
Areas of interest
Kadić-Maglajlić, S , Lages, C R , & Sobhy Temerak, M (2024)
Dual perspective on the role of xenophobia in service sabotage
Tourism Management, 101 DOI
Lages, C R , Perez-Vega, R , Kadić-Maglajlić, S , & Borghei-Razavi, N (2023)
A systematic review and bibliometric analysis of the dark side of customer behavior: An integrative customer incivility framework
Journal of Business Research, 161, 113779 DOI
Temerak, M S , Zhang, R W , & Lages, C R (2023)
Observing customer stress and engagement: An intercultural perspective
Psychology & Marketing, 40(5), 910-925 DOI
Malhotra, N , Ashill, N , Lages, C R , & Homayounfard, A (2022)
Understanding the role of frontline employee felt obligation in services
The Service Industries Journal, 42(11-12), 843-871 DOI
de Jong, A , Schepers, J J , Lages, C R , & Kadić-Maglajlić, S (2021)
The role of the service manager’s perceived career success in frontline employees’ learning processes and service improvement
Journal of Business Research, 134, 601-617 DOI
Perez-Vega, R , Kaartemo, V , Lages, C R , Razavi, N B , & Männistö, J (2021)
Reshaping the contexts of online customer engagement behavior via artificial intelligence: A conceptual framework
Journal of Business Research, 129, 902-910 DOI
Clark, M K , Lages, C R , & Hollebeek, L D (2020)
Friend or foe? Customer engagement’s value-based effects on fellow customers and the firm
Journal of Business Research, 121, 549-556 DOI
Silva, G M , Coelho, F , Lages, C R , & Reis, M (2020)
Employee adaptive and proactive service recovery: a configurational perspective
European Journal of Marketing DOI
Lages, C R , Piercy, N F , Malhotra, N , & Simões, C (2020)
Understanding the mechanisms of the relationship between shared values and service delivery performance of frontline employees
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(21), 2737–2760 DOI
Marbach, J , Lages, C R , Nunan, D , & Ekinci, Y (2019)
Consumer engagement in online brand communities: the moderating role of personal values
European Journal of Marketing, 53(9), 1671-1700 DOI
Marbach, J , Razavi, N B , Lages, C R , & Hollebeek, L D (2019)
Positively and negatively valenced customer engagement: the constructs and their organizational consequences
In Handbook of Research on Customer Engagement Edward Elgar Publishing DOI
Coelho, F J , Lages, C R , & Sousa, C M P (2018)
Personality and the creativity of frontline service employees: linear and curvilinear effects
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(17), 2580-2607 DOI
Mostafa, R , & Lages, C R (2017)
Service Recovery Strategies and Perceived Justice: The Moderating Role of Psychological Contract Violation
In: Campbell, C L (eds) The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientationsin a Dynamic Business World Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Springer, Cham DOI
Marbach, J , Lages, C R , & Nunan, D (2016)
Who are you and what do you value? Investigating the role of personality traits and customer-perceived value in online customer engagement
Journal of Marketing Management, 32(5-6), 502-525 DOI
Mostafa, R B , Lages, C R , Shabbir, H A , & Thwaites, D (2015)
Corporate Image: A Service Recovery Perspective
Journal of Service Research, 18(4), 468–483 DOI
Lages, C R , Pfajfar, G , & Shoham, A (2015)
Challenges in conducting and publishing research on the middle east and Africa in leading journals
International Marketing Review, 32(1), 52–77 DOI
Mostafa, R , Lages, C R , & Sääksjärvi, M (2014)
The CURE scale: a multidimensional measure of service recovery strategy
Journal of Services Marketing, 28(4), 300-310 DOI
Lages, C R , Simões, C , Fisk, R P , & Kunz, W H (2013)
Knowledge dissemination in the global service marketing community
Managing Service Quality, 23(4), 272–290 DOI
Abrantes, J L , Seabra, C R , Lages, C , & Jayawardhena, C (2013)
Drivers of in-group and out-of-group electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM)
European Journal of Marketing, 47(7), 1067–1088 DOI
Lages, C R (2012)
Employees' external representation of their workplace: Key antecedents
Journal of Business Research, 65(9), 1264–1272 DOI
Lages, L F , Lages, C , & Lages, C R (2006)
Main Consequences of Prior Export Performance Results: An Exploratory Study of European Exporters
Journal of Euromarketing, 15(4), 57-75 DOI
Lages, L F , Lages, C , & Lages, C R (2006)
European Managers' Perspective on Export Performance Determinants
Journal of Euromarketing, 15(2), 75-92 DOI
Lages, C , Lages, C R , & Lages, L F (2005)
The RELQUAL scale: a measure of relationship quality in export market ventures
Journal of Business Research, 58(8), 1040-1048 DOI
Lages, L F , Lages, C , & Lages, C R (2005)
Bringing Export Performance Metrics into Annual Reports: The APEV Scale and the PERFEX Scorecard
Journal of International Marketing, 13(3), 79–104 DOI
Lages, L F , & Lages, C R (2004)
The STEP Scale: A Measure of Short-Term Export Performance Improvement
Journal of International Marketing, 12(1), 36-56 DOI
Kuah, A , Battisti, G , Dwivedi, Y K , & Lages, C R (2010)
The Growth of Services: Towards a better understanding of service measurement, performance and innovation
Advanced institute of Management Research DOI
Lages, L F , Abrantes, J L , & Lages, C R (2008)
The STRATADAPT scale: A measure of marketing strategy adaptation to international business markets
International Marketing Review, 25(5), 584-600 DOITeaching
Estratégia e Marketing em Saúde
Fundamentos de Pesquisa de Marketing
Gestão e Marketing do Serviço
Marketing de Serviços e Relacional
Princípios de Empreendedorismo
Princípios de Marketing