A conceptual framework

Journal of Business Research, 129, 902-910 DOI
Clark, M K , Lages, C R , & Hollebeek, L D (2020)

Friend or foe? Customer engagement’s value-based effects on fellow customers and the firm

Journal of Business Research, 121, 549-556 DOI
Silva, G M , Coelho, F , Lages, C R , & Reis, M (2020)

Employee adaptive and proactive service recovery: a configurational perspective

European Journal of Marketing DOI
Lages, C R , Piercy, N F , Malhotra, N , & Simões, C (2020)

Understanding the mechanisms of the relationship between shared values and service delivery performance of frontline employees

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(21), 2737–2760 DOI
Marbach, J , Lages, C R , Nunan, D , & Ekinci, Y (2019)

Consumer engagement in online brand communities: the moderating role of personal values

European Journal of Marketing, 53(9), 1671-1700 DOI
Marbach, J , Razavi, N B , Lages, C R , & Hollebeek, L D (2019)

Positively and negatively valenced customer engagement: the constructs and their organizational consequences

In Handbook of Research on Customer Engagement Edward Elgar Publishing DOI
Coelho, F J , Lages, C R , & Sousa, C M P (2018)

Personality and the creativity of frontline service employees: linear and curvilinear effects

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(17), 2580-2607 DOI
Mostafa, R , & Lages, C R (2017)

Service Recovery Strategies and Perceived Justice: The Moderating Role of Psychological Contract Violation

In: Campbell, C L (eds) The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientationsin a Dynamic Business World Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Springer, Cham DOI
Marbach, J , Lages, C R , & Nunan, D (2016)

Who are you and what do you value? Investigating the role of personality traits and customer-perceived value in online customer engagement

Journal of Marketing Management, 32(5-6), 502-525 DOI
Mostafa, R B , Lages, C R , Shabbir, H A , & Thwaites, D (2015)

Corporate Image: A Service Recovery Perspective

Journal of Service Research, 18(4), 468–483 DOI
Lages, C R , Pfajfar, G , & Shoham, A (2015)

Challenges in conducting and publishing research on the middle east and Africa in leading journals

International Marketing Review, 32(1), 52–77 DOI
Mostafa, R , Lages, C R , & Sääksjärvi, M (2014)

The CURE scale: a multidimensional measure of service recovery strategy

Journal of Services Marketing, 28(4), 300-310 DOI
Lages, C R , Simões, C , Fisk, R P , & Kunz, W H (2013)

Knowledge dissemination in the global service marketing community

Managing Service Quality, 23(4), 272–290 DOI
Abrantes, J L , Seabra, C R , Lages, C , & Jayawardhena, C (2013)

Drivers of in-group and out-of-group electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM)

European Journal of Marketing, 47(7), 1067–1088 DOI
Lages, C R (2012)

Employees' external representation of their workplace: Key antecedents

Journal of Business Research, 65(9), 1264–1272 DOI
Lages, L F , Lages, C , & Lages, C R (2006)

Main Consequences of Prior Export Performance Results: An Exploratory Study of European Exporters

Journal of Euromarketing, 15(4), 57-75 DOI
Lages, L F , Lages, C , & Lages, C R (2006)

European Managers' Perspective on Export Performance Determinants

Journal of Euromarketing, 15(2), 75-92 DOI
Lages, C , Lages, C R , & Lages, L F (2005)

The RELQUAL scale: a measure of relationship quality in export market ventures

Journal of Business Research, 58(8), 1040-1048 DOI
Lages, L F , Lages, C , & Lages, C R (2005)

Bringing Export Performance Metrics into Annual Reports: The APEV Scale and the PERFEX Scorecard

Journal of International Marketing, 13(3), 79–104 DOI
Lages, L F , & Lages, C R (2004)

The STEP Scale: A Measure of Short-Term Export Performance Improvement

Journal of International Marketing, 12(1), 36-56 DOI
Kuah, A , Battisti, G , Dwivedi, Y K , & Lages, C R (2010)

The Growth of Services: Towards a better understanding of service measurement, performance and innovation

Advanced institute of Management Research DOI
Lages, L F , Abrantes, J L , & Lages, C R (2008)

The STRATADAPT scale: A measure of marketing strategy adaptation to international business markets

International Marketing Review, 25(5), 584-600 DOI


Estratégia e Marketing em Saúde Mestrado
Fundamentos de Pesquisa de Marketing Licenciatura
Gestão e Marketing do Serviço Mestrado
Marketing de Serviços e Relacional Licenciatura
Princípios de Empreendedorismo Licenciatura
Princípios de Marketing Mestrado